/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014, Miklos Foldenyi, Andras Szabolcs Nagy, Abel Hegedus, Akos Horvath, Zoltan Ujhelyi and Daniel Varro * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.viatra.dse.api; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.api.strategy.interfaces.IStrategy; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.base.DesignSpaceManager; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.base.GlobalContext; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.designspace.api.DesignSpace; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.designspace.api.IDesignSpace; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.objectives.IGlobalConstraint; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.objectives.IObjective; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.solutionstore.ISolutionNameProvider; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.solutionstore.IdBasedSolutionNameProvider; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.solutionstore.SolutionStore; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.statecode.IStateCoder; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.statecode.IStateCoderFactory; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.statecoding.simple.SimpleStateCoderFactory; import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.visualizer.IDesignSpaceVisualizer; import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.matchers.util.Preconditions; import org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.evm.api.resolver.ConflictResolver; import org.eclipse.viatra.transformation.runtime.emf.rules.batch.BatchTransformationRule; /** *

* The {@link DesignSpaceExplorer} is the main API of the Design Space Exploration engine. *

* *

* To parameterize the algorithm one must use the following methods after instantiating: *


* *

* Designs Space Exploration is the process of finding a sequence (or sequences) of predefined transformation * rules ("transitions") that, if applied in order on the starting model, results in a new model state that fulfills the * hard (or goal) constraints and is near optimal with respect to the objectives. *

* *

* An extension to this paradigm is the introduction of global constraints, which guarantees, that no sequence will be * returned, which if executed, results in an intermediate model state that violates the specified global constraints, * including the final state. You can add constraints by invoking {@link #addGlobalConstraint(IGlobalConstraint)}. *

* * @author Andras Szabolcs Nagy & Miklos Foldenyi * */ public class DesignSpaceExplorer { private Notifier model; private GlobalContext globalContext = new GlobalContext(); private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private Set metaModelPackages = new HashSet(); private static final String MODEL_NOT_YET_GIVEN = "The starting model is not given yet. Please call the setInitialModel method first."; private boolean deepCopyModel; /** *

* Creates a {@link DesignSpaceExplorer} object that is able to execute a design space exploration process. *

