package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.test import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.VampireLanguageStandaloneSetup import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.VampireSolver import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.VampireSolverConfiguration import import import import import import import import import import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl import import class VampireTest { val static extension LogicProblemBuilder builder = new LogicProblemBuilder def static void main(String[] args) { // val inputs = new FileSystemWorkspace('''initialModels/''',"") //create logic problem //var LogicProblem problem = builder.createProblem LogicproblemPackage.eINSTANCE.eClass() Ecore2logicannotationsPackage.eINSTANCE.eClass() Viatra2LogicAnnotationsPackage.eINSTANCE.eClass() val reg = Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE val map = reg.extensionToFactoryMap map.put("logicproblem", new XMIResourceFactoryImpl) VampireLanguageStandaloneSetup.doSetup val workspace = new FileSystemWorkspace('''output/VampireTest''',"") workspace.initAndClear //Storing the logicProblem val filename = "problem.logicproblem" var LogicProblem problem = builder.createProblem /* deMorgan(problem) /*/ rockPaperScisors(problem) //*/ workspace.writeModel(problem, filename) //problem.add(Assertion( Y && X <=> X) ) println("Problem Created") var LogicResult solution var LogicReasoner reasoner reasoner = new ViatraReasoner val vampireConfig = new ViatraReasonerConfiguration => [ //add configuration things, in config file first it.documentationLevel = DocumentationLevel::FULL it.typeScopes.minNewElements = 4 ] solution = reasoner.solve(problem, vampireConfig, workspace) // if(solution instanceof ModelResult) { // reasoner.getInterpretations(solution) // } //^can extract everything (ex, vars) from solver //call the solver println("Problem Solved") //output solution } def name() { return this.class.simpleName } static def deMorgan(LogicProblem problem) { var X = ConstantDeclaration(LogicBool) var Y = ConstantDeclaration(LogicBool) problem.add(X) problem.add(Y) //assertion is negated manually because logic problem can only handle axioms (assertions) //so ya problem.add(Assertion( !(X && Y) <=> ( !X || !Y)) ) } static def rockPaperScisors(LogicProblem problem) { val rock = Element("Rock") val paper= Element("Paper") val scissor = Element("Scissor") problem.elements += rock problem.elements += paper problem.elements += scissor // val red = Element("Red") // val green = Element("Green") // // problem.elements += red // problem.elements += green //val allRPS = problem.add(TypeDeclaration("allRPS", true)) //val newRPS = problem.add(TypeDeclaration("newRPS", false)) val oldRPS = problem.add(TypeDefinition("oldRPS", false, rock, paper, scissor)) //n+1 axioms, where n is the number of type definitions. 1. rocjk, paper, scissor are all rps. 2. every object is rps // val color = problem.add(TypeDefinition("color", false, red, green )) //Supertype(oldRPS,allRPS) //Supertype(newRPS,oldRPS) /* Remains val beats = problem.add(RelationDefinition("beats",[ val x = addVar("x",oldRPS) val y = addVar("y",oldRPS) (x==rock && y==scissor)||(x==scissor && y==paper)||(x==paper && y==rock) ])) /*/ //below needs to be added as an axiom val beats2 = problem.add(RelationDeclaration("beats2",oldRPS,oldRPS)) problem.add(Assertion(Forall[ val x = addVar("x",oldRPS) //x.range Exists[ val y = addVar("y",oldRPS) And(,y), x != y, Not(, x)) ) ] ])) //*/ } }