package import "" @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Element}, message = "A communicating element may not have two transmitting communication subsystems.") pattern communicationLinkDoesNotStartAtContainingElement(Element : CommunicatingElement) { find transmittingCommSubsystem(Element, Comm1); find transmittingCommSubsystem(Element, Comm2); Comm1 != Comm2; } private pattern transmittingCommSubsystem(Element : CommunicatingElement, Comm : CommSubsystem) { CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(Element, Comm);, _); } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Station}, message = "The ground station network may not have outgoing communication links.") pattern transmittingGroundStationNetwork(Station : GroundStationNetwork) { find transmittingCommSubsystem(Station, _); } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Station}, message = "The ground station network may not have UHF communication subsystems.") pattern roundStationNetworkUHF(Station : GroundStationNetwork) { CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(Station, Comm); UHFCommSubsystem(Comm); } // At least two spacecraft must have the interferometry payload configured @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Mission}, message = "Interferometry mission needs at least two spacecraft configured with the interferometry payload.") pattern notEnoughInterferometryPayloads(Mission : InterferometryMission) { InterferometryMission(Mission); neg find atLeastTwoInterferometryPayloads(Mission); } private pattern atLeastTwoInterferometryPayloads(Mission : InterferometryMission) { find spacecraftWithInterferometryPayload(Mission, Spacecraft1); find spacecraftWithInterferometryPayload(Mission, Spacecraft2); Spacecraft1 != Spacecraft2; } private pattern spacecraftWithInterferometryPayload(Mission : ConstellationMission, Spacecraft : Spacecraft) { ConstellationMission.spacecraft(Mission, Spacecraft); Spacecraft.payload(Spacecraft, Payload); InterferometryPayload(Payload); } // All spacecraft must have some communication path to the ground station //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Spacecraft}, // message = "Spacecraft has no communication path to the ground station.") //pattern noLinkToGroundStation(Spacecraft : Spacecraft) { // ConstellationMission.groundStationNetwork(Mission, GroundStation); // ConstellationMission.spacecraft(Mission, Spacecraft); // neg find indirectCommunicationLink(Spacecraft, GroundStation); //} //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Spacecraft}, message = "UNSAT") //pattern unsat_linkToGroundStation(Spacecraft : Spacecraft) { // ConstellationMission.groundStationNetwork(Mission, GroundStation); // ConstellationMission.spacecraft(Mission, Spacecraft); // find indirectCommunicationLink(Spacecraft, GroundStation); //} //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Mission}, message = "UNSAT") //pattern unsat_linkToGroundStation(Mission : InterferometryMission) { // InterferometryMission(Mission); // neg find noLinkToGroundStation(_); //} //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Spacecraft}, // message = "Spacecraft has no potential communication path to the ground station.") //pattern noPotentialLinkToGroundStation(Spacecraft : Spacecraft) { // ConstellationMission.groundStationNetwork(Mission, GroundStation); // ConstellationMission.spacecraft(Mission, Spacecraft); // neg find indirectLinkAllowed(Spacecraft, GroundStation); //} //private pattern indirectLinkAllowed(From : Spacecraft, To : CommunicatingElement) { // find linkAllowed+(From, To); //} //private pattern linkAllowed(From : Spacecraft, To : CommunicatingElement) { // find matchingAntenna(From, To); // neg find cubeSat3U(From); //} or { // find matchingAntenna(From, To); // CubeSat3U(From); //} or { // find matchingAntenna(From, To); // CubeSat3U(From); // GroundStationNetwork(To); //} //private pattern matchingAntenna(From : Spacecraft, To : CommunicatingElement) { // CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(From, FromSys); // CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(To, ToSys); // find matchingCommSubsystem(FromSys, ToSys); //} private pattern matchingCommSubsystem(From : CommSubsystem, To : CommSubsystem) { UHFCommSubsystem(From); UHFCommSubsystem(To); } or { XCommSubsystem(From); XCommSubsystem(To); } or { KaCommSubsystem(From); KaCommSubsystem(To); } //private pattern cubeSat3U(Sat : CubeSat3U) { // CubeSat3U(Sat); //} // No communication loops may exist // No spacecraft may directly communicate with itself @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Element}, message = "Communication loop.") pattern communicationLoop(Element : CommunicatingElement) { find indirectCommunicationLink(Element, Element); } private pattern indirectCommunicationLink(Source : CommunicatingElement, Target : CommunicatingElement) { find directCommunicationLink+(Source, Target); } private pattern directCommunicationLink(Source : CommunicatingElement, Target : CommunicatingElement) {, TargetSubsystem); CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(Source, SourceSubsystem); CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(Target, TargetSubsystem); } // Source and target communication systems must be compatible. @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {SourceSubsystem}, message = "Two ends of a communication link must use the same band.") pattern incompatibleSourceAndTargetBand(SourceSubsystem : CommSubsystem) {, TargetSubsystem); neg find matchingCommSubsystem(SourceSubsystem, TargetSubsystem); } // 3U CubeSats are assumed to only be able to downlink to Earth using an X-band trasmitter, // but cross-link using UHF @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Sat}, message = "3U CubeSats can only cross-link using UHF.") pattern threeUCubeSatWithNonUhfCrossLink(Sat : CubeSat3U) { CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(Sat, SourceComm); neg find commSubsystemBandUhf(SourceComm);, TargetComm); CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(Target, TargetComm); neg find groundStationNetwork(Target); } private pattern commSubsystemBandUhf(Comm : UHFCommSubsystem) { UHFCommSubsystem(Comm); } private pattern groundStationNetwork(Network : GroundStationNetwork) { GroundStationNetwork(Network); } // Only a Small Satellite can be configured with a Ka-band communication system @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {Spacecraft}, message = "Only a Small Satellite can be configured with a Ka-band communication system.") pattern cubeSatWithKaAntenna(Spacecraft : Spacecraft) { CommunicatingElement.commSubsystem(Spacecraft, Comm); KaCommSubsystem(Comm); neg find smallSat(Spacecraft); } pattern smallSat(Sat : SmallSat) { SmallSat(Sat); } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {c1,c2}, message = "error") pattern differentFrequency(c1 : CommSubsystem, c2 : CommSubsystem) {,c2); CommSubsystem.frequency(c1,f1); CommSubsystem.frequency(c2,f2); check(f1!=f2); } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooHighFrequencyForUHF(s : UHFCommSubsystem) { UHFCommSubsystem(s); CommSubsystem.frequency(s,f); check(f>1000);//1GHz } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooLowFrequencyForUHF(s : UHFCommSubsystem) { UHFCommSubsystem(s); CommSubsystem.frequency(s,f); check(f<300);//300MHz } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooHighFrequencyForKaComm(s : KaCommSubsystem) { KaCommSubsystem(s); CommSubsystem.frequency(s,f); check(f>40000);//40GHz } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooLowFrequencyForKaComm(s : KaCommSubsystem) { KaCommSubsystem(s); CommSubsystem.frequency(s,f); check(f<26500);//26.5GHz } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooHighFrequencyForXComm(s : XCommSubsystem) { XCommSubsystem(s); CommSubsystem.frequency(s,f); check(f>12000);//12GHz } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooLowFrequencyForXComm(s : XCommSubsystem) { XCommSubsystem(s); CommSubsystem.frequency(s,f); check(f<8000);//8GHz } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooHighPathLengthForSatelite(s:CommSubsystem) { CommSubsystem.pathLength(s,l);,ts); Spacecraft.commSubsystem(_,ts); check(l>250);//250km } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooLowPathLengthForSatelite(s:CommSubsystem) { CommSubsystem.pathLength(s,l);,ts); Spacecraft.commSubsystem(_,ts); check(l<150);//150km } @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {s,s}, message = "error") pattern tooLowPathLengthForGroundStation(s:CommSubsystem) { CommSubsystem.pathLength(s,l);,ts); GroundStationNetwork.commSubsystem(_,ts); check(l!=385000);//385.000km }