* *

* By default the state coder used is the generic (not meta-model specific) {@link GraphHash}. You can provide your * custom state coder by implementing the {@link IStateCoderFactory} and {@link IStateCoder} interfaces, and passing * the former to the {@link #setStateCoderFactory(IStateCoderFactory)} method. * */ public DesignSpaceExplorer() { setDesignspace(new DesignSpace()); } /** * Adds a metamodel in the form of {@link EPackage}, which is needed for certain guidance. * * @param metaModelPackage */ public void addMetaModelPackage(EPackage metaModelPackage) { metaModelPackages.add(metaModelPackage); } /** * Defines the initial model of the exploration, and whether it is supposed to be used to execute the DSE process or * it should be cloned. Please note, that in multithreaded mode any subsequent threads will be working on cloned * models. * * @param model * The root object of the EMF model. * @param deepCopyModel * If it is set to true, the exploration will run on a cloned model. */ public void setInitialModel(Notifier model, boolean deepCopyModel) { this.model = model; this.deepCopyModel = deepCopyModel; } /** * Defines the initial model of the exploration. The model will be cloned, which is desired in most cases as the * given model won't be changed. * * @param model * The root object of the EMF model. */ public void setInitialModel(Notifier model) { setInitialModel(model, true); } /** * Defines the initial model of the exploration. The given model won't be cloned, thus the exploration will modify * it. * * @param model * The root object of the EMF model. It won't be cloned. */ public void setInitialModelUncloned(Notifier model) { setInitialModel(model, false); } /** * Adds a {@link BatchTransformationRule}. * * @param rule * The transformationRule. */ public void addTransformationRule(BatchTransformationRule rule) { Preconditions.checkArgument(rule != null); for (BatchTransformationRule rule2 : globalContext.getTransformations()) { if (rule.getPrecondition().equals(rule2.getPrecondition())) { throw new DSEException( "Two transformation rule (" + rule.getName() + "; " + rule2.getName() + ") uses the same LHS VIATRA Query pattern (" + rule.getPrecondition().getFullyQualifiedName() + "), which may lead to hash collision." + " Please wrap the pattern with an other pattern with the 'find' keyword (or duplicate the code), and use that for one of the rules LHS."); } } globalContext.getTransformations().add(rule); } /** * Adds a global constraint to the exploration process. Please see the {@link IGlobalConstraint} interface and its * implementations for details. * * @param constraint * The global constraint. * @see IGlobalConstraint */ public void addGlobalConstraint(IGlobalConstraint constraint) { globalContext.getGlobalConstraints().add(constraint); } /** * Adds an objective the the exploration process. Please see the {@link IObjective} interface and its * implementations for details. * * @param objective * The objective. * @see IObjective */ public void addObjective(IObjective objective) { for (IObjective o : globalContext.getObjectives()) { if (o.getName().equals(objective.getName())) { throw new DSEException("Two objectives with the same name cannot be registered:" + o.getName()); } } globalContext.getObjectives().add(objective); } /** * Sets a {@link IStateCoderFactory} for which will be used for creating {@link IStateCoder}s. The default * implementation is the {@link SimpleStateCoderFactory}, which works well in most of the cases. * * @param stateCoderFactory * The factory. */ public final void setStateCoderFactory(IStateCoderFactory stateCoderFactory) { globalContext.setStateCoderFactory(stateCoderFactory); } /** * Defines the maximum processing threads that the design space exploration can use. Note, that this is only * limiting the threads doing the actual calculation. By default this value will be set to the number of logical * processors (including HyperThreading) in the computer, reported by {@link Runtime#availableProcessors()}. * * @param maxNumberOfThreads * The number of maximum processing threads available to the design space exploration process. */ public void setMaxNumberOfThreads(int maxNumberOfThreads) { globalContext.getThreadPool().setMaximumPoolSize(maxNumberOfThreads); } /** * Sets the {@link IDesignSpace} implementation that is to be used during the design space exploration process. By * default, the {@link DesignSpace} implementation is used. * * @param designspace * The {@link IDesignSpace} implementation. */ public final void setDesignspace(IDesignSpace designspace) { globalContext.setDesignSpace(designspace); } /** * Sets the solution store for strategies. Please see the {@link SolutionStore} for how to configure it. * * @param solutionStore * The parameterized {@link SolutionStore} implementation. */ public void setSolutionStore(SolutionStore solutionStore) { globalContext.setSolutionStore(solutionStore); } /** * Starts the design space exploration. It returns only when the strategy decides to stop the execution. * * @param strategy * The strategy of the exploration. */ public void startExploration(IStrategy strategy) { startExploration(strategy, true, -1); } /** * Starts the design space exploration asynchronously. Completion of the process can be verified by calling * {@link DesignSpaceExplorer#isDone()}. * * @param strategy * The strategy of the exploration. */ public void startExplorationAsync(IStrategy strategy) { startExploration(strategy, false, -1); } /** * Starts the design space exploration with a timeout. It returns only when the strategy decides to stop the * execution or the given timeout is elapsed. * * @param strategy * The strategy of the exploration. * @param timeout * The number of milliseconds before the exploration is forced to stop. * @return Returns true if the exploration stopped by the timeout. */ public boolean startExplorationWithTimeout(IStrategy strategy, long timeout) { return startExploration(strategy, true, timeout); } /** * Starts the design space exploration asynchronously with a timeout. Completion of the process can be verified by * calling {@link DesignSpaceExplorer#isDone()}. * * @param strategy * The strategy of the exploration. * @param timeout * The number of milliseconds before the exploration is forced to stop. * @return Returns true if the exploration stopped by the timeout. */ public boolean startExplorationAsyncWithTimeout(IStrategy strategy, long timeout) { return startExploration(strategy, false, timeout); } /** * Starts the design space exploration. If {@code waitForTermination} is true, then it returns only when the * strategy decides to stop the execution or there was a timeout, otherwise when the exploration process is started * it returns immediately. In this case, process completion can be verified by calling * {@link DesignSpaceExplorer#isDone()}. * * @param strategy * The strategy of the exploration. * @param waitForTermination * True if the method must wait for the engine to stop, i.e. whether to start synchronously. * @param timeout * The number of milliseconds before the exploration is forced to stop. * @return Returns true if the exploration stopped by the timeout. */ public boolean startExploration(IStrategy strategy, boolean waitForTermination, final long timeout) { initExploration(strategy); Timer timer = new Timer(); final AtomicBoolean wasTimeout = new AtomicBoolean(false); if (timeout > 0) { TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { logger.info("Timeout, stopping threads..."); globalContext.stopAllThreads(); wasTimeout.set(true); } }; timer.schedule(timerTask, timeout); } if (waitForTermination) { waitForTerminaition(); timer.cancel(); } else { logger.info("Design space exploration started asynchronously."); } return wasTimeout.get(); } private void initExploration(IStrategy strategy) { Preconditions.checkArgument(model != null, MODEL_NOT_YET_GIVEN); Preconditions.checkArgument(strategy != null, "A strategy must be given. Use the Strategies helper class."); Preconditions.checkState(!globalContext.getTransformations().isEmpty(), "At least one transformation rule must be added to start the exploration."); if (globalContext.getStateCoderFactory() == null) { if (getMetaModelPackages() == null || getMetaModelPackages().isEmpty()) { throw new DSEException("Cannot initialize state coder." + " Please specifiy the EPackages your model uses with addMetaModelPackage(EPackage)"); } globalContext.setStateCoderFactory(new SimpleStateCoderFactory(getMetaModelPackages())); } logger.info("DesignSpaceExplorer started exploration."); if (deepCopyModel) { globalContext.startFirstThread(strategy, model); } else { globalContext.startFirstThreadWithoutModelClone(strategy, model); } } /** * Returns all of the found {@link Solution}s, trajectories. Call it after * {@link DesignSpaceExplorer#startExploration()}. Calling this while the process is running returns the solutions * that have been found so far. The returned {@link Solution} objects may change internal state after they * have been returned, if a shorter trajectory has been found to the referred state. * * @return The found solutions. */ public Collection getSolutions() { return globalContext.getSolutionStore().getSolutions(); } /** * Returns an arbitrary solution trajectory or null if the exploration failed to find any. * * @return An arbitrary solution trajectory. */ public SolutionTrajectory getArbitrarySolution() { Collection solutions = getSolutions(); if (solutions.isEmpty()) { return null; } return solutions.iterator().next().getArbitraryTrajectory(); } /** * Returns the number of distinct states the exploration process has visited so far. * * @return the number of distinct states. */ public long getNumberOfStates() { return globalContext.getDesignSpace().getNumberOfStates(); } /** * Returns the number of distinct transitions the exploration process has discovered (but not necessarily traversed) * so far. * * @return the number of distinct transitions. */ public long getNumberOfTransitions() { return globalContext.getDesignSpace().getNumberOfTransitions(); } /** * Returns the {@link EPackage}s, which were registered with the * {@link DesignSpaceExplorer#addMetaModelPackage(EPackage)} method. * * @return The set of meta model packages. */ public Set getMetaModelPackages() { return metaModelPackages; } /** * Returns true if the {@link IExplorerThread strategy} decided to stop, and all the threads finished their work. * * @return true if the process has finished, false otherwise. */ public boolean isDone() { return globalContext.isDone(); } /** * Returns the {@link GlobalContext} which holds the configurations such as rule, objectives, etc. * * @return The global context. */ public GlobalContext getGlobalContext() { return globalContext; } /** * Registers a design space visualizer. Please see the corresponding interface {@link IDesignSpaceVisualizer}. * * @see IDesignSpaceVisualizer * * @param visualizer */ public void addDesignSpaceVisulaizer(IDesignSpaceVisualizer visualizer) { globalContext.registerDesignSpaceVisualizer(visualizer); } /** * Creates a string containing the state codes of all the found solutions and the found trajectories to these * solutions with fitness values. * * @return A pretty string with the solutions. */ public String toStringSolutions() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Collection solutions = getSolutions(); sb.append("Number of solutions: "); sb.append(solutions.size()); sb.append("\n"); for (Solution solution : solutions) { sb.append("Solution: "); sb.append(solution.getStateCode()); sb.append("\n"); for (SolutionTrajectory trajectory : solution.getTrajectories()) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(trajectory.toPrettyString()); sb.append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * A conflict resolver can filter rule activations the DSE engine will see. The primary use of this is symmetry * reduction. This function is subject to change for better API. * * @param conflictResolver */ public void setConflictResolver(ConflictResolver conflictResolver) { globalContext.setConflictResolver(conflictResolver); } /** * Enumeration for different use cases of logging, including: *

