package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.builder import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSConstant import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSVariable import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VampireLanguageFactory import import java.util.List import java.util.ArrayList import static extension* class Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_ScopeMapper { private val extension VampireLanguageFactory factory = VampireLanguageFactory.eINSTANCE private val Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_Support support = new Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_Support val Logic2VampireLanguageMapper base private val VLSVariable variable = createVLSVariable => [ = "A"] public new(Logic2VampireLanguageMapper base) { this.base = base } def dispatch public void transformScope(LogicSolverConfiguration config, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { // HANDLE ERRORS RELATED TO MAX > MIN // HANDLE ERROR RELATED TO SUM(MIN TYPES) > MAX OBJECTS // NOT SPECIFIED MEANS =0 ? // 1. make a list of constants equaling the min number of specified objects val GLOBAL_MIN = config.typeScopes.minNewElements val GLOBAL_MAX = config.typeScopes.maxNewElements val localInstances = newArrayList // Handling Minimum_General if (GLOBAL_MIN != 0) { getInstanceConstants(GLOBAL_MIN, 0, localInstances, trace, false) // fix last param makeFofFormula(localInstances, trace, true, "object") } // Handling Maximum_General if (GLOBAL_MAX != 0) { getInstanceConstants(GLOBAL_MAX, 0, localInstances, trace, true) // fix last param makeFofFormula(localInstances, trace, false, "object") } // Handling Minimum_Specific var i = 0 var minNum = -1 for (t : config.typeScopes.minNewElementsByType.keySet) { minNum = t.lookup(config.typeScopes.minNewElementsByType) if (minNum != 0) { getInstanceConstants(i+minNum, i, localInstances, trace, false) i += minNum makeFofFormula(localInstances, trace, true, t.toString)//fix last param } } //TODO: calc sum of mins, compare to current value of i // Handling Maximum_Specific for (t : config.typeScopes.maxNewElementsByType.keySet) { var maxNum = t.lookup(config.typeScopes.maxNewElementsByType) minNum = t.lookup(config.typeScopes.minNewElementsByType) if (maxNum != 0) { var forLimit = Math.min(GLOBAL_MAX, i+maxNum-minNum) getInstanceConstants(GLOBAL_MAX, i, localInstances, trace, false) makeFofFormula(localInstances, trace, false, t.toString)//fix last param } } // 3. Specify uniqueness of elements if (trace.uniqueInstances.length != 0) { val uniqueness = createVLSFofFormula => [ = "typeUniqueness" it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = support.establishUniqueness(trace.uniqueInstances) ] trace.specification.formulas += uniqueness } } def protected void getInstanceConstants(int numElems, int init, ArrayList list, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace, boolean addToTrace) { list.clear for (var i = init; i < numElems; i++) { val num = i + 1 val cst = createVLSConstant => [ = "o" + num ] if (addToTrace) { trace.uniqueInstances.add(cst) } list.add(cst) } } def protected void makeFofFormula(ArrayList list, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace, boolean minimum, String name) { val cstDec = createVLSFofFormula => [ = support.toIDMultiple("typeScope", if(minimum) "min" else "max", name) it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(variable) // check below it.operand = createVLSImplies => [ if (minimum) { it.left = support.unfoldOr( [ i | createVLSEquality => [ it.left = createVLSVariable => [ =] it.right = i ] ]) it.right = support.topLevelTypeFunc } else { it.right = support.unfoldOr( [ i | createVLSEquality => [ it.left = createVLSVariable => [ =] it.right = i ] ]) it.left = support.topLevelTypeFunc } ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += cstDec } }