import { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { observable, reaction } from 'mobx'; import ElectronWebView from 'react-electron-web-view'; import { join } from 'path'; import ServiceModel from '../../../models/Service'; const debug = require('../../../preload-safe-debug')('Ferdium:Services'); class ServiceWebview extends Component { static propTypes = { service: PropTypes.instanceOf(ServiceModel).isRequired, setWebviewReference: PropTypes.func.isRequired, detachService: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isSpellcheckerEnabled: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }; @observable webview = null; constructor(props) { super(props); reaction( () => this.webview, () => { if (this.webview && this.webview.view) { this.webview.view.addEventListener('console-message', e => { debug('Service logged a message:', e.message); }); this.webview.view.addEventListener('did-navigate', () => { if (this.props.service._webview) { document.title = `Ferdium - ${} ${ this.props.service.dialogTitle ? ` - ${this.props.service.dialogTitle}` : '' } ${`- ${this.props.service._webview.getTitle()}`}`; } }); } }, ); } componentWillUnmount() { const { service, detachService } = this.props; detachService({ service }); } refocusWebview = () => { const { webview } = this; debug('Refocus Webview is called', this.props.service); if (!webview) return; if (this.props.service.isActive) { webview.view.blur(); webview.view.focus(); window.setTimeout(() => { document.title = `Ferdium - ${} ${ this.props.service.dialogTitle ? ` - ${this.props.service.dialogTitle}` : '' } ${`- ${this.props.service._webview.getTitle()}`}`; }, 100); } else { debug('Refocus not required - Not active service'); } }; render() { const { service, setWebviewReference, isSpellcheckerEnabled } = this.props; const preloadScript = join( __dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'webview', 'recipe.js', ); return ( { this.webview = webview; if (webview && webview.view) { webview.view.addEventListener( 'did-stop-loading', this.refocusWebview, ); } }} autosize src={service.url} preload={preloadScript} partition={service.partition} onDidAttach={() => { // Force the event handler to run in a new task. // This resolves a race condition when the `did-attach` is called, // but the webview is not attached to the DOM yet: // // This prevents us from immediately attaching listeners such as `did-stop-load`: // setTimeout(() => { setWebviewReference({ serviceId:, webview: this.webview.view, }); }, 0); }} onUpdateTargetUrl={this.updateTargetUrl} useragent={service.userAgent} disablewebsecurity={ service.recipe.disablewebsecurity ? true : undefined } allowpopups nodeintegration webpreferences={`spellcheck=${ isSpellcheckerEnabled ? 1 : 0 }, contextIsolation=1`} /> ); } } export default observer(ServiceWebview);