* * @author Andras Szabolcs Nagy * */ public enum DseLoggingLevel { OFF, WARN, BASIC, VERBOSE_STRATEGY, VERBOSE_FULL } /** * Changes the level of logging. See {@link DseLoggingLevel} for details. * * @param dseLoggingLevel */ public static void turnOnLogging(DseLoggingLevel dseLoggingLevel) { switch (dseLoggingLevel) { case OFF: Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceExplorer.class).setLevel(Level.OFF); Logger.getLogger(IStrategy.class).setLevel(Level.OFF); Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceManager.class).setLevel(Level.OFF); break; case WARN: Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceExplorer.class).setLevel(Level.WARN); Logger.getLogger(IStrategy.class).setLevel(Level.WARN); Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceManager.class).setLevel(Level.WARN); break; case BASIC: Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceExplorer.class).setLevel(Level.INFO); Logger.getLogger(IStrategy.class).setLevel(Level.INFO); Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceManager.class).setLevel(Level.WARN); break; case VERBOSE_STRATEGY: Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceExplorer.class).setLevel(Level.DEBUG); Logger.getLogger(IStrategy.class).setLevel(Level.DEBUG); Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceManager.class).setLevel(Level.WARN); break; case VERBOSE_FULL: Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceExplorer.class).setLevel(Level.DEBUG); Logger.getLogger(IStrategy.class).setLevel(Level.DEBUG); Logger.getLogger(DesignSpaceManager.class).setLevel(Level.DEBUG); break; default: throw new DSEException("Not supported logging level."); } } /** * Changes the level of logging. See {@link DseLoggingLevel} for details. * * Also configures a basic console appender for log4j. * * @param dseLoggingLevel */ public static void turnOnLoggingWithBasicConfig(DseLoggingLevel dseLoggingLevel) { BasicConfigurator.configure(); Logger.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.WARN); turnOnLogging(dseLoggingLevel); } /** * Stops the exploration and waits for termination. It has no effect if the exploration is already terminated or not * even started. */ public void stopExploration() { if (globalContext.isDone()) { logger.info("Cannot stop exploration - design space exploration has already finished."); } else if (globalContext.isNotStarted()) { logger.info("Cannot stop exploration - design space exploration has not been started."); } else { globalContext.stopAllThreads(); waitForTerminaition(); } } /** * Stops the exploration asynchronously. It has no effect if the exploration is already terminated or not even * started. */ public void stopExplorationAsync() { if (globalContext.isDone()) { logger.info("Cannot stop exploration - design space exploration has already finished."); } else if (globalContext.isNotStarted()) { logger.info("Cannot stop exploration - design space exploration has not been started."); } else { globalContext.stopAllThreads(); } } /** * Waits for termination. */ public void waitForTerminaition() { globalContext.waitForTermination(); } /** * Serializes all the found solutions by transforming the given initial model. *

Files will be named solution[id].xmi. * @param model The initial model. */ public void saveModels(Notifier model) { this.saveModels(model, "solution", "xmi"); } /** * Serializes all the found solutions by transforming the given initial model. *

Files will be named solution[id].[extension]. * @param model The initial model. * @param extension The extension of the omitted file. */ public void saveModels(Notifier model, String extension) { this.saveModels(model, "solution", extension); } /** * Serializes all the found solutions by transforming the given initial model. *

Files will be named [fileNamePrefix][id].[extension]. * @param model The initial model. * @param fileNamePrefix The prefix (optionally including a file path) of the omitted file. * @param extension The extension of the omitted file. */ public void saveModels(Notifier model, String fileNamePrefix, String extension) { globalContext.getSolutionStore().saveModels(model, new IdBasedSolutionNameProvider(fileNamePrefix, extension)); } /** * Serializes all the found solutions by transforming the given initial model. *

Files will be named using the {@link ISolutionNameProvider}. * @param model The initial model. */ public void saveModels(Notifier model, ISolutionNameProvider solutionNameProvider) { globalContext.getSolutionStore().saveModels(model, solutionNameProvider); } }