''' Importer for Transferwise API transaction history. ''' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2020 Kristóf Marussy ' __license__ = 'GNU GPLv2' from collections import defaultdict import datetime as dt import json import logging import re from os import path from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set from beancount.core import account, data import beancount.core.amount as am from beancount.core.amount import Amount from beancount.core.flags import FLAG_WARNING from beancount.core.inventory import Inventory from beancount.core.number import ZERO from beancount.ingest.cache import _FileMemo as FileMemo from beancount.ingest.importer import ImporterProtocol import beancount_extras_kris7t.importers.utils as utils from beancount_extras_kris7t.importers.utils import COMMENT_META, InvalidEntry, PAYEE_META DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' DATE_FORMAT_FRACTIONAL = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' CATEGORY_META = 'transferwise-category' ENTRY_TYPE_META = 'transferwise-entry-type' TRANSFERWISE_JSON_TAG = 'transferwise-json' CD_DEBIT = 'DEBIT' CD_CREDIT = 'CREDIT' MONEY_ADDED_TYPE = 'MONEY_ADDED' CARD_TYPE = 'CARD' CARD_REGEX = re.compile(r'^Card transaction of.*issued by', re.IGNORECASE) def _parse_date(date_str: str) -> dt.date: # TODO Handle time zones accurately try: return utils.parse_date(date_str, DATE_FORMAT) except InvalidEntry: return utils.parse_date(date_str, DATE_FORMAT_FRACTIONAL) def _parse_json_amount(data: Any, cd: Optional[str] = None) -> Amount: # TODO Handle precision better amount = Amount(round(utils.parse_number(data['value']), 2), data['currency']) if cd == CD_DEBIT: return -amount else: return amount def _validate_cd(amount: Amount, cd: str) -> None: if cd == CD_DEBIT: if amount.number >= ZERO: raise InvalidEntry(f'Invalid debit amount: {amount}') elif cd == CD_CREDIT: if amount.number <= ZERO: raise InvalidEntry(f'Invalid credit amount: {amount}') else: raise InvalidEntry(f'Invalid credit/debit type: {cd}') class Reference(NamedTuple): type: str reference_number: str class _ConversionResult(NamedTuple): converted_fraction: Amount price: Optional[Amount] fudge: Optional[Amount] class _Conversion(NamedTuple): native_amount: Amount converted_amount: Optional[Amount] def get_fraction(self, total_converted_amount: Amount, assigned_amount: Amount, diverted_fees: Inventory) -> _ConversionResult: fees = diverted_fees.get_currency_units(self.native_amount.currency) native_amount = am.add(self.native_amount, fees) fraction = am.div(assigned_amount, total_converted_amount.number).number if self.converted_amount: converted_fraction = am.mul(self.converted_amount, fraction) price = am.div(native_amount, self.converted_amount.number) assert price.number is not None price = price._replace(number=round(price.number, 4)) # TODO Do we have to calculate the fudge here? return _ConversionResult(converted_fraction, price, None) else: return _ConversionResult(am.mul(native_amount, fraction), None, None) class Accounts(NamedTuple): borderless_root_asset: str fees_expense: str def get_borderless_account(self, currency: str) -> str: return account.sep.join([self.borderless_root_asset, currency]) class Row(utils.Row): cd: str _transacted_amount: Amount date: dt.date _conversions: List[_Conversion] _inputs: Inventory _fees: Inventory divert_fees: Optional[str] def __init__(self, reference: Reference, transaction_list: List[Any]): assert len(transaction_list) >= 1 first_transaction = transaction_list[0] details = first_transaction['details'] entry_type = details.get('type', None) merchant = details.get('merchant', None) if merchant: payee = merchant['name'] else: payee = None comment = details['description'] super().