path: root/src/i18n/locales/zh-HANS.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/i18n/locales/zh-HANS.json')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/i18n/locales/zh-HANS.json b/src/i18n/locales/zh-HANS.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5783b301c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/locales/zh-HANS.json
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
2 "app.errorHandler.action" : "重新加载",
3 "app.errorHandler.headline" : "出现问题了",
4 "connectionLostBanner.cta" : "重启服务",
5 "connectionLostBanner.informationLink" : "What happened?",
6 "connectionLostBanner.message" : "Oh no! Franz lost the connection to {name}.",
7 "feature.announcements.changelog.headline" : "在{version}版本中的更改",
8 "feature.delayApp.headline" : "升级您的Franz订阅计划以跳过等待",
9 "feature.delayApp.text" : "Franz会在 {seconds} 秒后继续。",
10 "feature.delayApp.trial.action" : "是的,我想开始14天的Franz 专业版免费试用",
11 "feature.delayApp.trial.actionShort" : "激活免费的Franz 专业版试用",
12 "feature.delayApp.trial.headline" : "免费获得Franz 专业版 14天试用版,无需等待",
13 "feature.delayApp.upgrade.action" : "更新Franz",
14 "feature.delayApp.upgrade.actionShort" : "升级账户",
15 "feature.planSelection.cta.ctaDowngradeFree" : "降级到Free订阅计划",
16 "feature.planSelection.cta.stayOnFree" : "保持Free订阅计划",
17 "feature.planSelection.cta.trial" : "开始我的14天免费试用",
18 "feature.planSelection.cta.upgradePersonal" : "选择Personal订阅计划",
19 "feature.planSelection.cta.upgradePro" : "选择Professional订阅计划",
20 "feature.planSelection.free.text" : "基本功能",
21 "feature.planSelection.fullFeatureList" : "完整的对比所有订阅计划",
22 "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.cta.downgrade" : "降级到Free",
23 "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.cta.upgrade" : "选择Personal订阅计划",
24 "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.message" : "您将降级到我们的免费帐户。您确定吗?单击此处每月只需{currency} {price}即可获得更多服务和功能。",
25 "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.dialog.title" : "降级您的Franz订阅计划",
26 "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.subheadline" : "是时候做出选择了。 Franz在我们的Personal和Professional订阅计划上表现最佳。请看看并为做出您的最佳选择。",
27 "feature.planSelection.fullscreen.welcome" : "你已经准备好了吗, {name}?",
28 "feature.planSelection.personal.text" : "更多的服务,无需等待 - 个人使用的理想选择。",
29 "feature.planSelection.pricesBasedOnAnnualPayment" : "所有价格均基于年度付款",
30 "feature.planSelection.pro.text" : "为您和您的团队提供无限的服务和专业功能。",
31 "feature.serviceLimit.limitReached" : "您已在计划中包含的{limit}个服务中添加了{amount}个。请升级您的帐户以添加更多服务。",
32 "feature.shareFranz.action.email" : "使用电子邮件发送",
33 "feature.shareFranz.action.facebook" : "在Facebook上分享",
34 "feature.shareFranz.action.twitter" : "在Twitter上分享",
35 "feature.shareFranz.headline" : "Franz is better together!",
36 "feature.shareFranz.shareText.email" : "我们在Franz里添加了 {count} 服务!请前往 www.meetfranz.com 获得支持WhatsApp,Messenger,Slack,Skype的免费应用程序. ",
37 "feature.shareFranz.shareText.twitter" : "我已经为Franz添加了{count}个服务!在www.meetfranz.com\/cc @FranzMessenger上获得适用于WhatsApp,Messenger,Slack,Skype和co的免费应用程序",
38 "feature.shareFranz.text" : "告诉你的朋友和同事Franz有多棒并且帮助我们传播Franz。",
39 "feature.todos.premium.info" : "Franz Todos现在对高级用户可用!",
