package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.builder import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSConstant import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSFunction import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSInequality import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSTerm import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSVariable import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VampireLanguageFactory import import import import import import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList import static extension* class Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_Support { private val extension VampireLanguageFactory factory = VampireLanguageFactory.eINSTANCE // ID Handler def protected String toIDMultiple(String... ids) {[it.split("\\s+").join("_")].join("_") } def protected String toID(String ids) { ids.split("\\s+").join("_") } // Term Handling // TODO Make more general def protected VLSVariable duplicate(VLSVariable term) { return createVLSVariable => [ =] } def protected VLSFunction duplicate(VLSFunction term) { return createVLSFunction => [ it.constant = term.constant for (v : term.terms) { it.terms += duplicate(v as VLSVariable) } ] } def protected VLSFunction duplicate(VLSFunction term, VLSVariable v) { return createVLSFunction => [ it.constant = term.constant it.terms += duplicate(v) ] } def protected VLSFunction topLevelTypeFunc() { return createVLSFunction => [ it.constant = "object" it.terms += createVLSVariable => [ = "A" ] ] } // TODO Make more general def establishUniqueness(List terms) { val List eqs = newArrayList for (t1 : terms.subList(1, terms.length)) { for (t2 : terms.subList(0, terms.indexOf(t1))) { val eq = createVLSInequality => [ // TEMP it.left = createVLSConstant => [ =] it.right = createVLSConstant => [ =] // TEMP ] eqs.add(eq) } } return unfoldAnd(eqs) } // Support Functions // booleans // AND and OR def protected VLSTerm unfoldAnd(List operands) { if (operands.size == 1) { return operands.head } else if (operands.size > 1) { return createVLSAnd => [ left = operands.head right = operands.subList(1, operands.size).unfoldAnd ] } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Logic operator with 0 operands!''') } def protected VLSTerm unfoldOr(List operands) { // if(operands.size == 0) {basically return true} /*else*/ if (operands.size == 1) { return operands.head } else if (operands.size > 1) { return createVLSOr => [ left = operands.head right = operands.subList(1, operands.size).unfoldOr ] } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Logic operator with 0 operands!''') // TEMP } // can delete below def protected VLSTerm unfoldDistinctTerms(Logic2VampireLanguageMapper m, EList operands, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace, Map variables) { if (operands.size == 1) { return m.transformTerm(operands.head, trace, variables) } else if (operands.size > 1) { val notEquals = new ArrayList(operands.size * operands.size / 2) for (i : 0 ..< operands.size) { for (j : i + 1 ..< operands.size) { notEquals += createVLSInequality => [ it.left = m.transformTerm(operands.get(i), trace, variables) it.right = m.transformTerm(operands.get(j), trace, variables) ] } } return notEquals.unfoldAnd } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Logic operator with 0 operands!''') } // Symbolic // def postprocessResultOfSymbolicReference(TypeReference type, VLSTerm term, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { // if(type instanceof BoolTypeReference) { // return booleanToLogicValue(term ,trace) // } // else return term // } // def booleanToLogicValue(VLSTerm term, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") // } /* * def protected String toID(List ids) { *[it.split("\\s+").join("'")].join("'") * } */ // QUANTIFIERS + VARIABLES def protected VLSTerm createQuantifiedExpression(Logic2VampireLanguageMapper mapper, QuantifiedExpression expression, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace, Map variables, boolean isUniversal) { val variableMap = expression.quantifiedVariables.toInvertedMap [ v | createVLSVariable => [ = toIDMultiple("V",] ] val typedefs = new ArrayList for (variable : expression.quantifiedVariables) { val eq = duplicate((variable.range as ComplexTypeReference).referred.lookup(trace.type2Predicate), variable.lookup(variableMap)) typedefs.add(eq) } if (isUniversal) { createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += variableMap.values it.operand = createVLSImplies => [ it.left = unfoldAnd(typedefs) it.right = mapper.transformTerm(expression.expression, trace, variables.withAddition(variableMap)) ] ] } else { typedefs.add(mapper.transformTerm(expression.expression, trace, variables.withAddition(variableMap))) createVLSExistentialQuantifier => [ it.variables += variableMap.values it.operand = unfoldAnd(typedefs) ] } } def protected boolean dfsSupertypeCheck(Type type, Type type2) { // There is surely a better way to do this if (type.supertypes.isEmpty) return false else { if (type.supertypes.contains(type2)) return true else { for (supertype : type.supertypes) { if(dfsSupertypeCheck(supertype, type2)) return true } } } } def protected withAddition(Map map1, Map map2) { new HashMap(map1) => [putAll(map2)] } }