#!/usr/bin/env sh # Note: This script is needed due to this bug: https://github.com/imagemin/imagemin/issues/348 # once the above is fixed, we should simply be able to specify the input directory where all image files are to be processed recursively FILES=`find . -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.jpeg" -o -name "*.bmp" -o -name "*.png" -type f | GREP_OPTIONS= egrep -v "node_modules|internal-server|recipes"` for file in $FILES; do echo "Minifying file: $file" size_before=`/usr/bin/du $file | cut -f1` npx imagemin $file > $file.tmp && mv $file.tmp $file size_after=`/usr/bin/du $file | cut -f1` echo "$size_before -> $size_after" done