import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { defineMessages, intlShape } from 'react-intl'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { Button } from '@meetfranz/forms'; import { gaEvent } from '../../../lib/analytics'; import UserStore from '../../../stores/UserStore'; const messages = defineMessages({ action: { id: 'feature.delayApp.upgrade.action', defaultMessage: '!!!Get a Franz Supporter License', }, actionTrial: { id: 'feature.delayApp.trial.action', defaultMessage: '!!!Yes, I want the free 14 day trial of Franz Professional', }, shortAction: { id: 'feature.delayApp.upgrade.actionShort', defaultMessage: '!!!Upgrade account', }, shortActionTrial: { id: 'feature.delayApp.trial.actionShort', defaultMessage: '!!!Activate the free Franz Professional trial', }, noStringsAttachedHeadline: { id: 'pricing.trial.terms.headline', defaultMessage: '!!!No strings attached', }, noCreditCard: { id: 'pricing.trial.terms.noCreditCard', defaultMessage: '!!!No credit card required', }, automaticTrialEnd: { id: 'pricing.trial.terms.automaticTrialEnd', defaultMessage: '!!!Your free trial ends automatically after 14 days', }, }); @inject('stores', 'actions') @observer class ActivateTrialButton extends Component { static propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, short: PropTypes.bool, gaEventInfo: PropTypes.shape({ category: PropTypes.string.isRequired, event: PropTypes.string.isRequired, label: PropTypes.string, }), }; static defaultProps = { className: '', short: false, gaEventInfo: null, } static contextTypes = { intl: intlShape, }; handleCTAClick() { const { actions, stores, gaEventInfo } = this.props; const { hadSubscription } =; // const { defaultTrialPlan } = stores.features.features; let label = ''; if (!hadSubscription) { // actions.user.activateTrial({ planId: defaultTrialPlan }); label = 'Start Trial'; } else { label = 'Upgrade Account'; } actions.ui.openSettings({ path: 'user' }); if (gaEventInfo) { const { category, event } = gaEventInfo; gaEvent(category, event, label); } } render() { const { stores, className, short } = this.props; const { intl } = this.context; const { hadSubscription } =; let label; if (hadSubscription) { label = short ? messages.shortAction : messages.action; } else { label = short ? messages.shortActionTrial : messages.actionTrial; } return (