40 "feature.todos.premium.rollout" : "Everyone else will have to wait a little longer.",
41 "feature.todos.premium.upgrade" : "升级帐户",
42 "feature.trialStatusBar.cta" : "立即升级",
43 "feature.trialStatusBar.expired" : "您的Franz免费订阅计划{plan}已过期,请升级您的帐户。",
44 "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.cta.downgrade" : "降级free订阅计划",
45 "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.cta.upgrade" : "选择Personal订阅计划",
46 "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.message" : "您将降级到我们的免费帐户。您确定吗?单击此处每月只需{currency} {price}即可获得更多服务和功能。",
47 "feature.trialStatusBar.fullscreen.dialog.title" : "降级您的Franz订阅计划",
48 "feature.trialStatusBar.restTime" : "您的 Franz 免费 {plan} 试用期在 {时间} 结束。",
49 "global.api.unhealthy" : "无法连接Franz在线服务",
50 "global.franzProRequired" : "需要 Franz 专业版。",
51 "global.notConnectedToTheInternet" : "没有网络服务",
52 "global.spellchecker.useDefault" : "使用系统默认设置({default})",
53 "global.spellchecking.autodetect" : "自动检测语言",
54 "global.spellchecking.autodetect.short" : "自动",
55 "global.spellchecking.language" : "语言拼写检查",
56 "global.upgradeButton.upgradeToPro" : "升级到 Franz 专业版。",
57 "import.headline" : "导入自定义Franz 4服务",
58 "import.notSupportedHeadline" : "Franz 5 目前不支持此项服务",
59 "import.skip.label" : "手动添加服务",
60 "import.submit.label" : "导入服务",
61 "infobar.buttonChangelog" : "新功能",
62 "infobar.buttonInstallUpdate" : "重启并安装更新",
63 "infobar.buttonReloadServices" : "重新加载服务",
64 "infobar.requiredRequestsFailed" : "无法加载服务列表和用户信息",
65 "infobar.servicesUpdated" : "服务已更新",
66 "infobar.trialActivated" : "您的试用已成功激活。祝您愉快!",
67 "infobar.updateAvailable" : "Franz更新可用.",
68 "invite.email.label" : "电子邮件地址",
69 "invite.headline.friends" : "邀请3个好友或同事",
70 "invite.name.label" : "名字",
71 "invite.skip.label" : "稍后再进行此项操作",
72 "invite.submit.label" : "发送邀请",
73 "invite.successInfo" : "邀请发送成功",
74 "login.email.label" : "Email 地址",
75 "login.headline" : "登陆",
76 "login.invalidCredentials" : "Email或密码无效",
77 "login.link.password" : "重置密码",
78 "login.link.signup" : "创建账户",
79 "login.password.label" : "密码:",
80 "login.serverLogout" : "您的登陆已过期,请重新登录。",
81 "login.submit.label" : "登陆",
82 "login.tokenExpired" : "登录已过期,请重新登录",
83 "menu.Todoss.closeTodosDrawer" : "Close Todos drawer",
84 "menu.Todoss.openTodosDrawer" : "Open Todos drawer",
85 "menu.app.about" : "关于 Franz",
86 "menu.app.announcement" : "新变化",
87 "menu.app.checkForUpdates" : "检查更新",
88 "menu.app.hide" : "隐藏",
89 "menu.app.hideOthers" : "隐藏其它",
90 "menu.app.quit" : "退出",
91 "menu.app.settings" : "设置",
92 "menu.app.unhide" : "显示",
93 "menu.edit" : "编辑",
94 "menu.edit.copy" : "复制",
95 "menu.edit.cut" : "剪切",
96 "menu.edit.delete" : "删除",
97 "menu.edit.emojiSymbols" : "表情与符号",
98 "menu.edit.paste" : "粘贴",
99 "menu.edit.pasteAndMatchStyle" : "粘贴并适应格式",
100 "menu.edit.redo" : "重做",
101 "menu.edit.selectAll" : "全选",
102 "menu.edit.speech" : "演讲",
103 "menu.edit.startDictation" : "开始听写",
104 "menu.edit.startSpeaking" : "开始说话",
105 "menu.edit.stopSpeaking" : "停止说话",
106 "menu.edit.undo" : "撤销",
107 "menu.file" : "文件",
108 "menu.help" : "帮助",
109 "menu.help.changelog" : "更新日志",
110 "menu.help.debugInfo" : "复制调试信息",
111 "menu.help.debugInfoCopiedBody" : "您的调试信息已复制到剪贴板。",
