import color from 'color'; import { reaction } from 'mobx'; import TopBarProgress from 'react-topbar-progress-indicator'; import { pathExistsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs-extra'; import { DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS, SIDEBAR_SERVICES_LOCATION_BOTTOMRIGHT, SIDEBAR_SERVICES_LOCATION_CENTER, SIDEBAR_SERVICES_LOCATION_TOPLEFT, iconSizeBias, } from '../../config'; import { isLinux, isWindows } from '../../environment'; import { userDataPath } from '../../environment-remote'; const STYLE_ELEMENT_ID = 'custom-appearance-style'; function createStyleElement() { const styles = document.createElement('style'); = STYLE_ELEMENT_ID; document.querySelector('head')?.append(styles); } function setAppearance(style) { const styleElement = document.querySelector(`#${STYLE_ELEMENT_ID}`); if (styleElement) { styleElement.innerHTML = style; } } // See function darkenAbsolute(originalColor, absoluteChange) { const originalLightness = originalColor.lightness(); return originalColor.lightness(originalLightness - absoluteChange); } function generateUserCustomCSS() { const path = userDataPath('config', 'custom.css'); return pathExistsSync(path) ? readFileSync(path).toString() : ''; } function generateAccentStyle(accentColorStr) { let accentColor; try { accentColor = color(accentColorStr); } catch { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign accentColorStr = DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.accentColor; accentColor = color(accentColorStr); } const darkerColorStr = darkenAbsolute(accentColor, 5).hex(); return ` .theme__dark .app .sidebar, .theme__dark .app .sidebar, .sidebar, .sidebar, .settings .account .invoices .invoices__action button, .settings-navigation .badge,,, .auth .welcome .button:hover, .auth .welcome .button__inverted, .franz-form, .theme__dark .franz-form__button.franz-form__button--inverted, .franz-form__button.franz-form__button--inverted { color: ${accentColorStr}; } .settings .settings__header, .settings .settings__close, .settings-navigation, a.button, button.button, .info-bar,, .infobox.infobox--primary, .theme__dark .badge.badge--primary, .badge.badge--primary, .content-tabs .content-tabs__tabs, #electron-app-title-bar .toolbar-dropdown:not(.open) > .toolbar-button > button:hover, #electron-app-title-bar .list-item.selected .menu-item, #electron-app-title-bar .list-item.selected:focus .menu-item, .theme__dark .quick-switch .active, .franz-form .franz-form__toggle-wrapper .franz-form__toggle-button, .theme__dark .franz-form__button, .franz-form__button, .ferdium__fab, .franz-form .franz-form__slider-wrapper .slider::-webkit-slider-thumb, span.loader div > div > div { background: ${accentColorStr}; } .settings .settings__header .separator { border-right-color: ${accentColorStr}; } .franz-form, { border-color: ${accentColorStr}; } a.button:hover, button.button:hover { background: ${darkenAbsolute(accentColor, 10).hex()}; } .franz-form__button:hover, .franz-form__button.franz-form__button--inverted:hover, .settings .settings__close:hover, .theme__dark .franz-form__button:hover, .theme__dark .franz-form__button.franz-form__button--inverted:hover, .theme__dark .settings .settings__close:hover { background: ${darkerColorStr}; } .franz-form__button:active, .theme__dark .franz-form__button:active { background: ${darkerColorStr}; } .settings__close { border-color: ${darkerColorStr}!important; } .theme__dark .franz-form__button.franz-form__button--inverted, .franz-form__button.franz-form__button--inverted { background: none; border-color: ${accentColorStr}; } { background: ${accentColor.lightness(90).hex()}; } `; } function generateServiceRibbonWidthStyle( widthStr, iconSizeStr, horizontal, isLabelEnabled, sidebarServicesLocation, useGrayscaleServices, grayscaleServicesDim, shouldShowDragArea, isFullScreen, ) { const width = Number(widthStr); const iconSize = Number(iconSizeStr) - iconSizeBias; const tabItemWidthBias = 3; const verticalStyleOffset = 29; let fontSize: number; let tabItemHeightBias: number; let sidebarSizeBias: number; switch (width) { case 35: { fontSize = 9; tabItemHeightBias = 25; sidebarSizeBias = 48; break; } case 45: { fontSize = 10; tabItemHeightBias = 21; sidebarSizeBias = 44; break; } case 80: { fontSize = 11; tabItemHeightBias = 3; sidebarSizeBias = 27; break; } case 90: { fontSize = 12; tabItemHeightBias = 0; sidebarSizeBias = 25; break; } case 100: { fontSize = 13; tabItemHeightBias = 2; sidebarSizeBias = 25; break; } default: { fontSize = 11; tabItemHeightBias = 13; sidebarSizeBias = 37; } } if (!isLabelEnabled) { sidebarSizeBias = 22; tabItemHeightBias = -5; } if (isWindows || isLinux) { sidebarSizeBias = 0; } // Due to the lowest values for SIDEBAR_WIDTH and ICON_SIZES, this can be computed to a negative value const minimumAdjustedIconSize = Math.max(width / 2 + iconSize, 2); let sidebarServicesAlignment; switch (sidebarServicesLocation) { case SIDEBAR_SERVICES_LOCATION_TOPLEFT: { sidebarServicesAlignment = horizontal ? 'left' : 'start'; break; } case SIDEBAR_SERVICES_LOCATION_CENTER: { sidebarServicesAlignment = horizontal ? 