// Enhanced from: https://github.com/dertieran/electron-util/blob/replace-remote/source/enforce-macos-app-location.js import { isMac } from './environment'; import { isDevMode } from './environment-remote'; import { api } from './electron-util'; export function enforceMacOSAppLocation() { if (isDevMode || !isMac || api.app.isInApplicationsFolder()) { return; } const clickedButtonIndex = api.dialog.showMessageBoxSync({ type: 'error', message: 'Move to Applications folder?', detail: 'Ferdium must live in the Applications folder to be able to run correctly.', buttons: ['Move to Applications folder', 'Quit Ferdium'], defaultId: 0, cancelId: 1, }); if (clickedButtonIndex === 1) { api.app.quit(); return; } api.app.moveToApplicationsFolder({ conflictHandler: conflict => { if (conflict === 'existsAndRunning') { // Can't replace the active version of the app api.dialog.showMessageBoxSync({ type: 'error', message: 'Another version of Ferdium is currently running. Quit it, then launch this version of the app again.', buttons: ['OK'], }); api.app.quit(); } return true; }, }); }