package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.builder import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.VampireSolverConfiguration import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VampireModel import import import import java.util.List import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.impl.VampireLanguageFactoryImpl import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.impl.VampireModelImpl import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.BackendSolver class VampireSolverException extends Exception { new(String s) { super(s) } new(String s, Exception e) { super(s, e) } new(String s, List errors, Exception e) { super(s + '\n' + errors.join('\n'), e) } } @Data class MonitoredVampireSolution { // List warnings // List debugs long solverTime // val List> aswers val VampireModel generatedModel // val boolean finishedBeforeTimeout } class VampireHandler { // val fileName = "problem.als" public def callSolver(VampireModel problem, ReasonerWorkspace workspace, VampireSolverConfiguration configuration) { // Vampire val VAMPDIR = "..\\..\\Solvers\\Vampire-Solver\\ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner\\lib\\" val VAMPNAME = "vampire.exe" val VAMPLOC = VAMPDIR + VAMPNAME // CVC4 val CVC4DIR = "..\\..\\Solvers\\Vampire-Solver\\ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner\\lib\\" val CVC4NAME = "vampire.exe" val CVC4LOC = CVC4DIR + CVC4NAME val CMD = "cmd /c " val TEMPNAME = "TEMP.tptp" // val SOLNNAME = "solution" + configuration.solver.toString + "_" + configuration.typeScopes.maxNewElements + // "_" + configuration.iteration + ".tptp" val SOLNNAME = "solution" + "_" + configuration.typeScopes.minNewElements + "_" + configuration.iteration + ".tptp" val PATH = "C:/cygwin64/bin" val wsURI = workspace.workspaceURI val tempLoc = wsURI + TEMPNAME val solnLoc = wsURI + SOLNNAME + " " // 1. create temp file for vampire problem var tempURI = workspace.writeModel(problem, TEMPNAME).toFileString // 2. run command and save to // need to have cygwin downloaded var long startTime = -1 as long var long solverTime = -1 as long var Process p = null if (configuration.solver == BackendSolver::LOCVAMP) { var OPTION = " --mode casc_sat " if (configuration.runtimeLimit != -1) { OPTION = OPTION + "-t " + configuration.runtimeLimit + " " } startTime = System.currentTimeMillis p = Runtime.runtime.exec(CMD + VAMPLOC + OPTION + tempLoc + " > " + solnLoc, newArrayList("Path=" + PATH)) p.waitFor solverTime = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime } if (configuration.solver == BackendSolver::CVC4) { var OPTION = " SAT " if (configuration.runtimeLimit != -1) { OPTION = " " + configuration.runtimeLimit + OPTION } println(CMD + CVC4LOC + tempLoc + OPTION + " > " + solnLoc) p = Runtime.runtime.exec(CMD + CVC4LOC + tempLoc + OPTION + " > " + solnLoc, newArrayList("Path=" + PATH)) p.waitFor solverTime = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime } // 2.1 determine time left // 2.2 store output into local variable val BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); val List output = newArrayList var line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { output.add(line + "\n"); } // println(output.toString()) // 4. delete temp file workspace.getFile(TEMPNAME).delete // 5. determine and return whether or not finite model was found // 6. save solution as a .tptp model val root = workspace.readModel(VampireModel, SOLNNAME).eResource.contents // println((root.get(0) as VampireModel ).comments) return new MonitoredVampireSolution(solverTime, root.get(0) as VampireModel) /* * //Prepare * val warnings = new LinkedList * val debugs = new LinkedList * val runtime = new ArrayList * val reporter = new A4Reporter() { * override debug(String message) { debugs += message } * override resultSAT (Object command, long solvingTime, Object solution) { runtime += solvingTime } * override resultUNSAT (Object command, long solvingTime, Object solution) { runtime += solvingTime } * override warning(ErrorWarning msg) { warnings += msg.message } * } * * val options = new A4Options() => [ * it.symmetry = configuration.symmetry * it.noOverflow = true * it.solver = getSolver(configuration.getSolver, configuration) * if(configuration.getSolver.externalSolver) { * it.solverDirectory = configuration.solverPath * } * //it.inferPartialInstance * //it.tempDirectory = CommonPlugin.resolve(workspace.workspaceURI).toFileString * ] * * // Transform * var Command command = null; * var CompModule compModule = null * * // Start: Alloy -> Kodkod * val kodkodTransformStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); * try { * compModule = CompUtil.parseEverything_fromString(reporter,alloyCode) * if(compModule.allCommands.size != 1) * throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Alloy files with multiple commands are not supported!''') * command = compModule.allCommands.head * } catch (Err e){ * throw new AlloySolverException(e.message,warnings,e) * } * val kodkodTransformFinish = System.currentTimeMillis - kodkodTransformStart * // Finish: Alloy -> Kodkod * * val limiter = new SimpleTimeLimiter * val callable = new AlloyCallerWithTimeout(warnings,debugs,reporter,options,command,compModule,configuration) * var List> answers * var boolean finished * if(configuration.runtimeLimit == LogicSolverConfiguration::Unlimited) { * answers = * finished = true * } else { * try{ * answers = limiter.callWithTimeout(callable,configuration.runtimeLimit,TimeUnit.SECONDS,true) * finished = true * } catch (UncheckedTimeoutException e) { * answers = callable.partialAnswers * finished = false * } * } * new MonitoredAlloySolution(warnings,debugs,kodkodTransformFinish,answers,finished) */ } /* * val static Map previousSolverConfigurations = new HashMap * def getSolverConfiguration(AlloyBackendSolver backedSolver, String path, String[] options) { * val config = new SolverConfiguration(backedSolver,path,options) * if(previousSolverConfigurations.containsKey(config)) { * return previousSolverConfigurations.get(config) * } else { * val id ='''DSLReasoner_Alloy_«previousSolverConfigurations.size»_«backedSolver»''' * val newSolver = A4Options.SatSolver.make(id,id,path,options) * previousSolverConfigurations.put(config,newSolver) * return newSolver * } * } * * def getSolver(AlloyBackendSolver backedSolver, AlloySolverConfiguration configuration) { * switch(backedSolver){ * case BerkMinPIPE: return A4Options.SatSolver.BerkMinPIPE * case SpearPIPE: return A4Options.SatSolver.SpearPIPE * case MiniSatJNI: return A4Options.SatSolver.MiniSatJNI * case MiniSatProverJNI: return A4Options.SatSolver.MiniSatProverJNI * case LingelingJNI: return A4Options.SatSolver.LingelingJNI * case PLingelingJNI: return getSolverConfiguration(backedSolver,configuration.solverPath,null) * case GlucoseJNI: return A4Options.SatSolver.GlucoseJNI * case CryptoMiniSatJNI: return A4Options.SatSolver.CryptoMiniSatJNI * case SAT4J: return A4Options.SatSolver.SAT4J * case CNF: return A4Options.SatSolver.CNF * case KodKod: return A4Options.SatSolver.KK * } * } * * def isExternalSolver(AlloyBackendSolver backedSolver) { * return !(backedSolver == AlloyBackendSolver.SAT4J) * } */ } /* * class VampireCallerWithTimeout implements Callable>>{ * * val List warnings * val List debugs * val A4Reporter reporter * val A4Options options * * val Command command * val CompModule compModule * val AlloySolverConfiguration configuration * * val List> answers = new LinkedList() * * new(List warnings, * List debugs, * A4Reporter reporter, * A4Options options, * Command command, * CompModule compModule, * AlloySolverConfiguration configuration) * { * this.warnings = warnings * this.debugs = debugs * this.reporter = reporter * this.options = options * this.command = command * this.compModule = compModule * this.configuration = configuration * } * * override call() throws Exception { * val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis * * // Start: Execute * var A4Solution lastAnswer = null * try { * if(!configuration.progressMonitor.isCancelled) { * do{ * if(lastAnswer == null) { * lastAnswer = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(reporter,compModule.allSigs,command,options) * } else { * lastAnswer = * } * configuration.progressMonitor.workedBackwardTransformation(configuration.solutionScope.numberOfRequiredSolution) * * val runtime = System.currentTimeMillis -startTime * synchronized(this) { * answers += (lastAnswer->runtime) * } * } while(lastAnswer.satisfiable != false && !hasEnoughSolution(answers) && !configuration.progressMonitor.isCancelled) * * } * }catch(Exception e) { * warnings +=e.message * } * // Finish: execute * return answers * } * * def hasEnoughSolution(List answers) { * if(configuration.solutionScope.numberOfRequiredSolution < 0) return false * else return answers.size() == configuration.solutionScope.numberOfRequiredSolution * } * * public def getPartialAnswers() { * return answers * } * } * /* * @Data class SolverConfiguration { * VampireBackendSolver backendSolver * String path * String[] options * } */