package import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.base.ThreadContext import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IPatternMatch import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IQuerySpecification import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryMatcher class QueryBasedObjective extends DirectionalThresholdObjective { val IQuerySpecification> querySpecification ViatraQueryMatcher matcher new(IQuerySpecification> querySpecification, ObjectiveKind kind, ObjectiveThreshold threshold, int level) { super(querySpecification.simpleName + " objective", kind, threshold, level) if (querySpecification.parameters.size != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Objective query must have a single parameter") } this.querySpecification = querySpecification } override createNew() { new QueryBasedObjective(querySpecification, kind, threshold, level) } override init(ThreadContext context) { matcher = querySpecification.getMatcher(context.queryEngine) } override protected getRawFitness(ThreadContext context) { val iterator = matcher.allMatches.iterator if (!iterator.hasNext) { return invalidValue } val value = if (iterator.hasNext) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple matches for objective query") } if (value instanceof Number) { value.doubleValue } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Objective value is not an instance of Number") } } private def getInvalidValue() { kind.invalidValue } }