'center' : 'center'; break; } case SIDEBAR_SERVICES_LOCATION_BOTTOMRIGHT: { sidebarServicesAlignment = horizontal ? 'right' : 'end'; break; } default: { sidebarServicesAlignment = horizontal ? 'left' : 'start'; break; } } const graysacleServices = `filter: grayscale(1); opacity: ${grayscaleServicesDim}%;`; const sizeDragArea = shouldShowDragArea ? verticalStyleOffset : 0; return horizontal ? ` .sidebar { height: ${width}px !important; overflow: hidden !important; } .sidebar div { justify-content: ${sidebarServicesAlignment}; } .tab-item { height: ${width - tabItemWidthBias}px !important; width: ${width + iconSize + tabItemHeightBias}px !important; min-height: unset; overflow: hidden !important; } .tab-item .tab-item__icon { width: ${minimumAdjustedIconSize}px !important; ${useGrayscaleServices ? graysacleServices : null}, } .tab-item .tab-item__label { margin-left: 4px !important; font-size: ${fontSize}px !important; } { padding-bottom: 0px !important; } .sidebar__button { font-size: ${width / 3}px !important; } .app .app__content { padding-top: ${width + sidebarSizeBias}px !important; } .workspaces-drawer { margin-top: -${width}px !important; } .darwin .sidebar { height: ${ isFullScreen ? width : width + verticalStyleOffset - 3 - sizeDragArea }px !important; ${isFullScreen ? `padding-top: ${2}px !important` : null} } .darwin .app .app__content { padding-top: ${ isFullScreen ? width : width + sidebarSizeBias + (sizeDragArea === 0 ? 4 : 4 - sizeDragArea) }px !important; } .darwin .workspaces-drawer { margin-top: -${ width + verticalStyleOffset - 5 - sizeDragArea }px !important; } .darwin .sidebar { height: ${width - sidebarSizeBias}px !important; } .tab-item div { overflow: hidden !important; } ` : ` .sidebar { width: ${width}px !important; } .tabs { justify-content: ${sidebarServicesAlignment}; } .tab-item { width: ${width}px !important; height: ${width - tabItemWidthBias}px !important; min-height: ${width - tabItemWidthBias}px !important; } .tab-item .tab-item__icon { width: ${minimumAdjustedIconSize}px !important; ${useGrayscaleServices ? graysacleServices : null}, } .sidebar__button { font-size: ${width / 3}px !important; } .todos__todos-panel--expanded { width: calc(100% - ${300 + width}px) !important; } `; } function generateShowDragAreaStyle(accentColor) { return ` .sidebar { padding-top: 0px !important; } .window-draggable { position: initial; background-color: ${accentColor}; } #root { /** Remove 28px from app height, otherwise the page will be too high */ height: calc(100% - 28px); } `; } function generateVerticalStyle(widthStr, alwaysShowWorkspaces) { if (!document.querySelector('#vertical-style')) { const link = document.createElement('link'); = 'vertical-style'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = './styles/vertical.css'; document.head.append(link); } const width = Number(widthStr); const sidebarWidth = width - 4; const verticalStyleOffset = 29; return ` .sidebar { ${ alwaysShowWorkspaces ? ` width: calc(100% - 300px) !important; ` : '' } } .sidebar .sidebar__button { width: ${width}px; } .workspaces-drawer { margin-top: -${sidebarWidth - verticalStyleOffset - 1}px !important; } .todos__todos-panel--expanded { width: calc(100% - 300px) !important; } `; } function generateOpenWorkspaceStyle() { return ` .app .app__content { width: 100%; transform: translateX(0px); } .sidebar__button--workspaces { display: none; } `; } function generateStyle(settings, app) { let style = ''; const { accentColor, serviceRibbonWidth, sidebarServicesLocation, useGrayscaleServices, grayscaleServicesDim, iconSize, showDragArea, useHorizontalStyle, alwaysShowWorkspaces, showServiceName, } = settings; const { isFullScreen } = app; const shouldShowDragArea = showDragArea && !isFullScreen; if ( accentColor.toLowerCase() !== DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.accentColor.toLowerCase() ) { style += generateAccentStyle(accentColor); } style += generateServiceRibbonWidthStyle( serviceRibbonWidth, iconSize, useHorizontalStyle, showServiceName, sidebarServicesLocation, useGrayscaleServices, grayscaleServicesDim, shouldShowDragArea, isFullScreen, ); if (shouldShowDragArea) { style += generateShowDragAreaStyle(accentColor); } if (useHorizontalStyle) { style += generateVerticalStyle(serviceRibbonWidth, alwaysShowWorkspaces); } else if (document.querySelector('#vertical-style')) { const link = document.querySelector('#vertical-style'); if (link) { link.remove(); } } if (alwaysShowWorkspaces) { style += generateOpenWorkspaceStyle(); } style += generateUserCustomCSS(); return style; } function updateProgressbar(settings) { TopBarProgress.config({ barThickness: 4, barColors: { '0': settings.progressbarAccentColor, }, shadowBlur: 5, }); } function updateStyle(settings, app) { const style = generateStyle(settings, app); setAppearance(style); updateProgressbar(settings); } export default function initAppearance(stores) { const { settings, app } = stores; createStyleElement(); updateProgressbar(settings); // Update style when settings change reaction( () => [,,,,,,,,,,, app.isFullScreen, ], () => { updateStyle(, app); }, { fireImmediately: true }, ); }