package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.builder import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSAnd import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSFunction import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSTerm import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSVariable import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VampireLanguageFactory import import import import import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Collection import java.util.List import static extension* class Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_TypeMapper { private val extension VampireLanguageFactory factory = VampireLanguageFactory.eINSTANCE private val Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_Support support = new Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_Support val Logic2VampireLanguageMapper base new(Logic2VampireLanguageMapper base) { LogicproblemPackage.eINSTANCE.class this.base = base } def protected transformTypes(Collection types, Collection elements, Logic2VampireLanguageMapper mapper, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val VLSVariable variable = createVLSVariable => [ = "A"] var globalCounter = 0 // 1. Each type (class) is a predicate with a single variable as input for (type : types) { val typePred = createVLSFunction => [ if(" ").length == 3) { it.constant = support.toIDMultiple("t"," ").get(0)," ").get(2)) } else { it.constant = support.toIDMultiple("t"," ").get(0)) } it.terms += support.duplicate(variable) ] trace.type2Predicate.put(type, typePred) trace.predicate2Type.put(typePred, type) } // 2. Map each ENUM/InitialModelElement type definition to fof formula // In the case where , for example, a supertype that is abstract has a subtype of which an instance is in the initial model, // The logic problem will contain a TypeDefinition for the subtype as well as for the supertype // This defined elemtn for the supertype will be abstract, and we do not wish to associate a constant to it, or associate it with a type // Within our vampireproblem.tptp for (type : types.filter(TypeDefinition).filter[!isIsAbstract]) { //Detect if it is a defined element (from initial model) //Otherwise it is an Enum //val isNotEnum = type.supertypes.length == 1 && type.supertypes.get(0).isIsAbstract //^does not work in cases where a defined type already has a supertype from within the MM // var isNotEnumVar = !type.supertypes.isEmpty // if(isNotEnumVar) { // for (sup : type.supertypes){ // // } // } // // val isNotEnum = isNotEnumVar //Another possibility is.. val len = val isNotEnum = !, len).equals("enum") // Create a VLSFunction for each Enum Element val List orElems = newArrayList for (e : type.elements) { val nameArray =" ") var relNameVar = "" if (nameArray.length == 3) { relNameVar = support.toIDMultiple(nameArray.get(0), nameArray.get(2)) } else { relNameVar = } val relName = relNameVar val enumElemPred = createVLSFunction => [ it.constant = support.toIDMultiple("e", relName) it.terms += support.duplicate(variable) ] trace.element2Predicate.put(e, enumElemPred) } // Similar to InheritanceHierarchy for the Enum val List possibleNots = newArrayList val List typeDefs = newArrayList for (t1 : type.elements) { for (t2 : type.elements) { if (t1 == t2) { val fct = support.duplicate(t2.lookup(trace.element2Predicate), variable) possibleNots.add(fct) } else { val op = support.duplicate(t2.lookup(trace.element2Predicate), variable) val negFct = createVLSUnaryNegation => [ it.operand = op ] possibleNots.add(negFct) } } typeDefs.add(support.unfoldAnd(possibleNots)) possibleNots.clear } // Implement Enum Inheritence Hierarchy val res = createVLSFofFormula => [ = support.toIDMultiple("typeDef", type.lookup(trace.type2Predicate).constant.toString) it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(variable) it.operand = createVLSEquivalent => [ it.left = type.lookup(trace.type2Predicate) it.right = createVLSAnd => [ it.left = support.topLevelTypeFunc(variable) it.right = support.unfoldOr(typeDefs) ] // it.right = support.unfoldOr((typeDefs)) ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += res for (var i = globalCounter; i < globalCounter + type.elements.length; i++) { // Create objects for the enum elements val num = i + 1 val index = i-globalCounter val cstTerm = createVLSFunctionAsTerm => [ it.functor = "eo" + num ] if (isNotEnum) { trace.definedElement2String.put(type.elements.get(index),cstTerm.functor) } val cst = support.toConstant(cstTerm) trace.uniqueInstances.add(cst) val enumScope = createVLSFofFormula => [ = support.toIDMultiple(if(isNotEnum) "definedType" else "enumScope", type.lookup(trace.type2Predicate).constant.toString, type.elements.get(index).name.split(" ").get(0)) it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(variable) it.operand = createVLSEquivalent => [ it.left = createVLSEquality => [ it.left = support.duplicate(variable) it.right = support.duplicate(support.toConstant(cstTerm)) ] it.right = support.duplicate(type.elements.get(index).lookup(trace.element2Predicate), variable) ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += enumScope } globalCounter += type.elements.size } // HIERARCHY HANDLER // 3. For each non-abstract type, create an and sequence containing all typedeclaration predicates // and store in a map for (t1 : types.filter[!isIsAbstract]) { for (t2 : types) { // possible improvement: check all supertypes and decide if negated or not based on negations/not negations of supertypes if (t1 == t2 || support.dfsSupertypeCheck(t1, t2)) { trace.type2PossibleNot.put(t2, support.duplicate(t2.lookup(trace.type2Predicate))) } else { trace.type2PossibleNot.put(t2, createVLSUnaryNegation => [ it.operand = support.duplicate(t2.lookup(trace.type2Predicate)) ]) } } // typeTrace.type2And.put(t1, support.unfoldAnd(new ArrayList(typeTrace.type2PossibleNot.values))) // typeTrace.type2PossibleNot.clear trace.type2And.put(t1, support.unfoldAnd(new ArrayList(trace.type2PossibleNot.values))) trace.type2PossibleNot.clear } // 3.5: case where an object is not an object val List type2Not = newArrayList for (t : types) { type2Not.add(createVLSUnaryNegation => [ it.operand = support.duplicate(t.lookup(trace.type2Predicate)) ]) } val notObj = createVLSFofFormula => [ = "notObjectHandler" it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(variable) it.operand = createVLSEquivalent => [ it.left = createVLSUnaryNegation => [ it.operand = support.topLevelTypeFunc ] it.right = support.unfoldAnd(type2Not) ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += notObj // End 3.5 // 4. create fof function that is an or with all the elements in map val hierarch = createVLSFofFormula => [ = "inheritanceHierarchyHandler" it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(variable) it.operand = createVLSEquivalent => [ it.left = support.topLevelTypeFunc // it.right = support.unfoldOr(new ArrayList(typeTrace.type2And.values)) val reversedList = new ArrayList(trace.type2And.values) // Collections.reverse(reversedList) it.right = support.unfoldOr(reversedList) ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += hierarch } // below are from previous interface def protected transformTypeReference(Type referred, Logic2VampireLanguageMapper mapper, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } def protected getUndefinedSupertype(Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } def protected getUndefinedSupertypeScope(int undefinedScope, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } def protected transformReference(DefinedElement referred, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { createVLSDoubleQuote => [ it.value = "\"a" + + "\"" ] } def protected getTypeInterpreter() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } }