package import java.util.Comparator import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.base.ThreadContext import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.objectives.IObjective import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Accessors import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor abstract class ObjectiveThreshold { public static val NO_THRESHOLD = new ObjectiveThreshold { override isHard() { false } override satisfiesThreshold(double cost, Comparator comparator) { true } override protected postProcessSatisfactoryCost(double cost, ObjectiveKind kind) { cost } override ObjectiveThreshold merge(ObjectiveThreshold other) { if (other == NO_THRESHOLD) { NO_THRESHOLD } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Merged thresholds must have the same type") } } } private new() { } def boolean isHard() { true } def boolean satisfiesThreshold(double cost, ObjectiveKind kind) { satisfiesThreshold(cost, kind.comparator) } def boolean satisfiesThreshold(double cost, Comparator comparator) def double postProcessCost(double cost, ObjectiveKind kind) { if (satisfiesThreshold(cost, kind)) { postProcessSatisfactoryCost(cost, kind) } else { cost } } protected def double postProcessSatisfactoryCost(double cost, ObjectiveKind kind) def ObjectiveThreshold merge(ObjectiveThreshold other) @Data static class Exclusive extends ObjectiveThreshold { static val EPSILON = 0.1 val double threshold val boolean clampToThreshold @FinalFieldsConstructor new() { } new(double threshold) { this(threshold, true) } override satisfiesThreshold(double cost, Comparator comparator) {, cost) < 0 } override protected postProcessSatisfactoryCost(double cost, ObjectiveKind kind) { if (clampToThreshold) { threshold + Math.signum(kind.satisfiedValue) * EPSILON } else { cost } } override ObjectiveThreshold merge(ObjectiveThreshold other) { if (other instanceof Exclusive) { new Exclusive(threshold + other.threshold) } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Merged thresholds must have the same type") } } } @Data static class Inclusive extends ObjectiveThreshold { val double threshold val boolean clampToThreshold @FinalFieldsConstructor new() { } new(double threshold) { this(threshold, true) } override satisfiesThreshold(double cost, Comparator comparator) {, cost) <= 0 } override protected postProcessSatisfactoryCost(double cost, ObjectiveKind kind) { if (clampToThreshold) { threshold } else { cost } } override ObjectiveThreshold merge(ObjectiveThreshold other) { if (other instanceof Inclusive) { new Inclusive(threshold + other.threshold) } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Merged thresholds must have the same type") } } } } abstract class DirectionalThresholdObjective implements IObjective { @Accessors val String name @Accessors ObjectiveKind kind @Accessors ObjectiveThreshold threshold @Accessors int level protected new(String name, ObjectiveKind kind, ObjectiveThreshold threshold, int level) { = name this.kind = kind this.threshold = threshold this.level = level } override isHardObjective() { threshold.hard } override satisifiesHardObjective(Double fitness) { threshold.satisfiesThreshold(fitness, comparator) } override getComparator() { kind.comparator } override setComparator(Comparator comparator) { kind = ObjectiveKind.fromComparator(comparator) } override getFitness(ThreadContext context) { val fitness = getRawFitness(context) threshold.postProcessCost(fitness, kind) } protected def double getRawFitness(ThreadContext context) }