package queries import "http:///TaxCard.ecore" //AttributeRemoved -> DF //inv1-External_Allowance.amount is a derived feature (TODOcheck) //inv2-Tax_Card.income.taxPayer.taxesDue is a derived feature (TODOcheck) //inv3-multiplicity adjusted @Constraint(message = "inv03", severity = "error", key = {dep}) pattern inv03(dep : Dependent) { find x_inv03_eligAll(dep); neg find x_inv03_hasAll(dep); } or { Dependent.birth_year(dep, by); check(2018-by > 21); Dependent.continued_studies(dep, false); Dependent.allowances(dep, _); } pattern x_inv03_eligAll(dep : Dependent) { Dependent.birth_year(dep, by); check(2018-by <= 21); } or { Dependent.continued_studies(dep, true); } pattern x_inv03_hasAll(dep : Dependent) { Dependent.allowances(dep, _); } //inv5 - oclIsTypeOf - handled here @Constraint(message = "inv05", severity = "error", key = {inc}) pattern inv05(inc : Income) { //income_type: None neg find x_inv08_noType(inc); Income.details.worked_days(inc, wd); check(wd != 0); } or { //income_type: Not Employment_Income Income.income_type(inc, type); neg find x_inv08_notEI(type); Income.details.worked_days(inc, wd); check(wd != 0); } or { //income_type: Employment Income Income.income_type(inc, type); Employment_Income(type); find x_inv05_inRange(inc); } pattern x_inv05_inRange(inc : Income) { Income.details.worked_days(inc, wd); check(wd < 1); } or { Income.details.worked_days(inc, wd); check(wd > 25); } //inv6-Does not make sens, but directly from OCL //first part of or from definition of getAge() @Constraint(message = "inv06", severity = "error", key = {tp}) pattern inv06(tp : Tax_Payer) { Tax_Payer.dependents(tp, _); Tax_Payer.birth_year(tp, TPBy); check(2018 - TPBy > 2018-16); } or { Tax_Payer.birth_year(tp, TPBy); Tax_Payer.dependents(tp, dep); Dependent.birth_year(dep, DepBy); check(2018-DepBy <= 2018-TPBy-16); } //inv7-OrderedSet @Constraint(message = "inv07", severity = "error", key = {inc}) pattern inv07(inc : Income) { Income.details.distance(inc, d1); Income.details.distance(inc, d2); check(d1 != d2);//compare values } //user_complete_details-AttributeRemoved //inv8 - oclIsTypeOf - handled here @Constraint(message = "inv08", severity = "error", key = {inc}) pattern inv08(inc : Income) { //income_type: None neg find x_inv08_noType(inc); Income.details.distance(inc, dist); check(dist != 0); } or { //income_type: Not Employment_Income Income.income_type(inc, type); neg find x_inv08_notEI(type); Income.details.distance(inc, dist); check(dist != 0); } or { //income_type: Employment Income Income.income_type(inc, type); Employment_Income(type); find x_inv08_inRange(inc); } pattern x_inv08_notEI(type : Employment_Income) { Employment_Income(type); } pattern x_inv08_noType(inc : Income) { Income.income_type(inc, _); } pattern x_inv08_inRange(inc : Income) { Income.details.distance(inc, dist); check(dist < 0); } or { Income.details.distance(inc, dist); check(dist > 100); } //inv9-DerivedFeature //inv10-Ordered Sets @Constraint(message = "inv10", severity = "error", key = {inc}) pattern inv10(inc : Income) { Income.details.amount(inc, a1); Income.details.amount(inc, a2); check(a1 != a2);//compare values } //inv11-attributes-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv11", severity = "error", key = {exp}) pattern inv11(exp : Expense) { find x_inv11_incOver100(exp); find x_inv11_incNotOver100(exp); } pattern x_inv11_incOver100(exp : Expense) { Expense.income.income_amount(exp, incVal); check(incVal / 2 > 50); } or { Expense.declared_amount(exp, decl); check(decl != 50); } pattern x_inv11_incNotOver100(exp : Expense) { Expense.income.income_amount(exp, incVal); check(incVal / 2 <= 50); } or { Expense.declared_amount(exp, decl); check(decl < 50); } or { Expense.income.income_amount(exp, incVal); Expense.declared_amount(exp, decl); check(decl > incVal/2); } //inv12 //exists - handled logically @Constraint(message = "inv12", severity = "error", key = {tp}) pattern inv12(tp : Tax_Payer) { Tax_Payer.addresses(tp, hab_add); Habitual_Address(hab_add); neg find x_inv12_notZZ(hab_add); Tax_Payer.incomes(tp, inc); Local_Income(inc); neg find x_inv12_notNonRes(tp); } pattern x_inv12_notNonRes(tp : Non_Resident_Tax_Payer) { Non_Resident_Tax_Payer(tp); } pattern x_inv12_notZZ(hab_add : Habitual_Address) {, ::ZZ); } //inv13 - Added new containment rel Phys_Pers->Address //exists - handled logically @Constraint(message = "inv13", severity = "error", key = {tp}) pattern inv13(tp : Tax_Payer) { Tax_Payer.addresses(tp, hab_add); Habitual_Address(hab_add);, ::ZZ); neg find x_inv13(tp); } pattern x_inv13(tp : Resident_Tax_Payer) { Resident_Tax_Payer(tp); } //inv14-MultiplicityChanged //inv15-Ordered Sets in assignment if block //ERROR if no household object //@Constraint(message = "inv15", severity = "error", key = {ea}) //pattern inv15(ea : External_Allowance) { // neg