package import java.util.HashMap import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.api.DSEException import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.api.Solution import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.api.SolutionTrajectory import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.base.ThreadContext import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.objectives.Fitness import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.objectives.IObjective import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.objectives.ObjectiveComparatorHelper import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.solutionstore.SolutionStore.ISolutionSaver import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Accessors /** * Based on {@link SolutionStore.BestSolutionSaver}. * * Will also automatically fill any missing numerical values in the saved solutions * using the supplied {@link NumericSolver}. */ class ViatraReasonerSolutionSaver implements ISolutionSaver { @Accessors val SolutionCopier solutionCopier @Accessors val DiversityChecker diversityChecker val boolean hasExtremalObjectives val int numberOfRequiredSolutions val ObjectiveComparatorHelper comparatorHelper val Map trajectories = new HashMap @Accessors(PUBLIC_SETTER) var Map solutionsCollection new(IObjective[][] leveledExtremalObjectives, int numberOfRequiredSolutions, DiversityChecker diversityChecker, NumericSolver numericSolver) { this.diversityChecker = diversityChecker comparatorHelper = new ObjectiveComparatorHelper(leveledExtremalObjectives) hasExtremalObjectives = leveledExtremalObjectives.exists[!empty] this.numberOfRequiredSolutions = numberOfRequiredSolutions this.solutionCopier = new SolutionCopier(numericSolver) } override saveSolution(ThreadContext context, Object id, SolutionTrajectory solutionTrajectory) { if (hasExtremalObjectives) { saveBestSolutionOnly(context, id, solutionTrajectory) } else { saveAnyDiverseSolution(context, id, solutionTrajectory) } } private def saveBestSolutionOnly(ThreadContext context, Object id, SolutionTrajectory solutionTrajectory) { val fitness = context.lastFitness if (!shouldSaveSolution(fitness, context)) { return false } val dominatedTrajectories = newArrayList for (entry : trajectories.entrySet) { val isLastFitnessBetter =, entry.value) if (isLastFitnessBetter < 0) { // Found a trajectory that dominates the current one, no need to save return false } if (isLastFitnessBetter > 0) { dominatedTrajectories += entry.key } } if (dominatedTrajectories.size == 0 && !needsMoreSolutionsWithSameFitness) { return false } if (!diversityChecker.newSolution(context, id,[solution.stateCode])) { return false } // We must save the new trajectory before removing dominated trajectories // to avoid removing the current solution when it is reachable only via dominated trajectories. val solutionSaved = basicSaveSolution(context, id, solutionTrajectory, fitness) for (dominatedTrajectory : dominatedTrajectories) { trajectories -= dominatedTrajectory val dominatedSolution = dominatedTrajectory.solution if (!dominatedSolution.trajectories.remove(dominatedTrajectory)) { throw new DSEException( "Dominated solution is not reachable from dominated trajectory. This should never happen!") } if (dominatedSolution.trajectories.empty) { val dominatedSolutionId = dominatedSolution.stateCode solutionCopier.markAsObsolete(dominatedSolutionId) solutionsCollection -= dominatedSolutionId } } solutionSaved } private def saveAnyDiverseSolution(ThreadContext context, Object id, SolutionTrajectory solutionTrajectory) { val fitness = context.lastFitness if (!shouldSaveSolution(fitness, context)) { return false } if (!diversityChecker.newSolution(context, id, emptyList)) { return false } basicSaveSolution(context, id, solutionTrajectory, fitness) } private def shouldSaveSolution(Fitness fitness, ThreadContext context) { return fitness.satisifiesHardObjectives } private def basicSaveSolution(ThreadContext context, Object id, SolutionTrajectory solutionTrajectory, Fitness fitness) { var boolean solutionSaved = false var dseSolution = solutionsCollection.get(id) if (dseSolution === null) { solutionCopier.copySolution(context, id) dseSolution = new Solution(id, solutionTrajectory) solutionsCollection.put(id, dseSolution) solutionSaved = true } else { solutionSaved = dseSolution.trajectories.add(solutionTrajectory) } if (solutionSaved) { solutionTrajectory.solution = dseSolution trajectories.put(solutionTrajectory, fitness) } solutionSaved } def fitnessMayBeSaved(Fitness fitness) { if (!hasExtremalObjectives) { return true } var boolean mayDominate for (existingFitness : trajectories.values) { val isNewFitnessBetter =, existingFitness) if (isNewFitnessBetter < 0) { return false } if (isNewFitnessBetter > 0) { mayDominate = true } } mayDominate || needsMoreSolutionsWithSameFitness } private def boolean needsMoreSolutionsWithSameFitness() { if (solutionsCollection === null) { // The solutions collection will only be initialized upon saving the first solution. return true } solutionsCollection.size < numberOfRequiredSolutions } def getTotalCopierRuntime() { solutionCopier.totalCopierRuntime } }