Write-Host "********************************************" Write-Host " Ferdium User Data Migration Tool " Write-Host " WARNING: Windows OS Only! " Write-Host "********************************************" Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "This tool migrates your user data from Ferdi to Ferdium." Write-Host "" Write-Host "" $confirmation = Read-host "Do you want to proceed? (Y/N)" Switch($confirmation) { default {exit 1} "No" {exit 1} "N" {exit 1} "Yes" {Write-Host "Starting..."} "Y" {Write-Host "Starting..."} } $FERDI_PATH=$env:APPDATA + "/Ferdi" $FERDIUM_PATH=$env:APPDATA + "/Ferdium" try { Rename-Item -Force -Path $FERDI_PATH -NewName Ferdium -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { Write-Host "" Write-Host "ERROR!" Write-Host "No user data was found. Exiting..." exit 1 } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FERDIUM_PATH/server.sqlite)) { Write-Host "" Write-Host "********************************************" Write-Host "" Write-Host "WARNING: Your data was partially migrated!" Write-Host "" Write-Host "It was detected that your account is using Ferdi servers to sync your data." Write-Host "Please, check this guide on how to export and import your data manually:" Write-Host "https://github.com/ferdium/ferdi/blob/main/MIGRATION.md" Write-Host "" Write-Host "********************************************" } else { Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "********************************************" Write-Host " Success! " Write-Host "********************************************" }