find x_inv15(ea); //} //pattern x_inv15(ea : External_Allowance) { // External_Allowance.person(ea, child); // Household.children(h, child);//only one due to multiplicity // Household.parents.individual_A(h, iA); // Tax_Payer(iA); // External_Allowance.reciver(ea, iA); //} or { // External_Allowance.person(ea, child); // Household.children(h, child);//only one due to multiplicity // Household.parents.individual_B(h, iB); // Tax_Payer(iB); // External_Allowance.reciver(ea, iB); //} @Constraint(message = "inv15", severity = "error", key = {ea}) pattern inv15(ea : External_Allowance) { External_Allowance.person(ea, child); Household.children(h, child);//only one due to multiplicity External_Allowance.reciver(ea, i); Tax_Payer(i); neg find x_inv15(h, i); } or { External_Allowance.reciver(ea, i); Dependent(i); } pattern x_inv15(h : Household, i : Tax_Payer) { Household.parents.individual_A(h, i); } or { Household.parents.individual_B(h, i); } //inv16-Tax_Card.tax_card_type is a derived feature //inv17-attribute-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv17", severity = "error", key = {lur}) pattern inv17(lur : Legal_Union_Record) { Legal_Union_Record.start_year(lur, sy); check(sy < 1950); } or { Legal_Union_Record.start_year(lur, sy); check(sy > 2018); } //inv18-MultiplicityChecked //inv19-MultiplicityChecked //inv20-Useless constraint since both edges are containment (TODOCheck) //OclIsUndefined-Handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv20", severity = "error", key = {lur}) pattern inv20(lur : Legal_Union_Record) { Legal_Union_Record.individual_A(lur, iA); Legal_Union_Record.individual_B(lur, iB); iA == iB; } //inv21-MultiplicityChecked //inv22-MultiplicityChecked //inv23-MultiplicityChecked //inv24-MultiplicityChecked //inv25-MultiplicityChecked //inv26-MultiplicityChanged //inv27-dupOfInv24 //inv28-dubOfInv23 //inv29-MultiplicityChanged //inv30-AttributeRemoved //inv31-AttributeRemoved //inv32-AttributeRemoved //inv33-attribute-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv33", severity = "error", key = {p}) pattern inv33(p : Physical_Person) { Physical_Person.birth_year(p, by); check(2018-by < 0); } or { Physical_Person.birth_year(p, by); check(2018-by > 100); } //inv34-attribute-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv34", severity = "error", key = {p}) pattern inv34(p : Physical_Person) { Physical_Person.birth_month(p, birthMonth); check(birthMonth < 1); } or { Physical_Person.birth_month(p, birthMonth); check(birthMonth > 12); } //inv35-attribute-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv35", severity = "error", key = {p}) pattern inv35(p : Physical_Person) { Physical_Person.birth_day(p, birthDay); check(birthDay < 1); } or { Physical_Person.birth_day(p, birthDay); check(birthDay > 28); } //inv36-AttributeRemoved //inv37-AttributeRemoved //inv38-AttributeRemoved //inv39-AttributeRemoved //inv40-AttributeRemoved //inv41-AttributeRemoved //inv42-AttributeRemoved //inv43-AttributeRemoved //inv44-AttributeRemoved //inv45-AttributeRemoved //inv46-AttributeRemoved //inv47-attributes-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv47", severity = "error", key = {lur}) pattern inv47(lur : Legal_Union_Record) { Legal_Union_Record.end_year(lur, endY); Legal_Union_Record.start_year(lur, startY); neg find x_inv47(lur); check(startY >= endY); } or { Legal_Union_Record.end_year(lur, endY); Legal_Union_Record.start_year(lur, startY); check(endY!= -1); check(startY >= endY); } pattern x_inv47(lur : Legal_Union_Record) { Legal_Union_Record.separation_cause(lur, ::NONE); } //inv48-attributes-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv48", severity = "error", key = {p}) pattern inv48(p : Physical_Person) { Physical_Person.disability_percentage(p, disPer); check(disPer > 1.0); } or { Physical_Person.disability_percentage(p, disPer); check(disPer < 0.0); } or { Physical_Person.disability_type(p, ::NONE); Physical_Person.disability_percentage(p, disPer); check(disPer != 0.0); } or { neg find x_inv48(p); Physical_Person.disability_percentage(p, disPer); check(disPer == 0.0); } pattern x_inv48(p : Physical_Person) { Physical_Person.disability_type(p, ::NONE); } //inv49-OclKindOf-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv49", severity = "error", key = {lur}) pattern inv49_A(lur : Legal_Union_Record) { Legal_Union_Record.individual_A(lur, i); Legal_Union_Record.individual_B(lur, i); } //inv49-OclKindOf-handled by multiplicity @Constraint(message = "inv49", severity = "error", key = {lur}) pattern inv49_B(lur : Legal_Union_Record) { Legal_Union_Record.individual_A(lur, i); Dependent(i); } or { Legal_Union_Record.individual_B(lur, i); Dependent(i); } //inv50-MultiplicityChecked //inv51-MultiplicityChecked //inv52-MultiplicityChecked //inv53-MultiplicityChecked