import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { defineMessages, intlShape } from 'react-intl'; import UserStore from '../../stores/UserStore'; import RecipesStore from '../../stores/RecipesStore'; import ServicesStore from '../../stores/ServicesStore'; import SettingsStore from '../../stores/SettingsStore'; import FeaturesStore from '../../stores/FeaturesStore'; import Form from '../../lib/Form'; import ServiceError from '../../components/settings/services/ServiceError'; import EditServiceForm from '../../components/settings/services/EditServiceForm'; import ErrorBoundary from '../../components/util/ErrorBoundary'; import { required, url, oneRequired } from '../../helpers/validation-helpers'; import { getSelectOptions } from '../../helpers/i18n-helpers'; import { config as proxyFeature } from '../../features/serviceProxy'; import { config as spellcheckerFeature } from '../../features/spellchecker'; import { SPELLCHECKER_LOCALES } from '../../i18n/languages'; import globalMessages from '../../i18n/globalMessages'; const messages = defineMessages({ name: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Name', }, enableService: { id: 'settings.service.form.enableService', defaultMessage: '!!!Enable service', }, enableNotification: { id: 'settings.service.form.enableNotification', defaultMessage: '!!!Enable Notifications', }, enableBadge: { id: 'settings.service.form.enableBadge', defaultMessage: '!!!Show unread message badges', }, enableAudio: { id: 'settings.service.form.enableAudio', defaultMessage: '!!!Enable audio', }, team: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Team', }, customUrl: { id: 'settings.service.form.customUrl', defaultMessage: '!!!Service URL', }, indirectMessages: { id: 'settings.service.form.indirectMessages', defaultMessage: '!!!Show message badge for all new messages', }, icon: { id: 'settings.service.form.icon', defaultMessage: '!!!Custom icon', }, enableDarkMode: { id: 'settings.service.form.enableDarkMode', defaultMessage: '!!!Enable Dark Mode', }, enableProxy: { id: 'settings.service.form.proxy.isEnabled', defaultMessage: '!!!Use Proxy', }, proxyHost: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Proxy Host/IP', }, proxyPort: { id: 'settings.service.form.proxy.port', defaultMessage: '!!!Port', }, proxyUser: { id: 'settings.service.form.proxy.user', defaultMessage: '!!!User', }, proxyPassword: { id: 'settings.service.form.proxy.password', defaultMessage: '!!!Password', }, }); export default @inject('stores', 'actions') @observer class EditServiceScreen extends Component { static contextTypes = { intl: intlShape, }; state = { isOpeningDarkModeCss: false, } onSubmit(data) { const { action } = this.props.router.params; const { recipes, services } = this.props.stores; const { createService, updateService } = this.props.actions.service; const serviceData = data; serviceData.isMuted = !serviceData.isMuted; if (action === 'edit') { updateService({ serviceId:, serviceData }); } else { createService({ recipeId:, serviceData }); } } prepareForm(recipe, service, proxy) { const { intl, } = this.context; const { stores, } = this.props; let defaultSpellcheckerLanguage = SPELLCHECKER_LOCALES[]; if ( === 'automatic') { defaultSpellcheckerLanguage = intl.formatMessage(globalMessages.spellcheckerAutomaticDetectionShort); } const spellcheckerLanguage = getSelectOptions({ locales: SPELLCHECKER_LOCALES, resetToDefaultText: intl.formatMessage(globalMessages.spellcheckerSystemDefault, { default: defaultSpellcheckerLanguage }), automaticDetectionText: !== 'automatic' ? intl.formatMessage(globalMessages.spellcheckerAutomaticDetection) : '', }); const config = { fields: { name: { label: intl.formatMessage(, placeholder: intl.formatMessage(, value: ? :, }, isEnabled: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.enableService), value: service.isEnabled, default: true, }, isNotificationEnabled: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.enableNotification), value: service.isNotificationEnabled, default: true, }, isBadgeEnabled: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.enableBadge), value: service.isBadgeEnabled, default: true, }, isMuted: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.enableAudio), value: !service.isMuted, default: true, }, customIcon: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.icon), value: service.hasCustomUploadedIcon ? service.icon : false, default: null, type: 'file', }, isDarkModeEnabled: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.enableDarkMode), value: service.isDarkModeEnabled, default:, }, spellcheckerLanguage: { label: intl.formatMessage(globalMessages.spellcheckerLanguage), value: service.spellcheckerLanguage, options: spellcheckerLanguage, disabled: !, }, }, }; if (recipe.hasTeamId) { Object.assign(config.fields, { team: { label: intl.formatMessage(, placeholder: intl.formatMessage(, value:, validators: [required], }, }); } if (recipe.hasCustomUrl) { Object.assign(config.fields, { customUrl: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.customUrl), placeholder: 'https://', value: service.customUrl, validators: [required, url], }, }); } // More fine grained and use case specific validation rules if (recipe.hasTeamId && recipe.hasCustomUrl) { = [oneRequired(['team', 'customUrl'])]; config.fields.customUrl.validators = [url, oneRequired(['team', 'customUrl'])]; } // If a service can be hosted and has a teamId or customUrl if (recipe.hasHostedOption && (recipe.hasTeamId || recipe.hasCustomUrl)) { if ( { = []; } if (config.fields.customUrl) { config.fields.customUrl.validators = [url]; } } if (recipe.hasIndirectMessages) { Object.assign(config.fields, { isIndirectMessageBadgeEnabled: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.indirectMessages), value: service.isIndirectMessageBadgeEnabled, default: true, }, }); } if (proxy.isEnabled) { const serviceProxyConfig = stores.settings.proxy[] || {}; Object.assign(config.fields, { proxy: { name: 'proxy', label: 'proxy', fields: { isEnabled: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.enableProxy), value: serviceProxyConfig.isEnabled, default: false, }, host: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.proxyHost), value:, default: '', }, port: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.proxyPort), value: serviceProxyConfig.port, default: '', }, user: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.proxyUser), value: serviceProxyConfig.user, default: '', }, password: { label: intl.formatMessage(messages.proxyPassword), value: serviceProxyConfig.password, default: '', type: 'password', }, }, }, }); } return new Form(config); } deleteService() { const { deleteService } = this.props.actions.service; const { action } = this.props.router.params; if (action === 'edit') { const { activeSettings: service } =; deleteService({ serviceId:, redirect: '/settings/services', }); } } openDarkmodeCss() { const { openDarkmodeCss } = this.props.actions.service; const { action } = this.props.router.params; if (action === 'edit') { this.setState({ isOpeningDarkModeCss: true, }); const { activeSettings: service } =; openDarkmodeCss({ recipe:, }); setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ isOpeningDarkModeCss: false, }); }, 2500); } } render() { const { recipes, services, user } = this.props.stores; const { action } = this.props.router.params; let recipe; let service = {}; let isLoading = false; if (action === 'add') { recipe =; // TODO: render error message when recipe is `null` if (!recipe) { return ( ); } } else { service = services.activeSettings; isLoading = services.allServicesRequest.isExecuting; if (!isLoading && service) { recipe = service.recipe; } } if (isLoading) { return (
); } if (!recipe) { return (
something went wrong
); } const form = this.prepareForm(recipe, service, proxyFeature); return ( this.onSubmit(d)} onDelete={() => this.deleteService()} openDarkmodeCss={() => this.openDarkmodeCss()} isOpeningDarkModeCss={this.state.isOpeningDarkModeCss} isProxyFeatureEnabled={proxyFeature.isEnabled} isServiceProxyIncludedInCurrentPlan={proxyFeature.isIncludedInCurrentPlan} isSpellcheckerIncludedInCurrentPlan={spellcheckerFeature.isIncludedInCurrentPlan} /> ); } } EditServiceScreen.wrappedComponent.propTypes = { stores: PropTypes.shape({ user: PropTypes.instanceOf(UserStore).isRequired, recipes: PropTypes.instanceOf(RecipesStore).isRequired, services: PropTypes.instanceOf(ServicesStore).isRequired, settings: PropTypes.instanceOf(SettingsStore).isRequired, features: PropTypes.instanceOf(FeaturesStore).isRequired, }).isRequired, router: PropTypes.shape({ params: PropTypes.shape({ action: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }).isRequired, }).isRequired, actions: PropTypes.shape({ service: PropTypes.shape({ createService: PropTypes.func.isRequired, updateService: PropTypes.func.isRequired, deleteService: PropTypes.func.isRequired, openDarkmodeCss: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, // settings: PropTypes.shape({ // update: PropTypes.func.isRequred, // }).isRequired, }).isRequired, };