112 "menu.help.debugInfoCopiedHeadline" : "Franz 调试信息",
113 "menu.help.learnMore" : "了解更多",
114 "menu.help.privacy" : "隐私条款",
115 "menu.help.support" : "支持",
116 "menu.help.tos" : "服务条款",
117 "menu.services" : "服务",
118 "menu.services.activatePreviousService" : "激活以前的服务",
119 "menu.services.addNewService" : "Add New Service",
120 "menu.services.goHome" : "主页",
121 "menu.services.setNextServiceActive" : "激活下一个服务",
122 "menu.todos" : "Todos",
123 "menu.todos.enableTodos" : "Enable Todos",
124 "menu.view" : "视图",
125 "menu.view.enterFullScreen" : "全屏",
126 "menu.view.exitFullScreen" : "退出全屏",
127 "menu.view.reloadFranz" : "重启Franz",
128 "menu.view.reloadService" : "重启服务",
129 "menu.view.reloadTodos" : "Reload ToDos",
130 "menu.view.resetZoom" : "实际尺寸",
131 "menu.view.toggleDevTools" : "打开开发者工具",
132 "menu.view.toggleFullScreen" : "切换全屏",
133 "menu.view.toggleServiceDevTools" : "切换服务开发工具",
134 "menu.view.toggleTodosDevTools" : "Toggle Todos Developer Tools",
135 "menu.view.zoomIn" : "放大",
136 "menu.view.zoomOut" : "缩小",
137 "menu.window" : "窗口",
138 "menu.window.close" : "关闭",
139 "menu.window.minimize" : "最小化",
140 "menu.workspaces" : "工作组",
141 "menu.workspaces.addNewWorkspace" : "增加一个工作组",
142 "menu.workspaces.closeWorkspaceDrawer" : "关闭工作区列表",
143 "menu.workspaces.defaultWorkspace" : "所有服务",
144 "menu.workspaces.openWorkspaceDrawer" : "打开工作组列表",
145 "password.email.label" : "Email地址",
146 "password.headline" : "重置密码",
147 "password.link.login" : "登录到您的帐户",
148 "password.link.signup" : "创建一个免费账户",
149 "password.noUser" : "该邮箱尚未注册",
150 "password.submit.label" : "提交",
151 "password.successInfo" : "请检查您的 email 邮箱",
152 "premiumFeature.button.upgradeAccount" : "升级账户",
153 "pricing.features.accountSync" : "帐户同步",
154 "pricing.features.adFree" : "永远无广告",
155 "pricing.features.appDelays" : "没有等待画面",
156 "pricing.features.appDelaysEnabled" : "Occasional Waiting Screens",
157 "pricing.features.customWebsites" : "添加自定义网站",
158 "pricing.features.desktopNotifications" : "桌面通知",
159 "pricing.features.onPremise" : "本地和其他托管服务",
160 "pricing.features.recipes" : "从70多种服务中选择",
161 "pricing.features.serviceProxies" : "代理服务",
162 "pricing.features.spellchecker" : "拼写检查器支持",
163 "pricing.features.teamManagement" : "团队管理",
164 "pricing.features.thirdPartyServices" : "安装第三方服务",
165 "pricing.features.unlimitedServices" : "Add unlimited services",
166 "pricing.features.upToSixServices" : "Add up to 6 services",
167 "pricing.features.upToThreeServices" : "Add up to 3 services",
168 "pricing.features.workspaces" : "工作组",
169 "pricing.plan.free" : "免费",
170 "pricing.plan.legacy" : "Premium",
171 "pricing.plan.personal" : "Personal",
172 "pricing.plan.personal-monthly" : "Personal Monthly",
173 "pricing.plan.personal-yearly" : "Personal Yearly",
174 "pricing.plan.pro" : "Professional",
175 "pricing.plan.pro-monthly" : "Professional Monthly",
176 "pricing.plan.pro-yearly" : "Professional Yearly",
177 "pricing.trial.cta.accept" : "Start my 14-day Franz Professional Trial ",
178 "pricing.trial.cta.skip" : "Continue to Franz",
179 "pricing.trial.cta.start" : "Start using Franz",
