import { mdiCog, mdiPlusBox } from '@mdi/js'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { Component, type ReactElement } from 'react'; import { type WrappedComponentProps, defineMessages, injectIntl, } from 'react-intl'; import withStyles, { type WithStylesProps } from 'react-jss'; import { Tooltip as ReactTooltip } from 'react-tooltip'; import type { StoresProps } from 'src/@types/ferdium-components.types'; import { H1 } from '../../../components/ui/headline'; import Icon from '../../../components/ui/icon'; import workspaceActions from '../actions'; import { getUserWorkspacesRequest } from '../api'; import { workspaceStore } from '../index'; import type Workspace from '../models/Workspace'; import WorkspaceDrawerItem from './WorkspaceDrawerItem'; const messages = defineMessages({ headline: { id: 'workspaceDrawer.headline', defaultMessage: 'Workspaces', }, allServices: { id: 'workspaceDrawer.allServices', defaultMessage: 'All services', }, workspacesSettingsTooltip: { id: 'workspaceDrawer.workspacesSettingsTooltip', defaultMessage: 'Edit workspaces settings', }, workspaceFeatureInfo: { id: 'workspaceDrawer.workspaceFeatureInfo', defaultMessage: '

Ferdium Workspaces let you focus on what’s important right now. Set up different sets of services and easily switch between them at any time.

You decide which services you need when and where, so we can help you stay on top of your game - or easily switch off from work whenever you want.

', }, addNewWorkspaceLabel: { id: 'workspaceDrawer.addNewWorkspaceLabel', defaultMessage: 'Add new workspace', }, }); const styles = theme => ({ drawer: { background: theme.workspaces.drawer.background, width: `${theme.workspaces.drawer.width}px`, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', }, headline: { fontSize: '24px', marginTop: '38px', marginBottom: '25px', marginLeft: theme.workspaces.drawer.padding, }, workspacesSettingsButton: { float: 'right', marginRight: theme.workspaces.drawer.padding, marginTop: '2px', }, workspacesSettingsButtonIcon: { fill: theme.workspaces.drawer.buttons.color, '&:hover': { fill: theme.workspaces.drawer.buttons.hoverColor, }, }, workspaces: { height: 'auto', overflowY: 'auto', }, addNewWorkspaceLabel: { height: 'auto', color: theme.workspaces.drawer.buttons.color, margin: [40, 0], textAlign: 'center', '& > svg': { fill: theme.workspaces.drawer.buttons.color, }, '& > span': { fontSize: '13px', marginLeft: 10, position: 'relative', top: -3, }, '&:hover': { color: theme.workspaces.drawer.buttons.hoverColor, '& > svg': { fill: theme.workspaces.drawer.buttons.hoverColor, }, }, }, }); interface IProps extends WithStylesProps, WrappedComponentProps, StoresProps { getServicesForWorkspace: (workspace: Workspace | null) => string[]; } @inject('stores') @observer class WorkspaceDrawer extends Component { componentDidMount(): void { try { getUserWorkspacesRequest.execute(); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(error); } } render(): ReactElement { const { classes, getServicesForWorkspace } = this.props; const { intl } = this.props; const { activeWorkspace, isSwitchingWorkspace, nextWorkspace, workspaces } = workspaceStore; const actualWorkspace = isSwitchingWorkspace ? nextWorkspace : activeWorkspace; const { settings } = this.props.stores; const { hideAllServicesWorkspace } =; return (

{intl.formatMessage(messages.headline)} {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */} { workspaceActions.openWorkspaceSettings(); }} data-tooltip-id="tooltip-workspaces-drawer" data-tooltip-content={intl.formatMessage( messages.workspacesSettingsTooltip, )} >

{!hideAllServicesWorkspace && ( { workspaceActions.deactivate(); workspaceActions.toggleWorkspaceDrawer(); }} services={getServicesForWorkspace(null)} isActive={actualWorkspace == null} shortcutIndex={0} /> )} {, index) => ( { if (actualWorkspace === workspace) { return; } workspaceActions.activate({ workspace }); workspaceActions.toggleWorkspaceDrawer(); }} onContextMenuEditClick={() => workspaceActions.edit({ workspace }) } services={getServicesForWorkspace(workspace)} shortcutIndex={index + 1} /> ))} {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions */}
{ workspaceActions.openWorkspaceSettings(); }} onKeyDown={noop} > {intl.formatMessage(messages.addNewWorkspaceLabel)}
); } } export default injectIntl( withStyles(styles, { injectTheme: true })(WorkspaceDrawer), );