__init__('', 0, entry_type, payee, comment) if entry_type: self.meta[ENTRY_TYPE_META] = entry_type category = details.get('category', None) if category: self.meta[CATEGORY_META] = category if merchant: if 'category' in merchant and merchant['category'] == category: del merchant['category'] not_null_elements = [str(value).strip() for _, value in merchant.items() if value] self.meta[PAYEE_META] = '; '.join(not_null_elements) self.meta[COMMENT_META] = comment self.tags.add(TRANSFERWISE_JSON_TAG) self.links.add(f'transferwise_{reference.reference_number}') self.date = _parse_date(first_transaction['date']) self.cd = reference.type self.divert_fees = None self._conversions = [] self._inputs = Inventory() self._fees = Inventory() self._compute_transacted_amount(transaction_list) for transaction in transaction_list: self._add_json_transaction(transaction) def _compute_transacted_amount(self, transaction_list: List[Any]) -> None: first_transaction = transaction_list[0] details = first_transaction['details'] transacted_json = details.get('amount', None) if transacted_json: self._transacted_amount = _parse_json_amount(transacted_json, self.cd) else: if len(transaction_list) != 1: raise InvalidEntry('Cannot determine transaction amount') if exchange_details := first_transaction.get('exchangeDetails', None): self._transacted_amount = _parse_json_amount(exchange_details, self.cd) else: self._transacted_amount = _parse_json_amount(first_transaction['amount']) _validate_cd(self._transacted_amount, self.cd) def _add_json_transaction(self, transaction: Any) -> None: if exchange := transaction.get('exchangeDetails', None): native = _parse_json_amount(exchange['fromAmount'], self.cd) converted = _parse_json_amount(exchange['toAmount'], self.cd) _validate_cd(converted, self.cd) else: native = _parse_json_amount(transaction['amount']) converted = None _validate_cd(native, self.cd) if total_fees := transaction.get('totalFees', None): fee = -_parse_json_amount(total_fees) if fee.number > ZERO: raise InvalidEntry(f'Invalid transaction fee: {fee}') if fee.number != ZERO: self._fees.add_amount(fee) native_after_fees = am.sub(native, fee) else: native_after_fees = native self._conversions.append(_Conversion(native_after_fees, converted)) self._inputs.add_amount(native) @property def transacted_amount(self) -> Amount: return self._transacted_amount def _to_transaction(self, accounts: Accounts) -> data.Transaction: postings = self._get_postings(accounts) return data.Transaction(self.meta, self.date, self.flag, self.payee, self.comment, self.tags, self.links, postings) def _get_postings(self, accounts: Accounts) -> List[data.Posting]: postings: List[data.Posting] = [] for units, cost in self._inputs: assert cost is None postings.append(data.Posting( accounts.get_borderless_account(units.currency), units, None, None, None, None)) if self.divert_fees: for units, cost in self._fees: assert cost is None postings.append(data.Posting( self.divert_fees, units, None, None, None, None)) diverted_fees = self._fees else: diverted_fees = Inventory() # Also add the "fudge" amounts to the fees generated by rounding currency conversions. all_fees = Inventory() all_fees.add_inventory(self._fees) for acc, assigned_units in self.postings: for conversion in self._conversions: units, price, fudge = conversion.get_fraction( self._transacted_amount, assigned_units, diverted_fees) postings.append(data.Posting(acc, -units, None, price, None, None)) if fudge: all_fees.add_amount(-fudge) for units, cost in all_fees: assert cost is None postings.append(data.Posting( accounts.fees_expense, -units, None, None, None, None)) return postings Extractor = Callable[[Row], None] def extract_card_transaction(payment_processors: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}) -> Extractor: regexes = [(re.compile(f'^\\s*{key}\\s*\\*', re.IGNORECASE), value) for key, value in payment_processors.items()] def do_extract(row: Row) -> None: if row.entry_type == CARD_TYPE and CARD_REGEX.search(row.comment): if row.cd == CD_DEBIT: row.comment = '' else: row.comment = 'Refund' # Most manually add posting for refunded fees. row.flag = FLAG_WARNING if row.payee: for key, value in regexes: if match := key.search(row.payee): if value: row.tags.add(value) row.payee = row.payee[match.end():].strip() return do_extract def extract_add_money(add_money_asset: str, add_money_fees_asset: str) -> Extractor: def do_extract(row: Row) -> None: if row.entry_type == MONEY_ADDED_TYPE: row.payee = 'Transferwise' row.divert_fees = add_money_fees_asset row.assign_to_account(add_money_asset) return do_extract class Importer(ImporterProtocol): _log: logging.Logger profile_id: int borderless_account_id: int currencies: List[str] accounts: Accounts _extractors: List[Extractor] def __init__(self, profile_id: int, borderless_account_id: int, currencies: Iterable[str], accounts: Accounts, extractors: List[Extractor]): self._log = logging.getLogger(type(self).__qualname__) self.profile_id = profile_id self.borderless_account_id = borderless_account_id self.currencies = list(currencies) self.accounts = accounts self._extractors = extractors def _parse_file(self, file: FileMemo) -> Any: def parse_json(path: str) -> Any: with open(path, 'r') as json_file: try: return json.load(json_file) except json.JSONDecodeError as exc: self._log.info('Invalid JSON: %s', path, exc_info=exc) return None return file.convert(parse_json) def identify(self, file: FileMemo) -> bool: _, extension = path.splitext(file.name) if extension.lower() != '.json': return False contents = self._parse_file(file) try: query = contents['query'] return query['accountId'] == self.borderless_account_id and \ query['currency'] in self.currencies except (KeyError, TypeError): return False def file_name(self, file: FileMemo) -> str: return 'statement.json' def file_account(self, file: FileMemo) -> str: contents = self._parse_file(file) try: currency = contents['query']['currency'] except (KeyError, TypeError) as exc: raise ValueError(f'Invalid account statement: {file.name}') from exc if not isinstance(currency, str): raise ValueError(f'Invalid account statement: {file.name}') return self.accounts.get_borderless_account(currency) def file_date(self, file: FileMemo) -> dt.date: contents = self._parse_file(file) try: date_str = contents['query']['intervalEnd'] except (KeyError, TypeError) as exc: raise ValueError(f'Invalid account statement: {file.name}') from exc if not isinstance(date_str, str): raise ValueError(f'Invalid account statement: {file.name}') return _parse_date(date_str) def extract(self, file: FileMemo) -> data.Entries: contents = self._parse_file(file) if contents: return self.extract_objects([contents]) else: return [] def extract_objects(self, statements: Iterable[Any], skip_references: Set[str] = set()) -> data.Entries: transactions: Dict[Reference, List[Any]] = defaultdict(lambda: []) for statement in statements: for transaction in statement['transactions']: reference_number = transaction['referenceNumber'] if reference_number in skip_references: continue reference = Reference(transaction['type'], reference_number) transactions[reference].append(transaction) entries: data.Entries = [] for reference, transaction_list in transactions.items(): if not transaction_list: continue try: row = Row(reference, transaction_list) except (TypeError, KeyError, InvalidEntry) as exc: self._log.warn('Invalid entry: %s', reference, exc_info=exc) continue try: utils.run_row_extractors(row, self._extractors) except InvalidEntry as exc: self._log.warn('Invalid entry: %s', reference, exc_info=exc) continue entries.append(row._to_transaction(self.accounts)) entries.sort(key=lambda entry: entry.date) if entries: self._extract_closing_balances(statements, entries) return entries def _extract_closing_balances(self, statements: Iterable[Any], entries: data.Entries) -> None: for statement in statements: query = statement['query'] end_date = _parse_date(query['intervalEnd']) + dt.timedelta(days=1) currency = query['currency'] balance = statement['endOfStatementBalance'] amount = Amount(utils.parse_number(balance['value']), balance['currency']) meta = data.new_metadata(f'', 0) account = self.accounts.get_borderless_account(currency) entries.append(data.Balance(meta, end_date, account, amount, None, None))