180 "pricing.trial.error" : "Sorry, we could not activate your trial!",
181 "pricing.trial.features.headline" : "Franz Professional includes:",
182 "pricing.trial.headline.pro" : "Hi {name}, welcome to Franz",
183 "pricing.trial.intro.happyMessaging" : "Happy messaging,",
184 "pricing.trial.intro.specialTreat" : "We have a special treat for you.",
185 "pricing.trial.intro.tryPro" : "Enjoy the full Franz Professional experience completely free for 14 days.",
186 "pricing.trial.terms.automaticTrialEnd" : "Your free trial ends automatically after 14 days",
187 "pricing.trial.terms.headline" : "No strings attached",
188 "pricing.trial.terms.noCreditCard" : "No credit card required",
189 "pricing.trial.terms.trialWorth" : "Free trial (normally {currency}{price} per month)",
190 "service.crashHandler.action" : "重新载入",
191 "service.crashHandler.autoReload" : "在{seconds}秒内尝试自动恢复{name}",
192 "service.crashHandler.headline" : "啊,糟糕!",
193 "service.crashHandler.text" : "项目{name}引起了一个错误。",
194 "service.disabledHandler.action" : "启用{name}",
195 "service.disabledHandler.headline" : "项目{name}已停用",
196 "service.errorHandler.action" : "重新载入 {name}",
197 "service.errorHandler.editAction" : "编辑{name}",
198 "service.errorHandler.headline" : "啊,糟糕!",
199 "service.errorHandler.message" : "错误",
200 "service.errorHandler.text" : "{name} 没有办法加载",
201 "service.restrictedHandler.action" : "升级帐户",
202 "service.restrictedHandler.customUrl.headline" : "Franz Professional Plan required",
203 "service.restrictedHandler.customUrl.text" : "Please upgrade to the Franz Professional plan to use custom urls & self hosted services.",
204 "service.restrictedHandler.serviceLimit.headline" : "You have reached your service limit.",
205 "service.restrictedHandler.serviceLimit.text" : "Please upgrade your account to use more than {count} services.",
206 "service.webviewLoader.loading" : "正在加载,请稍后",
207 "services.getStarted" : "开始",
208 "services.welcome" : "欢迎使用 Franz",
209 "settings.account.account.editButton" : "编辑账户",
210 "settings.account.accountType.basic" : "基本账户",
211 "settings.account.accountType.premium" : "高级支持者账户",
212 "settings.account.buttonSave" : "上传文件",
213 "settings.account.deleteAccount" : "删除账号",
214 "settings.account.deleteEmailSent" : "您将收到一封邮件,在这封邮件中包含有确认删除您的账号的链接。请注意,您的账号和数据无法被恢复!",
215 "settings.account.deleteInfo" : "如果您不再需要Franz账户,您可以在这里删除您的账户及其相关联的数据。",
216 "settings.account.headline" : "账户",
217 "settings.account.headlineAccount" : "账户信息",
218 "settings.account.headlineDangerZone" : "注意!",
219 "settings.account.headlineInvoices" : "发票",
220 "settings.account.headlinePassword" : "修改密码",
221 "settings.account.headlineProfile" : "更新个人资料",
222 "settings.account.headlineSubscription" : "您的订阅",
223 "settings.account.headlineTrialUpgrade" : "Get the free 14 day Franz Professional Trial",
224 "settings.account.headlineUpgradeAccount" : "Upgrade your account & get the full Franz experience",
225 "settings.account.invoiceDownload" : "下载",
226 "settings.account.manageSubscription.label" : "管理您的订阅",
227 "settings.account.successInfo" : "已保存您的设置",
228 "settings.account.trial" : "Free Trial",
229 "settings.account.trialEndsIn" : "Your free trial ends in {duration}.",
230 "settings.account.trialUpdateBillingInfo" : "Please update your billing info to continue using {license} after your trial period.",
231 "settings.account.tryReloadServices" : "重试",
232 "settings.account.tryReloadUserInfoRequest" : "重试",
233 "settings.account.upgradeToPro.label" : "升级到 Franz 专业版。",
234 "settings.account.userInfoRequestFailed" : "无法加载用户信息",
235 "settings.account.yourLicense" : "Your Franz License",
236 "settings.app.buttonClearAllCache" : "清除缓存",
237 "settings.app.buttonInstallUpdate" : "重启并安装更新",
238 "settings.app.buttonSearchForUpdate" : "检查更新",
239 "settings.app.cacheInfo" : "Franz 的缓存占用磁盘:{size} .",
240 "settings.app.currentVersion" : "当前版本:",
241 "settings.app.form.autoLaunchInBackground" : "在后台打开",
242 "settings.app.form.autoLaunchOnStart" : "开机启动Franz",
243 "settings.app.form.beta" : "包含测试版本",
244 "settings.app.form.darkMode" : "加入黑色主题",
245 "settings.app.form.enableGPUAcceleration" : "启用 GPU 加速",
246 "settings.app.form.enableSpellchecking" : "启用拼写检查",
247 "settings.app.form.enableSystemTray" : "在系统托盘中显示 Franz",
248 "settings.app.form.enableTodos" : "Enable Franz Todos",
249 "settings.app.form.keepAllWorkspacesLoaded" : "Keep all workspaces loaded",
250 "settings.app.form.language" : "语言",
251 "settings.app.form.minimizeToSystemTray" : "最小化 Franz 到系统托盘",
252 "settings.app.form.runInBackground" : "关闭窗口时保持 Franz 在后台运行",
253 "settings.app.form.showDisabledServices" : "显示已禁用的服务标签页",
254 "settings.app.form.showMessagesBadgesWhenMuted" : "在通知被禁用时显示未读消息提示。",
255 "settings.app.headline" : "设置",
256 "settings.app.headlineAdvanced" : "高级",
257 "settings.app.headlineAppearance" : "外观",
258 "settings.app.headlineGeneral" : "通用",
259 "settings.app.headlineLanguage" : "语言",
260 "settings.app.headlineUpdates" : "更新",
261 "settings.app.languageDisclaimer" : "英语和德语为官方翻译。其他语言都是来自社区的翻译",
262 "settings.app.restartRequired" : "重启后生效",
263 "settings.app.subheadlineCache" : "缓存",
264 "settings.app.translationHelp" : "帮助我们将Franz翻译至您的语言。",
265 "settings.app.updateStatusAvailable" : "更新可用,下载中……",
266 "settings.app.updateStatusSearching" : "正在查找更新",
267 "settings.app.updateStatusUpToDate" : "您使用的Franz是最新版本",
268 "settings.invite.headline" : "邀请朋友",
269 "settings.navigation.account" : "账户",
270 "settings.navigation.availableServices" : "可用的服务",
271 "settings.navigation.inviteFriends" : "邀请朋友",
272 "settings.navigation.logout" : "退出账户",
273 "settings.navigation.settings" : "设置",
274 "settings.navigation.team" : "管理团队",
275 "settings.navigation.yourServices" : "您的服务",
276 "settings.navigation.yourWorkspaces" : "你的工作组",
277 "settings.recipes.all" : "所有服务",
278 "settings.recipes.custom" : "Custom Services",
279 "settings.recipes.customService.headline.communityRecipes" : "Community 3rd Party Recipes",
280 "settings.recipes.customService.headline.customRecipes" : "Custom 3rd Party Recipes",
281 "settings.recipes.customService.headline.devRecipes" : "Your Development Service Recipes",
282 "settings.recipes.customService.intro" : "To add a custom service, copy the service recipe to:",
283 "settings.recipes.customService.openDevDocs" : "Developer Documentation",
