import { observable, reaction } from 'mobx'; import WebSocket from 'ws'; import ms from 'ms'; import Store from '../../stores/lib/Store'; import { WS_API } from '../../environment'; const debug = require('debug')('Franz:feature:settingsWS:store'); export class SettingsWSStore extends Store { ws = null; @observable connected = false; pingTimeout = null; reconnectTimeout = null; constructor(stores, api, actions, state) { super(stores, api, actions); this.state = state; } setup() { reaction(() =>, this.connect.bind(this), { fireImmediately: true, }); reaction(() => !this.connected, this.reconnect.bind(this)); } connect() { try { const wsURL = `${WS_API}/ws/${}`; debug('Setting up WebSocket to', wsURL); = new WebSocket(wsURL);'open', () => { debug('Opened WebSocket'); this.send({ action: 'authorize', token: this.stores.user.authToken, }); this.connected = true; this.heartbeat(); });'message', (data) => { const resp = JSON.parse(data); debug('Received message', resp); if ( { this.stores.user.getUserInfoRequest.patch((result) => { if (!result) return; debug('Patching user object with new values'); Object.assign(result, resp); }); } });'ping', this.heartbeat.bind(this)); } catch (err) { console.err(err); } } heartbeat() { debug('Heartbeat'); clearTimeout(this.pingTimeout); this.pingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { debug('Terminating connection reconnecting in 35');; this.connected = false; }, ms('35s')); } send(data) { if ( {; debug('Sending data', data); } else { debug('WebSocket is not initialized'); } } reconnect() { if (!this.connected) { debug('Trying to reconnect in 30s'); this.reconnectTimeout = setInterval(() => { debug('Trying to reconnect'); this.connect(); }, ms('30s')); } else { debug('Clearing reconnect interval'); clearInterval(this.reconnectTimeout); } } } export default SettingsWSStore;