# Contributing to Ferdi 5 :tada: First off, thanks for taking the time and your effort to make Ferdi better! :tada: ## Table of contents - [Contributing to Ferdi 5](#contributing-to-ferdi-5) - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [What should I know before I get started?](#what-should-i-know-before-i-get-started) - [How Can I Contribute?](#how-can-i-contribute) - [Setting up your Development machine](#setting-up-your-development-machine) - [Install System-level dependencies](#install-system-level-dependencies) - [Node.js, npm, node-gyp](#nodejs-npm-node-gyp) - [Git](#git) - [Debian/Ubuntu](#debianubuntu) - [Fedora](#fedora) - [Windows](#windows) - [Clone repository with submodule](#clone-repository-with-submodule) - [Local caching of dependencies](#local-caching-of-dependencies) - [Install dependencies](#install-dependencies) - [Fix native modules to match current electron node version](#fix-native-modules-to-match-current-electron-node-version) - [Package recipe repository](#package-recipe-repository) - [Using Docker to build an rpm package](#using-docker-to-build-an-rpm-package) - [Start development app](#start-development-app) - [Styleguide](#styleguide) - [Git Commit Messages format](#git-commit-messages-format) - [Javascript Coding style-checker](#javascript-coding-style-checker) - [Packaging](#packaging) - [Release](#release) ## Code of Conduct This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the [Ferdi Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [stefan@adlk.io](mailto:stefan@adlk.io). ## What should I know before I get started? For the moment, Ferdi's development is a bit slow but all contributions are highly appreciated. [Check this issue for discussion](https://github.com/getferdi/ferdi/issues/956). ## How Can I Contribute? As a basic rule, before filing issues, feature requests or anything else. Take a look at the issues and check if this has not already been reported by another user. If so, engage in the already existing discussion. ## Setting up your Development machine ### Install System-level dependencies #### Node.js, npm, node-gyp Please make sure you are running the exact node version used by the developers/contributors as specified in the [nvmrc file](./.nvmrc). Currently, these are the combinations of system dependencies that work on an intel-based machines for MacOS/Linux/Windows (building on an ARM-based machine is still a work-in-progress due to node-sass native dependencies) ```bash node -v v14.16.1 npm -v 6.14.12 node-gyp -v v8.0.0 ``` #### Git The version [2.23.0](https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/tag/v2.23.0.windows.1) for Git is working fine for development. You can then use the console from Git to do the development procedure. #### Debian/Ubuntu ```bash apt install libx11-dev libxext-dev libxss-dev libxkbfile-dev rpm ``` #### Fedora ```bash dnf install libX11-devel libXext-devel libXScrnSaver-devel libxkbfile-devel rpm ``` #### Windows Please make sure you run this command as an administrator: ```bash npm install --global windows-build-tools --vs2015 ``` ### Clone repository with submodule ```bash git clone https://github.com/getferdi/ferdi.git cd ferdi git submodule update --init --recursive ``` It is important you execute the last command to get the required submodules (recipes, server). ### Local caching of dependencies Set these env vars into your profile (or if you use [direnv](https://direnv.net/), you can manage them via the respective `.envrc` file) ```bash export ELECTRON_CACHE=$HOME/.cache/electron export ELECTRON_BUILDER_CACHE=$HOME/.cache/electron-builder ``` ### Install dependencies Run the following command to install all dependencies, and link sibling modules with Ferdi. ```bash npx lerna bootstrap ``` If you previously ran `npm install`, it sometimes is necessary to delete your `node_modules` folder before running `npx lerna bootstrap`. If you encounter the `gyp: No Xcode or CLT version` error on macOS at this step, please have a look [here](https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/gyp-no-xcode-or-clt-version-detected-macos-catalina-anansewaa-38b536389e8d). ### Fix native modules to match current electron node version ```bash npm run rebuild ``` ### Package recipe repository Ferdi requires its recipes to be packaged before it can use it. When running Ferdi as a development instance, you'll need to package the local recipes before you can create any services inside Ferdi. ```bash cd recipes npm install && npm run package ``` ### Using Docker to build an rpm package ```bash docker build -t ferdi-package . ``` The above will place all the built artifacts into the `/ferdi` folder within the image. If you want to copy them outside of the image, simply mount a volume into a different location, and copy all files from `/ferdi` into the mounted folder (`/ferdi-out` in the example command below). ```bash mkdir -p tmp-out docker run -v $PWD/tmp-out:/ferdi-out -it ferdi-package sh # inside the container: mv /ferdi/Ferdi-5.6.0-nightly.18.AppImage /ferdi-out/Ferdi-`date +%Y-%b-%d`.AppImage mv /ferdi/ferdi-5.6.0-nightly.18.tar.gz /ferdi-out/Ferdi-`date +%Y-%b-%d`.tar.gz mv /ferdi/ferdi-5.6.0-nightly.18.x86_64.rpm /ferdi-out/Ferdi-`date +%Y-%b-%d`.x86_64.rpm mv /ferdi/ferdi_5.6.0-nightly.18_amd64.deb /ferdi-out/Ferdi_`date +%Y-%b-%d`_amd64.deb mv /ferdi/ferdi /ferdi-out/Ferdi_`date +%Y-%b-%d` ``` ### Start development app Run these two commands **simultaneously** in different terminals: ```bash npm run dev DEBUG=Ferdi:* npm run start ``` Optionally, you can run both commands in one terminal with [misty](https://github.com/adlk/misty) (see [misty.yml](https://github.com/getferdi/ferdi/blob/develop/misty.yml)): ```bash DEBUG=Ferdi:* npx misty ``` Note: please prefer [`debug()`](https://github.com/visionmedia/debug) over `console.log()`. ### Styleguide #### Git Commit Messages format - Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature") - Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...") - Limit the first line to 72 characters or less - Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line - When only changing documentation, include `[ci skip]` in the commit description #### Javascript Coding style-checker - Please use `es-lint` and the defined rules to maintain a consistent style ## Packaging ```bash npm run build ``` Assets will be available in the `out` folder. ## Release Create a new [draft release](https://github.com/getferdi/ferdi/releases/new) that targets the `release` branch, then: ```bash git checkout develop && git pull -r git checkout release git submodule update --remote --force git commit -am "Update submodules" git merge --no-ff develop git push ``` Once the draft release assets are uploaded (13 assets), publish the release (you will need elevated permissions in GitHub for doing this). The last commit of the `release` branch will be tagged. You can then merge `release` into `master` and back into `develop` if needed