284 "settings.recipes.customService.openFolder" : "Open folder",
285 "settings.recipes.headline" : "可用的服务",
286 "settings.recipes.missingService" : "服务丢失?",
287 "settings.recipes.mostPopular" : "最受欢迎的",
288 "settings.recipes.nothingFound" : "抱歉,没有找到相关服务",
289 "settings.recipes.servicesSuccessfulAddedInfo" : "服务添加成功",
290 "settings.searchService" : "搜索服务",
291 "settings.service.error.goBack" : "返回服务",
292 "settings.service.error.headline" : "错误",
293 "settings.service.error.message" : "无法加载服务配置。",
294 "settings.service.form.addServiceHeadline" : "添加 {name}",
295 "settings.service.form.availableServices" : "可用的服务",
296 "settings.service.form.customUrl" : "自定义服务器",
297 "settings.service.form.customUrlPremiumInfo" : "如要添加自设服务,您需要一个Franz高级支持者账户。",
298 "settings.service.form.customUrlUpgradeAccount" : "升级您的账户",
299 "settings.service.form.customUrlValidationError" : "无法验证自定义{name}服务器。",
300 "settings.service.form.deleteButton" : "删除服务",
301 "settings.service.form.editServiceHeadline" : "编辑{name}",
302 "settings.service.form.enableAudio" : "启用声音",
303 "settings.service.form.enableBadge" : "启用未读消息通知",
304 "settings.service.form.enableDarkMode" : "使用黑色模式",
305 "settings.service.form.enableHibernation" : "Enable hibernation",
306 "settings.service.form.enableNotification" : "启用通知",
307 "settings.service.form.enableService" : "启用服务",
308 "settings.service.form.headlineBadges" : "未读消息通知",
309 "settings.service.form.headlineGeneral" : "常规",
310 "settings.service.form.headlineNotifications" : "未读消息通知",
311 "settings.service.form.icon" : "自定义图标",
312 "settings.service.form.iconDelete" : "删除",
313 "settings.service.form.iconUpload" : "点击或把图片拖放到这里",
314 "settings.service.form.indirectMessageInfo" : "频道内的所有新消息都会通知到您,包括@用户名、@频道等等...",
315 "settings.service.form.indirectMessages" : "显示所有新消息的标志",
316 "settings.service.form.isHibernatedEnabledInfo" : "When enabled, a service will be shut down after a period of time to save system resources.",
317 "settings.service.form.isMutedInfo" : "禁用后所有的通知和软件声音都会消失",
318 "settings.service.form.name" : "名字",
319 "settings.service.form.proxy.headline" : "HTTP\/HTTPS 端口设定",
320 "settings.service.form.proxy.host" : "端口主机\/IP",
321 "settings.service.form.proxy.info" : "代理服务器的设置将不会与 Franz 的服务器同步。",
322 "settings.service.form.proxy.isEnabled" : "使用代理",
323 "settings.service.form.proxy.password" : "密码(可选)",
324 "settings.service.form.proxy.port" : "端口",
325 "settings.service.form.proxy.restartInfo" : "请在设定端口后重启Franz。",
326 "settings.service.form.proxy.user" : "用户(可选)",
327 "settings.service.form.saveButton" : "保存服务",
328 "settings.service.form.tabHosted" : "托管",
329 "settings.service.form.tabOnPremise" : "自托管",
330 "settings.service.form.team" : "团队",
331 "settings.service.form.useHostedService" : "使用主服务",
332 "settings.service.form.yourServices" : "您的服务",
333 "settings.services.deletedInfo" : "已删除服务",
334 "settings.services.discoverServices" : "发现服务",
335 "settings.services.headline" : "您的服务",
336 "settings.services.noServicesAdded" : "您还没添加任何服务",
337 "settings.services.servicesRequestFailed" : "无法加载你的服务",
