# We want to serve the same documents at https://marussy.com/ # and at http://marusya3q7ftl4e4iam65wlto67tq5r5lvmib6ij47b5qjq4rtms7vqd.onion/ # Strict CORS headers would prevent loading clearnet content from the onion site, # but we must make sure never to link to the clearnet site from the onion site. # Ideally, here we would set a .invalid URL, so absolute URLs always break. # However, we must set a valid URL here, otherwise would break. baseURL = "https://marussy.com/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Kristóf Marussy" theme = "marussy" # Again, make sure we never use absolute URLs. canonifyURLs = false # Make the site browseable in the local file system (without assuming a particular / directory) # even if someone mirrors the whole thing with wget. relativeURLs = true # Required for ox-hugo codeblock support, see # https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/source-blocks/ pygmentsCodeFences = true # Allow customizing highlighting with CSS. pygmentsUseClasses = true [permalinks] posts = "/:year/:month/:day/:title" [markup.goldmark.renderer] # Required for ox-hugo support, see # https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/goldmark/ unsafe = true [params] familyNameFirst = false givenName = "Kristóf" familyName = "Marussy" [[params.contacts]] name = "Email" address = "kristof@marussy.com" url = "mailto:kristof@marussy.com" class = "email" [[params.contacts]] name = "GPG" address = "B00C29F3D5A628AF" url = "/gpg/" [[params.contacts]] name = "Mastodon" address = "@kristof@marussy.com" url = "https://pleroma.marussy.com/users/kristof" [[params.contacts]] name = "Git" address = "git.marussy.com" url = "https://git.marussy.com" [[params.contacts]] name = "ORCID" address = "0000-0002-9135-8256" url = "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9135-8256" [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "about" name = "About" url = "/" weight = -100 [[menu.main]] identifier = "posts" name = "Blog" url = "/posts" weight = -90 [[menu.main]] identifier = "publications" name = "Research" url = "/publications/" weight = -80 [[menu.main]] identifier = "software" name = "Code" url = "/software/" weight = -70