import classnames from 'classnames'; import { Property } from 'csstype'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import { Component, InputHTMLAttributes } from 'react'; import withStyles, { WithStylesProps } from 'react-jss'; import { Theme } from '../../../themes'; import Error from '../error'; import Label from '../label'; import { IFormField } from '../typings/generic'; import Wrapper from '../wrapper'; interface IProps extends Omit, 'value'>, IFormField, WithStylesProps { className?: string; value: boolean | undefined; // due to type capability between InputHTMLAttributes and mobx-react-form } const buttonTransition: string = window && window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)') ? 'all .5s' : 'none'; const styles = (theme: Theme) => ({ toggle: { background: theme.toggleBackground, borderRadius: theme.borderRadius, height: theme.toggleHeight, position: 'relative' as Property.Position, width: theme.toggleWidth, }, button: { background: theme.toggleButton, borderRadius: '100%', boxShadow: '0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)', width: theme.toggleHeight - 2, height: theme.toggleHeight - 2, left: 1, top: 1, position: 'absolute' as Property.Position, transition: buttonTransition, }, buttonActive: { background: theme.toggleButtonActive, left: theme.toggleWidth - theme.toggleHeight + 1, }, input: { visibility: 'hidden' as any, }, disabled: { opacity: theme.inputDisabledOpacity, }, toggleLabel: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', '& > span': { order: 1, marginLeft: 15, }, }, }); class ToggleComponent extends Component { render() { const { classes, className, id = '', name = '', label = '', error = '', value = false, showLabel = true, disabled = false, onChange = noop, } = this.props; return (