import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { defineMessages, intlShape } from 'react-intl'; import AppStore from '../../stores/AppStore'; import SettingsStore from '../../stores/SettingsStore'; import UserStore from '../../stores/UserStore'; import Form from '../../lib/Form'; import languages from '../../i18n/languages'; import { gaPage } from '../../lib/analytics'; import { DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS } from '../../config'; import EditSettingsForm from '../../components/settings/settings/EditSettingsForm'; const messages = defineMessages({ autoLaunchOnStart: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Launch Franz on start', }, autoLaunchInBackground: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Open in background', }, runInBackground: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Keep Franz in background when closing the window', }, enableSystemTray: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Show Franz in system tray', }, minimizeToSystemTray: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Minimize Franz to system tray', }, language: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Language', }, beta: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Include beta versions', }, }); @inject('stores', 'actions') @observer export default class EditSettingsScreen extends Component { static contextTypes = { intl: intlShape, }; componentDidMount() { gaPage('Settings/App'); } onSubmit(settingsData) { const { app, settings, user } = this.props.actions; app.launchOnStartup({ enable: settingsData.autoLaunchOnStart, openInBackground: settingsData.autoLaunchInBackground, }); settings.update({ settings: { runInBackground: settingsData.runInBackground, enableSystemTray: settingsData.enableSystemTray, minimizeToSystemTray: settingsData.minimizeToSystemTray, locale: settingsData.locale, beta: settingsData.beta, }, }); user.update({ userData: { beta: settingsData.beta, }, }); } prepareForm() { const { app, settings, user } = this.props.stores; const { intl } = this.context; const options = []; Object.keys(languages).forEach((key) => { options.push({ value: key, label: languages[key], }); }); const config = { fields: { autoLaunchOnStart: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.autoLaunchOnStart), value: app.autoLaunchOnStart, default: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.autoLaunchOnStart, }, autoLaunchInBackground: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.autoLaunchInBackground), value: app.launchInBackground, default: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.autoLaunchInBackground, }, runInBackground: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.runInBackground), value: settings.all.runInBackground, default: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.runInBackground, }, enableSystemTray: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.enableSystemTray), value: settings.all.enableSystemTray, default: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.enableSystemTray, }, minimizeToSystemTray: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.minimizeToSystemTray), value: settings.all.minimizeToSystemTray, default: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.minimizeToSystemTray, }, locale: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.language), value: app.locale, options, default: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.locale, }, beta: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.beta), value:, default: DEFAULT_APP_SETTINGS.beta, }, }, }; return new Form(config); } render() { const { updateStatus, updateStatusTypes } =; const { checkForUpdates, installUpdate } =; const form = this.prepareForm(); return ( this.onSubmit(d)} /> ); } } EditSettingsScreen.wrappedComponent.propTypes = { stores: PropTypes.shape({ app: PropTypes.instanceOf(AppStore).isRequired, user: PropTypes.instanceOf(UserStore).isRequired, settings: PropTypes.instanceOf(SettingsStore).isRequired, }).isRequired, actions: PropTypes.shape({ app: PropTypes.shape({ launchOnStartup: PropTypes.func.isRequired, checkForUpdates: PropTypes.func.isRequired, installUpdate: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, settings: PropTypes.shape({ update: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, user: PropTypes.shape({ update: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, }).isRequired, };