package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.builder import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSAnd import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSConstant import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSEquality import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSFunction import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSFunctionAsTerm import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSOr import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSTerm import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSTffFormula import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSUniversalQuantifier import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VampireModel import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.impl.VLSAndImpl import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.impl.VLSOrImpl import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.impl.VLSUnaryNegationImpl import import import import import import import import import import import import java.util.Arrays import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import static extension* import class VampireModelInterpretation implements LogicModelInterpretation { protected val extension LogiclanguageFactory factory = LogiclanguageFactory.eINSTANCE protected val Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace forwardTrace; //These three maps capture all the information found in the Vampire output private val Map name2DefinedElement = new HashMap private val Map> type2DefinedElement = new HashMap private val Map> rel2Inst = new HashMap //end public new(VampireModel model, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { this.forwardTrace = trace // 1. look at "finite_domain" formula (there should only be one) // IN REALITY THE DEFINED ELEMENTS ARE DEFINED AS :$i // SPECIFICALLY, THESE ARE "TYPE" FORMULAS val finDomFormula = model.tfformulas.filter[name == "finite_domain"].get(0) as VLSTffFormula val univQuant = finDomFormula.fofFormula as VLSUniversalQuantifier var orFormulaTerm = univQuant.operand var end = false while (!end) { if (orFormulaTerm.class == VLSOrImpl) { val orFormula = orFormulaTerm as VLSOr val orRight = orFormula.right as VLSEquality add2ConstDefMap(orRight) orFormulaTerm = orFormula.left } else { val firstTerm = orFormulaTerm as VLSEquality add2ConstDefMap(firstTerm) end = true } } // 2. associate each type to defined elements // println(trace.type2Predicate.keySet) // println(trace.type2Predicate.keySet.length) // println(trace.type2Predicate.keySet.filter[class == TypeDeclarationImpl]) // println(trace.type2Predicate.keySet.filter[class == TypeDeclarationImpl].length) // println() // println(trace.type2Predicate) // Fill keys of map val allTypeDecls = trace.type2Predicate.keySet.filter[class == TypeDeclarationImpl] val allTypeFunctions = trace.predicate2Type println(trace.type2Predicate.keySet.filter[class == TypeDefinitionImpl]) for (type : allTypeDecls) { type2DefinedElement.put(type as TypeDeclaration, newArrayList) } // USE THE DECLARE_ FORMULAS TO SEE WHAT THE TYPES ARE val typeFormulas = model.tfformulas.filter[name.length > 12 && name.substring(0, 12) == "predicate_t_"] // ^this way, we ignore the "object" type //TODO potentially need to handle the enums in this case as well for (formula : typeFormulas) { // get associated type val associatedTypeName = (formula as VLSTffFormula).name.substring(10) val associatedFunction = allTypeFunctions.keySet.filter[constant == associatedTypeName]. get(0) as VLSFunction val associatedTypeAll = associatedFunction.lookup(allTypeFunctions) // val associatedTypeDeclFormula = model.tfformulas.filter[name == ("declare_t_" + associatedTypeName)].get(0) as VLSTffFormula // val associatedTypeDefn = associatedTypeDeclFormula.fofFormula as VLSOtherDeclaration // val associatedTypeFct = as VLSConstant if (associatedTypeAll.class == TypeDeclarationImpl) { val associatedType = associatedTypeAll as TypeDeclaration // get definedElements var andFormulaTerm = formula.fofFormula end = false val List instances = newArrayList while (!end) { if (andFormulaTerm.class == VLSAndImpl) { val andFormula = andFormulaTerm as VLSAnd val andRight = andFormula.right addIfNotNeg(andRight, instances) andFormulaTerm = andFormula.left } else { addIfNotNeg(andFormulaTerm as VLSTerm, instances) end = true } } for (elem : instances) { associatedType.lookup(type2DefinedElement).add(elem) } } } printMap() // 3. get relations // Fill keys of map val allRelDecls = trace.rel2Predicate.keySet.filter[class == RelationDeclarationImpl] val allRelFunctions = trace.predicate2Relation for (rel : allRelDecls) { rel2Inst.put(rel as RelationDeclaration, newArrayList) } // USE THE DECLARE_ FORMULAS TO SEE WHAT THE RELATIONS ARE val relFormulas = model.tfformulas.filter[name.length > 12 && name.substring(0, 12) == "predicate_r_"] for (formula : relFormulas) { // get associated type val associatedRelName = (formula as VLSTffFormula).name.substring(10) val associatedRelFunction = allRelFunctions.keySet.filter[constant == associatedRelName]. get(0) as VLSFunction val associatedRel = associatedRelFunction.lookup(allRelFunctions) as RelationDeclaration // get definedElements var andFormulaTerm = formula.fofFormula end = false val List instances = newArrayList while (!end) { if (andFormulaTerm.class == VLSAndImpl) { val andFormula = andFormulaTerm as VLSAnd val andRight = andFormula.right addRelIfNotNeg(andRight, instances) andFormulaTerm = andFormula.left } else { addRelIfNotNeg(andFormulaTerm as VLSTerm, instances) end = true } } for (elem : instances) { associatedRel.lookup(rel2Inst).add(elem) } } // printMap2() } def printMap() { println("------------------") for (key : type2DefinedElement.keySet) { println( + "==>") for (elem : key.lookup(type2DefinedElement)) { print( + ", ") } println() } println() } def printMap2() { println("------------------") for (key : rel2Inst.keySet) { println( + "==>") for (elem : key.lookup(rel2Inst)) { print("[" + elem.get(0) + "-" + elem.get(1) + "], ") } println() } println() } def private addIfNotNeg(VLSTerm term, List list) { if (term.class != VLSUnaryNegationImpl) { val nodeName = ((term as VLSFunction).terms.get(0) as VLSFunctionAsTerm).functor val defnElem = nodeName.lookup(name2DefinedElement) list.add(defnElem) } } def private addRelIfNotNeg(VLSTerm term, List list) { if (term.class != VLSUnaryNegationImpl) { val nodeName1 = ((term as VLSFunction).terms.get(0) as VLSFunctionAsTerm).functor val nodeName2 = ((term as VLSFunction).terms.get(1) as VLSFunctionAsTerm).functor val strArr = newArrayList(nodeName1, nodeName2) list.add(strArr) } } def private add2ConstDefMap(VLSEquality eq) { val defElemConst = (eq.right as VLSConstant) val definedElement = createDefinedElement => [name =] this.name2DefinedElement.put(, definedElement) } override getElements(Type type) { getElementsDispatch(type) } def private dispatch getElementsDispatch(TypeDeclaration declaration) { return declaration.lookup(this.type2DefinedElement) } def private dispatch getElementsDispatch(TypeDefinition declaration) { return declaration.elements } override getInterpretation(FunctionDeclaration function, Object[] parameterSubstitution) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } override getInterpretation(RelationDeclaration relation, Object[] parameterSubstitution) { val node1 = (parameterSubstitution.get(0) as DefinedElement).name val node2 = (parameterSubstitution.get(1) as DefinedElement).name val realRelations = relation.lookup(rel2Inst) for (real : realRelations){ if(real.contains(node1) && real.contains(node2)){ return true } } return false } override getInterpretation(ConstantDeclaration constant) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } override getAllIntegersInStructure() { return null } override getAllRealsInStructure() { return null } override getAllStringsInStructure() { return null } } /** * Helper class for efficiently matching parameter substitutions for functions and relations. */ class ParameterSubstitution { val Object[] data; new(Object[] data) { = data } override equals(Object obj) { if(obj === this) return true else if(obj == null) return false if (obj instanceof ParameterSubstitution) { return Arrays.equals(, } return false } override hashCode() { Arrays.hashCode(data) } }