package import import import import import import import import java.util.HashMap import java.util.HashSet import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IPatternMatch import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryMatcher import static extension* import java.util.ArrayList abstract class PartialInterpretation2NeighbourhoodRepresentation { /** * Includes shape of a smaller range in the current shape */ private val boolean deepRepresentation /** * Treats similar shapes as one (recommended) */ private val boolean mergeSimilarNeighbourhood protected new(boolean deeprepresentation, boolean mergeSimilarNeighbourhood) { this.deepRepresentation = deeprepresentation this.mergeSimilarNeighbourhood = mergeSimilarNeighbourhood } /** * Constant to be used as the range parameter of the createRepresentation function for enforcing fix point semantics instead of a predefined range */ public static val FixPointRage = -1 /** * Constant to be used as the range parameter of the createRepresentation function for using the width of the graph as the range */ public static val GraphWidthRange = -2 /** * Constant to be used as the parallels parameter of the createRepresentation function for prohibiting cardinality abstractions */ public static val FullParallels = Integer.MAX_VALUE /** * Constant to be used as the parallels parameter of the createRepresentation function for prohibiting multiplicity abstractions */ public static val MaxNumbers = Integer.MAX_VALUE /** * Creates a neighbourhood representation with traces * @param model The model to be represented. * @param range The range of the neighbourhood. * @param parallels The maximal number of parallel references to be differentiated. * @param maxNumber The maximal number of elements in a equivalence class that can be differentiated. */ def public createRepresentation(PartialInterpretation model, int range, int parallels, int maxNumber) { return createRepresentation(model, range, parallels, maxNumber, null, null, null) } /** * Creates a neighbourhood representation with traces * @param model The model to be represented. * @param range The range of the neighbourhood. * @param parallels The maximal number of parallel references to be differentiated. * @param maxNumber The maximal number of elements in a equivalence class that can be differentiated. * @param relevantTypes The set of types to include in the diversity calculations (when value is null, all types are considered) * @param relevantRelations The set of relations to include in the diversity calculations (when value is null, all relations are considered) * @param relevantPatterns The set of patterns to include in the diversity calculations * (NOT the well-formedness constraints) - when value is null, NO patterns are considered */ def public createRepresentation(PartialInterpretation model, int range, int parallels, int maxNumber, Set relevantTypes, Set relevantRelations, Set> relevantPatterns) { val Map> types = new HashMap fillTypes(model, types, relevantTypes) val Map>> IncomingRelations = new HashMap; val Map>> OutgoingRelations = new HashMap; fillReferences(model, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations, relevantRelations); val Map>> PatternRelations = createPatternRelations(model, relevantPatterns); val res = doRecursiveNeighbourCalculation(model, types, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations, PatternRelations,range, parallels, maxNumber); return res; } /** * Collects all pattern relations for shaping */ def Map>> createPatternRelations( PartialInterpretation model, Set> relevantPatterns) { val Map>> result=new HashMap; for (element : model.elements) { result.put(element,new LinkedList>) } if (relevantPatterns===null) return result; for (pattern : relevantPatterns) { val name=pattern.patternName val arity=pattern.parameterNames.size val ignoredParams=new HashSet(); for (match : pattern.allMatches) { val sanitizedMatch=new ArrayList(); for (var i=0; i(name,id,sanitizedMatch)) } id++ } } println('''Ignored params '''+ignoredParams+''' of pattern '''+ name) } return result; } def private isRelevant(TypeDeclaration t, Set relevantTypes) { if (relevantTypes === null) { return true } else { return relevantTypes.contains(t) } } def private isRelevant(RelationDeclaration r, Set relevantRelations) { if (relevantRelations === null) { return true } else { return relevantRelations.contains(r) } } /** * @returns the diameter (maximal size of shortest paths between nodes) of the partial model */ def private getWidth(Map> types, Map>> IncomingRelations, Map>> OutgoingRelations) { val elements = types.keySet val Map> reachable = new HashMap for (element : elements) { val set = new HashSet set.add(element) reachable.put(element, set) } var int width = 0 var boolean newAdded do { newAdded = false for (element : elements) { val elementNeigbours = element.lookup(reachable) val size = elementNeigbours.size for (incoming : element.lookup(IncomingRelations)) { elementNeigbours.addAll(incoming.from.lookup(reachable)) } for (outgoing : element.lookup(OutgoingRelations)) { elementNeigbours.addAll( } newAdded = newAdded || (elementNeigbours.size > size) } width += 1 } while (newAdded) return width } /** * Creates a neighbourhood representation with traces * @param model The model to be represented. * @param IncomingRelations Requires the previously indexed incoming references. * @param OutgoingRelations Requires the previously indexed outgoing references. * @param range The range of the neighbourhood. * @param parallels The maximal number of parallel references to be differentiated. */ def private NeighbourhoodWithTraces doRecursiveNeighbourCalculation( PartialInterpretation model, Map> types, Map>> IncomingRelations, Map>> OutgoingRelations, Map>> PatternRelations, int range, int parallels, int maxNumber) { if (range == 0) { val r = calculateLocalNodeDescriptors(model, types, maxNumber) val res = this.createLocalRepresentation(r.value, r.key) if (res.modelRepresentation === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Model representation is null''') } else if (res.nodeRepresentations === null || res.nodeRepresentations.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''No node representation''') } else if (res.previousRepresentation !== null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''The previous representation of the first neighbourhood have to be null''') } else return res } else if (range > 0) { val previous = doRecursiveNeighbourCalculation(model, types, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations, PatternRelations, range - 1, parallels, maxNumber) val r = calculateFurtherNodeDescriptors(model, previous, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations,PatternRelations, parallels, maxNumber) // println('''Level «range» finished.''') val res = createFurtherRepresentation(r.key, r.value, previous, deepRepresentation) if (res.modelRepresentation === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Model representation is null''') } else if (res.nodeRepresentations === null || res.nodeRepresentations.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''No node representation''') } else if (res.previousRepresentation === null && deepRepresentation) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Need previous representations''') } else return res } else if (range == FixPointRage) { return refineUntilFixpoint(model, types, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations, PatternRelations, parallels, maxNumber) } else if (range == GraphWidthRange) { val width = this.getWidth(types, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations) // println(width) return doRecursiveNeighbourCalculation(model, types, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations,PatternRelations, width, parallels, maxNumber) } } def private refineUntilFixpoint(PartialInterpretation model, Map> types, Map>> IncomingRelations, Map>> OutgoingRelations, Map>> PatternRelations, int parallels, int maxNumbers) { var lastRange = 0 val last = calculateLocalNodeDescriptors(model, types, maxNumbers) var lastRepresentation = this.createLocalRepresentation(last.value, last.key) // println('''Level 0 finished.''') var boolean hasRefined do { val nextRange = lastRange + 1 val next = calculateFurtherNodeDescriptors(model, lastRepresentation, IncomingRelations, OutgoingRelations, PatternRelations, parallels, maxNumbers) val nextRepresentation = createFurtherRepresentation(next.key, next.value, lastRepresentation, deepRepresentation) val previousNumberOfTypes = lastRepresentation.nodeRepresentations.values.toSet.size val nextNumberOfTypes = nextRepresentation.nodeRepresentations.values.toSet.size hasRefined = nextNumberOfTypes > previousNumberOfTypes lastRange = nextRange lastRepresentation = nextRepresentation // if(hasRefined) { // println('''Level «nextRange» is calculated, number of types is refined: «previousNumberOfTypes» -> «nextNumberOfTypes»''') // } else { // println('''Level «nextRange» is calculated, but the number of types is not refined: «previousNumberOfTypes» = «nextNumberOfTypes»''') // } } while (hasRefined) return lastRepresentation } def private getElements(PartialInterpretation model) { return model.problem.elements + model.newElements + model.openWorldElements } def private fillTypes(PartialInterpretation model, Map> node2Type, Set relevantTypes) { for (element : model.elements) { node2Type.put(element, new HashSet) } // for(typeDefinition : model.problem.types.filter(TypeDefinition)) { // // Dont need // } for (typeInterpretation : model.partialtypeinterpratation) { if (typeInterpretation instanceof PartialPrimitiveInterpretation) { } else if (typeInterpretation instanceof PartialComplexTypeInterpretation) { val type = typeInterpretation.interpretationOf if (type.isRelevant(relevantTypes)) { for (element : typeInterpretation.elements) { element.lookup(node2Type).add( } } } } } /** * Indexes the references */ def private fillReferences(PartialInterpretation