package import import import import final class CftExtensions { private new() { throw new IllegalStateException("This is a static utility class and should not be instantiated directly.") } static def isMoreConcreteThan(Modality newModality, Modality original) { switch (original) { case MAY: newModality != Modality.MAY case CURRENT: newModality == Modality.MUST case MUST: false } } static def currentlyExists(ModalElement element) { element.exists != Modality.MAY } static def mustExist(ModalElement element) { element.exists == Modality.MUST } static def appearsExactlyOnce(Component componentInstance) { componentInstance.mustExist && !componentInstance.multipleAllowed } /** * Checks whether the connection and its target component are both currently present. * * A currently present connection without a present target component is a partial model error, * so we throw an exception instead of returning false. * * @param connection The connection to check. * @throws IllegalStateException When the target component is not currently present. */ static def isCurrentlyConnected(Connection connection) { if (connection.output.component.currentlyExists) { throw new IllegalStateException("Inconsistent partial model: current connection to a component that may not currently exist") } connection.currentlyExists } }