import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { defineMessages, intlShape } from 'react-intl'; import Form from '../../lib/Form'; import Input from '../ui/Input'; import Button from '../ui/Button'; import Infobox from '../ui/Infobox'; import { globalError as globalErrorPropType } from '../../prop-types'; const messages = defineMessages({ headline: { id: 'locked.headline', defaultMessage: '!!!Locked', }, info: { id: '', defaultMessage: '!!!Ferdi is currently locked. Please unlock Ferdi with your password to see your messages.', }, passwordLabel: { id: 'locked.password.label', defaultMessage: '!!!Password', }, submitButtonLabel: { id: 'locked.submit.label', defaultMessage: '!!!Unlock', }, invalidCredentials: { id: 'locked.invalidCredentials', defaultMessage: '!!!Password invalid', }, }); export default @observer class Locked extends Component { static propTypes = { onSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isSubmitting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, error: globalErrorPropType.isRequired, }; static contextTypes = { intl: intlShape, }; form = new Form({ fields: { password: { label: this.context.intl.formatMessage(messages.passwordLabel), value: '', type: 'password', }, }, }, this.context.intl); submit(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.form.submit({ onSuccess: (form) => { this.props.onSubmit(form.values()); }, onError: () => { }, }); } render() { const { form } = this; const { intl } = this.context; const { isSubmitting, error, } = this.props; return (


{intl.formatMessage(} {error.code === 'invalid-credentials' && (


)} {isSubmitting ? (
); } }