directories: app: ./build output: ./out appId: "com.kytwb.ferdi" mac: hardenedRuntime: true gatekeeperAssess: false category: icon: ./build-helpers/images/icon.icns darkModeSupport: true entitlements: "./build-helpers/entitlements.mas.plist" entitlementsInherit: "./build-helpers/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist" target: - target: dmg arch: [x64, arm64] - target: zip arch: [x64, arm64] extendInfo: NSCameraUsageDescription: "This app requires camera access for video chats" NSMicrophoneUsageDescription: "This app requires microphone access for voice chats" dmg: background: ./build-helpers/images/dmgInstaller.tiff icon: ./build-helpers/images/icon.icns iconSize: 128 contents: [ { x: 380, y: 240, type: link, path: /Applications }, { x: 122, y: 240, type: file }, ] afterSign: ./build-helpers/notarize.js win: icon: ./build-helpers/images/icon.ico target: - target: nsis arch: [x64, ia32] - target: msi arch: [x64, ia32] - target: portable arch: [x64, ia32] publisherName: "Amine Mouafik" linux: icon: ./build-helpers/images/icons category: Network;InstantMessaging; executableName: ferdi synopsis: "Messaging app for WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, Gmail, Hangouts and many many more." description: "Ferdi is your messaging app / former Emperor of Austria and combines chat & messaging services into one application. Ferdi currently supports Slack, WhatsApp, Gmail, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Google Hangouts, GroupMe, Skype and many more. You can download Ferdi for free for Mac & Windows." target: - target: AppImage - target: deb arch: [x64, arm64, armv7l] - target: tar.gz - target: rpm - target: freebsd - target: snap nsis: perMachine: false oneClick: true protocols: name: Ferdi schemes: [ferdi] asarUnpack: - ./recipes - ./assets/fonts - ./assets/images/taskbar