grammar ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.VampireLanguage with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals hidden (WS) generate vampireLanguage "" //@@@@@@@@@@@ //2 things TODO: //1. fix anotations (ln77) //2. can only use declared variables in formula (ln 158) //@@@@@@@@@@@ VampireModel: // TODO ensures there is always exactly 1 conjecture ( includes += VLSInclude | comments += VLSComment | formulas += VLSFofFormula )* ; ////////////////////////////////// // VLS terminals ////////////////////////////////// terminal ALPHA_NUMERIC: ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '_'); terminal UPPER_WORD_ID: ('A'..'Z') (ALPHA_NUMERIC)*; terminal LOWER_WORD_ID: ('a'..'z') (ALPHA_NUMERIC)*; //TODO MIGHT NEED TO IMPLEMENT SOME WAY TO ONLY CONSIDER WHAT IS INSIDE QUOTES AS NAME //incorporate quotes in the line of calling. ex. "'" name=SINGLEQUOTE "'" terminal DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' ( '\\' ('"'|'\\') | !('\\'|'"') )* '"';//from terminal STRING rule, positive about this terminal SINGLE_QUOTE: "'" ( '\\' ("'"|'\\') | !('\\'|"'") )+ "'";//from terminal STRING rule, positive about this terminal SIGN: ('+' | '-'); terminal DOLLAR_ID: ('$') (LOWER_WORD_ID); terminal DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID: ('$$') (LOWER_WORD_ID); terminal LITERAL: '0' | ('1'..'9') (INT)?; terminal SIGNED_LITERAL: (SIGN)* (LITERAL); terminal UNSIGNED_REAL_FRAC_ID: (LITERAL) ('.') (INT); terminal UNSIGNED_REAL_EXP_ID: (LITERAL | UNSIGNED_REAL_FRAC_ID) ('Ee') (SIGN)* (INT) ; terminal SIGNED_REAL_ID: (SIGN)* (UNSIGNED_REAL_FRAC_ID | UNSIGNED_REAL_EXP_ID); terminal UNSIGNED_RAT_ID: (LITERAL) ('/') ('1'..'9') (INT)? ; terminal SIGNED_RAT_ID: (SIGN)* (UNSIGNED_RAT_ID); //Overwriting is necessary terminal ID: (!('\n'|'\r'))* ; terminal ANY_OTHER: ID; terminal SINGLE_COMMENT: ANY_OTHER; //terminal ID: ( !('('|')'|'\r'|'\n') )+ ; ////////////////////////////////// // VLS types ////////////////////////////////// // VLSInclude: 'include(' fileName = SINGLE_QUOTE ( ',[' names += VLSName (',' names += VLSName)* ']' )? ; VLSName: name = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SINGLE_QUOTE | LITERAL | SIGNED_LITERAL) ; // VLSComment: '%' comment = SINGLE_COMMENT //need to add a new line at the end of the file for the case where the last line is a comment ; //VLSConstantDeclaration: name = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SINGLE_QUOTE | DOLLAR_ID | DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ); // VLSFofFormula: 'fof' '(' name = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SIGNED_LITERAL | SINGLE_QUOTE) ',' fofRole = VLSRole ',' fofFormula = VLSTerm (',' annotations = VLSAnnotation)? ')' '.' ; /* //NAME VLSName: //(atomic_Word = Atomic_Word | integer = Integer | single_quote_word = Single_Quote_Word) name = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SIGNED_INT_ID | SINGLE_QUOTE) ; */ // VLSRole: VLSAxiom | VLSConjecture | VLSHypothesis | VLSDefinition | VLSAssumption | VLSLemma | VLSTheorem | VLSCorollary | VLSNegated_Conjecture | VLSPlain | VLSType |VLSFi_Domain | VLSFi_Functors | VLSFi_Predicates | VLSUnknown ; VLSAxiom: "axiom" ; VLSConjecture: "conjecture" ; VLSHypothesis: "hypothesis" ; VLSDefinition: "definition" ; VLSAssumption: "assumption" ; VLSLemma: "lemma" ; VLSTheorem: "theorem" ; VLSCorollary: "corollary" ; VLSNegated_Conjecture: "negated_conjecture" ; VLSPlain: "plain" ; VLSType: "type" ; VLSFi_Domain: "fi_domain" ; VLSFi_Functors: "fi_functors" ; VLSFi_Predicates: "fi_predicates" ; VLSUnknown: "unknown" ; // // Not at all based on the website. based on what we think the output will be like VLSAnnotation: ('[')? (name = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SINGLE_QUOTE | VLSRole))? ( '(' followup = VLSAnnotationTerms ')' )? (']')? ; VLSAnnotationTerms returns VLSAnnotation: terms += VLSAnnotation (',' terms += VLSAnnotation )* ; ////////////////////////////////// // VLS Terms ////////////////////////////////// VLSTerm: //( VLSLogic | VLSSequent) VLSBinary ; //* //VLSBinaryFormula VLSBinary returns VLSTerm: VLSUnitaryFormula ( (({VLSEquivalent.left = current} "<=>" | {VLSImplies.left = current} "=>" | {VLSRevImplies.left = current} "<=" | {VLSXnor.left = current} "<~>" | {VLSNor.left = current} "~|" | {VLSNand.left = current} "~&") right = VLSUnitaryFormula) | ({VLSAnd.left = current} '&' right = VLSUnitaryFormula)+ | ({VLSOr.left = current} '|' right = VLSUnitaryFormula)+ )? ; //VLSUnitaryFormula VLSUnitaryFormula returns VLSTerm: VLSUniversalQuantifier | VLSExistentialQuantifier | VLSUnaryNegation | VLSUnaryInfix //| VLSEquality | '(' VLSTerm ')' ; VLSUniversalQuantifier returns VLSTerm: {VLSUniversalQuantifier} (("!") '[' variables += VLSVariable (',' variables += VLSVariable)* ']' ':') operand = VLSUnitaryFormula ; VLSExistentialQuantifier returns VLSTerm: {VLSExistentialQuantifier} (("?") '[' variables += VLSVariable (',' variables += VLSVariable)* ']' ':') operand = VLSUnitaryFormula ; VLSUnaryNegation returns VLSTerm: {VLSUnaryNegation} ('~') operand = VLSUnitaryFormula ; VLSUnaryInfix returns VLSTerm: VLSAtomic (({VLSInequality.left = current} "!=" | {VLSEquality.left = current} "=" | {VLSAssignment.left = current} ":=") right = VLSAtomic)? ; //NOT SUREEEE //VLSEquality returns VLSTerm: // VLSFofTerm ({VLSEquality.left = current} "=" right = VLSFofTerm)? // //; /* enum VLSDefinedFunctor: UMINUS='$uminus' | SUM='$sum' | DIFFERENCE='$difference' | PRODUCT='$product' | QUOTIENT='$quotient' | QUOTIENT_E='$quotient_e' | QUOTIENT_T='$quotient_t' | QUOTIENT_F='$quotient_f' | REMAINDER_E='$remainder_e' | REMAINDER_T='$remainder_t' | REMAINDER_F='$remainder_f' | FLOOR='$floor' | CEILING='$ceiling' | TRUNCATE='$truncate' | ROUND='$round' | TO_INT='$to_int' | TO_RAT='$to_rat' | TO_REAL='$to_real' ; */ VLSAtomic returns VLSTerm: VLSAtomicConstant | VLSAtomicFunction | VLSVariable | VLSDefinedTerm //temporary solution. this is only valid for equality, not for != or := //| VLSEquality ; VLSAtomicConstant returns VLSTerm: //{VLSConstant} name = VLSConstantDeclaration | {VLSConstant} name = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SINGLE_QUOTE | DOLLAR_ID | DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID | VLSRole) | {VLSTrue} '$true' | {VLSFalse} '$false' ; VLSAtomicFunction returns VLSTerm: //? on next line causes warning //TODO might need replace DOLLAR_ID with enum rule //{VLSFunction} name = VLSConstantDeclaration ( '(' terms += VLSFofTerm (',' terms += VLSFofTerm)* ')' ) | {VLSFunction} constant = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SINGLE_QUOTE | DOLLAR_ID | DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID | VLSRole ) ( '(' terms += VLSFofTerm (',' terms += VLSFofTerm)* ')') | {VLSLess} name = '$less' '(' terms += VLSFofTerm ',' terms += VLSFofTerm ')' ; VLSVariable : name = UPPER_WORD_ID ; VLSFofTerm returns VLSTerm: //(VLSVariable | VLSFunction | VLSTffConditional | VLSTffLet | VLSTffTuple) (VLSVariable | VLSFunctionFof | VLSDefinedTerm ) ; VLSFunctionFof: //? on next line causes warning //TODO might need replace DOLLAR_ID with enum rule functor = (LOWER_WORD_ID | SINGLE_QUOTE | DOLLAR_ID | DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) ( '(' terms += VLSFofTerm (',' terms += VLSFofTerm)* ')')? ; VLSDefinedTerm: {VLSInt} value = SIGNED_LITERAL | {VLSReal} value = SIGNED_REAL_ID | {VLSRational} value = SIGNED_RAT_ID | {VLSDoubleQuote} value = DOUBLE_QUOTE ;