package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.builder import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.reasoner.VampireSolverConfiguration import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSFunction import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSTerm import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VLSVariable import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampireLanguage.VampireLanguageFactory import import import import import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map import static extension* class Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_ContainmentMapper { private val extension VampireLanguageFactory factory = VampireLanguageFactory.eINSTANCE private val Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_Support support = new Logic2VampireLanguageMapper_Support val Logic2VampireLanguageMapper base private val VLSVariable variable = createVLSVariable => [ = "A"] public new(Logic2VampireLanguageMapper base) { this.base = base } def public void transformContainment(VampireSolverConfiguration config, List hierarchies, Logic2VampireLanguageMapperTrace trace) { // TODO throw error is there exists a circular containment that does not involve hierarchy // TODO CONSIDER CASE WHERE MULTIPLE CONTAINMMENT HIERARCHIES EXIST // TEMP val hierarchy = hierarchies.get(0) val containmentListCopy = hierarchy.typesOrderedInHierarchy val relationsList = hierarchy.containmentRelations // STEP 1 // Find root element for (l : relationsList) { var pointingTo = (l.parameters.get(1) as ComplexTypeReference).referred as Type containmentListCopy.remove(pointingTo) var List allSubtypes = newArrayList support.listSubtypes(pointingTo, allSubtypes) for (c : allSubtypes) { containmentListCopy.remove(c) } } for (c : containmentListCopy) { if(c.isIsAbstract) { containmentListCopy.remove(c) } } // State that there must exist 1 and only 1 root element val topName = containmentListCopy.get(0).lookup(trace.type2Predicate).constant.toString val topTerm = support.duplicate(containmentListCopy.get(0).lookup(trace.type2Predicate)) val contTop = createVLSFofFormula => [ = support.toIDMultiple("containment_topLevel", topName) it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(variable) it.operand = createVLSEquivalent => [ it.left = topTerm it.right = createVLSEquality => [ it.left = support.duplicate(variable) it.right = createVLSConstant => [ = "o1" ] ] ] ] // it.fofFormula = support.duplicate( // topTerm, // createVLSFunctionAsTerm => [ // it.functor = "o1" // ] // ) ] trace.specification.formulas += contTop // STEP 2 // for each edge, if the pointedTo element exists,the edge must exist also val varA = createVLSVariable => [ = "A"] val varB = createVLSVariable => [ = "B"] val varC = createVLSVariable => [ = "C"] val varList = newArrayList(varB, varA) val Map> type2cont = new HashMap for (l : relationsList) { val rel = support.duplicate((l as RelationDeclaration).lookup(trace.rel2Predicate), varList) // val fromType = (l.parameters.get(0) as ComplexTypeReference).referred as Type val toType = ((l.parameters.get(1) as ComplexTypeReference).referred as Type) val toFunc = toType.lookup(trace.type2Predicate) addToMap(type2cont, toFunc, rel) for (c : toType.subtypes) { addToMap(type2cont, toFunc, rel) } // for (c : support.listSubtypes(toType)) { // addToMap(type2cont, toFunc, rel) // } // val listForAnd = newArrayList //// listForAnd.add(support.duplicate(fromType.lookup(trace.type2Predicate), varB)) // listForAnd.add(support.duplicate((l as RelationDeclaration).lookup(trace.rel2Predicate), varList)) // listForAnd.add(createVLSInequality => [ // it.left = support.duplicate(varA) // it.right = support.duplicate(varB) // ]) // remove subtypes of elements being pointed to // var pointingTo = (l.parameters.get(1) as ComplexTypeReference).referred as Type // containmentListCopy.remove(pointingTo) // for (c : pointingTo.subtypes) { // containmentListCopy.remove(c) // } // STEP 3 // Ensure that an objct only has 1 parent val relFormula = createVLSFofFormula => [ = support.toIDMultiple("containment_noDup", rel.constant.toString) it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSExistentialQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(varA) it.variables += support.duplicate(varB) it.operand = createVLSImplies => [ it.left = support.duplicate(rel, newArrayList(varA, varB)) it.right = createVLSUnaryNegation => [ it.operand = createVLSExistentialQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(varC) it.variables += support.duplicate(varB) it.operand = support.duplicate(rel, newArrayList(varC, varB)) ] ] ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += relFormula } // STEP 2 CONT'D for (e : type2cont.entrySet) { val relFormula = createVLSFofFormula => [ = support.toIDMultiple("containment_contained", e.key.constant.toString) it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUniversalQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(varA) it.operand = createVLSImplies => [ it.left = support.duplicate(e.key, varA) it.right = createVLSExistentialQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(varB) if (e.value.length > 1) { it.operand = makeUnique(e.value) } else { it.operand = e.value.get(0) } ] ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += relFormula } // STEP 4 // Ensure that there are no cycles in the hierarchy (maybe same as for step3?) // Attempt 1: all possibilities, even the impossible one, based on MM constraints, are listed val variables = newArrayList val disjunctionList = newArrayList val conjunctionList = newArrayList for (var i = 1; i <= config.contCycleLevel; i++) { val ind = i variables.add(createVLSVariable => [ = ("V"+Integer.toString(ind))]) for ( var j = 0; j < i;j++){ for (l : relationsList) { val rel = support.duplicate((l as RelationDeclaration).lookup(trace.rel2Predicate), newArrayList(variables.get(j), variables.get((j+1)%i))) disjunctionList.add(rel) } conjunctionList.add(support.unfoldOr(disjunctionList)) disjunctionList.clear } val contCycleForm = createVLSFofFormula => [ = support.toIDMultiple("containment_noCycle", Integer.toString(ind)) it.fofRole = "axiom" it.fofFormula = createVLSUnaryNegation => [ it.operand = createVLSExistentialQuantifier => [ it.variables += support.duplicate(variables) it.operand = support.unfoldAnd(conjunctionList) ] ] ] trace.specification.formulas += contCycleForm conjunctionList.clear } } protected def VLSTerm makeUnique(List list) { val List possibleNots = newArrayList val List uniqueRels = newArrayList for (t1 : list) { for (t2 : list) { if (t1 == t2) { val fct = support.duplicate(t2) possibleNots.add(fct) } else { val op = support.duplicate(t2) val negFct = createVLSUnaryNegation => [ it.operand = op ] possibleNots.add(negFct) } } uniqueRels.add(support.unfoldAnd(possibleNots)) possibleNots.clear } return support.unfoldOr(uniqueRels) } protected def Object addToMap(Map> type2cont, VLSFunction toFunc, VLSFunction rel) { if (!type2cont.containsKey(toFunc)) { type2cont.put(toFunc, newArrayList(rel)) } else { if (!type2cont.get(toFunc).contains(rel)) { type2cont.get(toFunc).add(rel) // type2cont.replace(toFunc, newArrayList(firstRel)) } } } }