338 "settings.services.tooltip.isDisabled" : "已禁止服务",
339 "settings.services.tooltip.isMuted" : "已全部静音",
340 "settings.services.tooltip.notificationsDisabled" : "已禁用通知",
341 "settings.services.updatedInfo" : "已保存您的设置",
342 "settings.team.contentHeadline" : "适用于团队的Franz",
343 "settings.team.copy" : "Franz for Teams gives you the option to invite co-workers to your team by sending them email invitations and manage their subscriptions in your account’s preferences. Don’t waste time setting up subscriptions for every team member individually, forget about multiple invoices and different billing cycles - one team to rule them all!",
344 "settings.team.headline" : "团队",
345 "settings.team.intro" : "You and your team use Franz? You can now manage Premium subscriptions for as many colleagues, friends or family members as you want, all from within one account.",
346 "settings.team.manageAction" : "在meetfranz.com管理你的团队",
347 "settings.team.upgradeAction" : "注册账号",
348 "settings.user.form.accountType.company" : "公司",
349 "settings.user.form.accountType.individual" : "个人",
350 "settings.user.form.accountType.label" : "账户类型",
351 "settings.user.form.accountType.non-profit" : "非盈利",
352 "settings.user.form.currentPassword" : "当前密码",
353 "settings.user.form.email" : "电子邮件",
354 "settings.user.form.firstname" : "名字",
355 "settings.user.form.lastname" : "姓氏",
356 "settings.user.form.newPassword" : "新的密码",
357 "settings.workspace.add.form.name" : "姓名",
358 "settings.workspace.add.form.submitButton" : "创建工作组",
359 "settings.workspace.form.buttonDelete" : "删除工作组",
360 "settings.workspace.form.buttonSave" : "保存工作组",
361 "settings.workspace.form.name" : "名字",
362 "settings.workspace.form.servicesInWorkspaceHeadline" : "这个工作组里的服务",
363 "settings.workspace.form.yourWorkspaces" : "你的工作组",
364 "settings.workspaces.deletedInfo" : "此工作组已被删除",
365 "settings.workspaces.headline" : "你的工作组",
366 "settings.workspaces.noWorkspacesAdded" : "你尚未添加任何工作组。",
367 "settings.workspaces.tryReloadWorkspaces" : "重试",
368 "settings.workspaces.updatedInfo" : "已保存您的设置",
369 "settings.workspaces.workspaceFeatureHeadline" : "Less is More: Introducing Franz Workspaces",
370 "settings.workspaces.workspaceFeatureInfo" : "Franz Workspaces let you focus on what’s important right now. Set up different sets of services and easily switch between them at any time. You decide which services you need when and where, so we can help you stay on top of your game - or easily switch off from work whenever you want.",
371 "settings.workspaces.workspacesRequestFailed" : "不能加载你的工作组",
372 "setupAssistant.headline" : "Let's get started",
373 "setupAssistant.subheadline" : "Choose from our most used services and get back on top of your messaging now.",
374 "setupAssistant.submit.label" : "Let's go",
375 "sidebar.addNewService" : "添加新服务",
376 "sidebar.closeTodosDrawer" : "Close Franz Todos",
377 "sidebar.closeWorkspaceDrawer" : "关闭工作区列表",
378 "sidebar.muteApp" : "关闭通知和声音提醒",
379 "sidebar.openTodosDrawer" : "Open Franz Todos",
380 "sidebar.openWorkspaceDrawer" : "打开工作组列表",
381 "sidebar.settings" : "设置",
382 "sidebar.unmuteApp" : "开启通知和声音提醒",
383 "signup.email.label" : "电子邮件",
