import { Component } from 'react'; import { autorun, IReactionDisposer } from 'mobx'; import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import TopBarProgress from 'react-topbar-progress-indicator'; import ServiceModel from '../../../models/Service'; import StatusBarTargetUrl from '../../ui/StatusBarTargetUrl'; import WebviewLoader from '../../ui/WebviewLoader'; import WebviewCrashHandler from './WebviewCrashHandler'; import WebviewErrorHandler from './WebviewErrorHandler'; import ServiceDisabled from './ServiceDisabled'; import ServiceWebview from './ServiceWebview'; import WebControlsScreen from '../../../features/webControls/containers/WebControlsScreen'; import { CUSTOM_WEBSITE_RECIPE_ID } from '../../../config'; import { RealStores } from '../../../stores'; interface IProps { service: ServiceModel; setWebviewRef: () => void; detachService: () => void; reload: () => void; edit: () => void; enable: () => void; // isActive?: boolean; // TODO - [TECH DEBT][PROP NOT USED IN COMPONENT] check it stores?: RealStores; isSpellcheckerEnabled: boolean; } interface IState { forceRepaint: boolean; targetUrl: string; statusBarVisible: boolean; } @inject('stores', 'actions') @observer class ServiceView extends Component { // hibernationTimer = null; // TODO - [TS DEBT] class property not reassigned, need to find its purpose autorunDisposer: IReactionDisposer | undefined; forceRepaintTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; constructor(props: IProps) { super(props); this.state = { forceRepaint: false, targetUrl: '', statusBarVisible: false, }; } componentDidMount() { this.autorunDisposer = autorun(() => { if (this.props.service.isActive) { this.setState({ forceRepaint: true }); this.forceRepaintTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ forceRepaint: false }); }, 100); } }); } componentWillUnmount() { this.autorunDisposer!(); clearTimeout(this.forceRepaintTimeout!); // clearTimeout(this.hibernationTimer); // TODO - [TS DEBT] class property not reassigned, need to find its purpose } render() { const { detachService, service, setWebviewRef, reload, edit, enable, stores, isSpellcheckerEnabled, } = this.props; const { navigationBarBehaviour, navigationBarManualActive } = stores!; const showNavBar = navigationBarBehaviour === 'always' || (navigationBarBehaviour === 'custom' && === CUSTOM_WEBSITE_RECIPE_ID) || navigationBarManualActive; const webviewClasses = classnames({ services__webview: true, 'services__webview-wrapper': true, 'is-active': service.isActive, 'services__webview--force-repaint': this.state.forceRepaint, }); const statusBar = this.state.statusBarVisible ? ( ) : null; return (
{service.isActive && service.isEnabled && ( <> {service.hasCrashed && ( )} {service.isEnabled && service.isLoading && service.isFirstLoad && !service.isHibernating && !service.isServiceAccessRestricted && ( )} {service.isProgressbarEnabled && service.isLoadingPage && !service.isFirstLoad && } {service.isError && ( )} )} {service.isEnabled ? ( <> {service.isHibernating ? (

This service is currently hibernating.
Try switching services or reloading Ferdium.
) : ( <> {showNavBar && } )} ) : ( <> {service.isActive && ( )} )} {statusBar}
); } } export default ServiceView;