384 "signup.emailDuplicate" : "此邮箱已被注册",
385 "signup.firstname.label" : "名字",
386 "signup.headline" : "注册",
387 "signup.lastname.label" : "姓氏",
388 "signup.legal.info" : "新建 Franz 账户时您将同意",
389 "signup.legal.privacy" : "隐私条款",
390 "signup.legal.terms" : "服务条款",
391 "signup.link.login" : "已有账户?登陆",
392 "signup.password.label" : "密码:",
393 "signup.submit.label" : "创建账户",
394 "subscription.bestValue" : "Best value",
395 "subscription.cta.activateTrial" : "Yes, start the free Franz Professional trial",
396 "subscription.cta.allOptions" : "See all options",
397 "subscription.cta.choosePlan" : "Choose your plan",
398 "subscription.includedProFeatures" : "The Franz Professional Plan includes:",
399 "subscription.interval.per" : "per {interval}",
400 "subscription.interval.perMonth" : "per month",
401 "subscription.interval.perMonthPerUser" : "per month & user",
402 "subscription.planItem.upgradeAccount" : "升级帐户",
403 "subscription.teaser.includedFeatures" : "Paid Franz Plans include:",
404 "subscription.teaser.intro" : "Franz 5 comes with a wide range of new features to boost up your everyday communication - batteries included. Check out our new plans and find out which one suits you most!",
405 "subscriptionPopup.buttonCancel" : "取消",
406 "subscriptionPopup.buttonDone" : "完成",
407 "tabs.item.deleteService" : "删除服务",
408 "tabs.item.disableAudio" : "禁止声音",
409 "tabs.item.disableNotifications" : "停止通知",
410 "tabs.item.disableService" : "停用服务",
411 "tabs.item.edit" : "编辑",
412 "tabs.item.enableAudio" : "启用声音",
413 "tabs.item.enableNotification" : "启用通知",
414 "tabs.item.enableService" : "启用服务",
415 "tabs.item.reload" : "重新加载",
416 "validation.email" : "无效的{field}",
417 "validation.minLength" : "{field}至少 {length} 个字符",
418 "validation.oneRequired" : "至少需要一个",
419 "validation.required" : "{field}必填",
420 "validation.url" : "无效的URL:{field} ",
421 "webControls.back" : "Back",
422 "webControls.forward" : "Forward",
423 "webControls.goHome" : "主页",
424 "webControls.openInBrowser" : "Open in Browser",
425 "webControls.reload" : "重新加载",
426 "welcome.loginButton" : "登陆您的账户",
427 "welcome.signupButton" : "创建免费账户",
428 "workspaceDrawer.addNewWorkspaceLabel" : "Add new workspace",
429 "workspaceDrawer.allServices" : "所有服务",
430 "workspaceDrawer.headline" : "工作组",
431 "workspaceDrawer.item.contextMenuEdit" : "edit",
432 "workspaceDrawer.item.noServicesAddedYet" : "No services added yet",
433 "workspaceDrawer.premiumCtaButtonLabel" : "Create your first workspace",
434 "workspaceDrawer.proFeatureBadge" : "Premium feature",
435 "workspaceDrawer.reactivatePremiumAccountLabel" : "Reactivate premium account",
436 "workspaceDrawer.workspaceFeatureInfo" : "<p>Franz Workspaces let you focus on what’s important right now. Set up different sets of services and easily switch between them at any time.<\/p><p>You decide which services you need when and where, so we can help you stay on top of your game - or easily switch off from work whenever you want.<\/p>",
437 "workspaceDrawer.workspacesSettingsTooltip" : "Edit workspaces settings",
438 "workspaces.switchingIndicator.switchingTo" : "Switching to"