model, Map>> IncomingRelations, Map>> OutgoingRelations, Set relevantRelations) { for (object : model.elements) { IncomingRelations.put(object, new LinkedList) OutgoingRelations.put(object, new LinkedList) } for (relationInterpretation : model.partialrelationinterpretation) { val type = relationInterpretation.interpretationOf if (type.isRelevant(relevantRelations)) { for (link : relationInterpretation.relationlinks) { if (link instanceof BinaryElementRelationLink) { OutgoingRelations.get(link.param1) += new OutgoingRelation(link.param2, IncomingRelations.get(link.param2) += new IncomingRelation(link.param1, } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException } } } } /** * Creates the representation of the initial shape (aka zero range neighbourhood) */ def abstract protected NeighbourhoodWithTraces createLocalRepresentation( Map node2Representation, Map representation2Amount ) /** * Creates the representation of a shape (aka neighbourhood) with positive range */ def abstract protected NeighbourhoodWithTraces createFurtherRepresentation( Map, Integer> nodeDescriptors, Map> node2Representation, NeighbourhoodWithTraces previous, boolean deepRepresentation ) def private addOne(int original, int max) { if(original == Integer.MAX_VALUE) return Integer.MAX_VALUE if(original + 1 > max) return Integer.MAX_VALUE else return original + 1 } private def calculateIncomingEdges( Map>> IncomingRelations, DefinedElement object, Map previousNodeRepresentations, int parallel) { val Map, Integer> res = new HashMap for (incomingConcreteEdge : IncomingRelations.get(object)) { val IncomingRelation e = new IncomingRelation( previousNodeRepresentations.get(incomingConcreteEdge.from), incomingConcreteEdge.type) if (res.containsKey(e)) { res.put(e, addOne(res.get(e), parallel)) } else { res.put(e, 1) } } return res } private def calcuateOutgoingEdges( Map>> OutgoingRelations, DefinedElement object, Map previousNodeRepresentations, int parallel) { val Map, Integer> res = new HashMap for (outgoingConcreteEdge : OutgoingRelations.get(object)) { val OutgoingRelation e = new OutgoingRelation( previousNodeRepresentations.get(, outgoingConcreteEdge.type) if (res.containsKey(e)) { res.put(e, addOne(res.get(e), parallel)) } else { res.put(e, 1) } } return res; } private def calculatePatterns(Map>> PatternRelations, DefinedElement object, Map previousNodeRepresentations) { val res = new HashSet>() for (patternRelation : PatternRelations.get(object)) { val[previousNodeRepresentations.getOrDefault(it,null)] res.add(new PatternRelation(patternRelation.patternName,patternRelation.param,matchshape)) } return res } /*def private void addOrCreate_Set(Map> map, KEY key, VALUE value) { * var Set s; * if(map.containsKey(key)) { * s = map.get(key); * } else { * s = new HashSet * map.put(key,s) * } * s.add(value) }*/ private def calculateFurtherNodeDescriptors(PartialInterpretation model, NeighbourhoodWithTraces previous, Map>> IncomingRelations, Map>> OutgoingRelations, Map>> PatternRelations, int parallels, int maxNumber) { val previousNodeRepresentations = previous.nodeRepresentations val node2Representation = new HashMap> val Map, Integer> descriptor2Number = if (this. mergeSimilarNeighbourhood) { new HashMap } else { null } val Map, FurtherNodeDescriptor> uniqueDescription = if (this. mergeSimilarNeighbourhood) { new HashMap } else { null } for (object : model.elements) { val incomingEdges = this.calculateIncomingEdges(IncomingRelations, object, previousNodeRepresentations, parallels) val outgoingEdges = this.calcuateOutgoingEdges(OutgoingRelations, object, previousNodeRepresentations, parallels) val patterns = this.calculatePatterns(PatternRelations, object, previousNodeRepresentations) val previousType = previousNodeRepresentations.get(object) if (previousType === null) { println("Error in state coder") } val nodeDescriptor = new FurtherNodeDescriptor(previousType, incomingEdges, outgoingEdges, patterns) if (this.mergeSimilarNeighbourhood) { if (descriptor2Number.containsKey(nodeDescriptor)) { descriptor2Number.put( nodeDescriptor, addOne(descriptor2Number.get(nodeDescriptor), maxNumber) ) node2Representation.put(object, uniqueDescription.get(nodeDescriptor)) } else { descriptor2Number.put(nodeDescriptor, if (1 > maxNumber) { Integer.MAX_VALUE } else { 1 }) uniqueDescription.put(nodeDescriptor, nodeDescriptor) node2Representation.put(object, nodeDescriptor) } } else { node2Representation.put(object, nodeDescriptor) } } return descriptor2Number -> node2Representation } private def calculateLocalNodeDescriptors(PartialInterpretation model, Map> types, int maxNumber) { val Map node2Representation = new HashMap val Map representation2Amount = if (mergeSimilarNeighbourhood) { new HashMap } else { null } val Map uniqueRepresentation = if (this. mergeSimilarNeighbourhood) { new HashMap } else { null } for (element : model.elements) { var newDescriptor = new LocalNodeDescriptor(, element.lookup(types)) if (this.mergeSimilarNeighbourhood) { if (uniqueRepresentation.containsKey(newDescriptor)) { newDescriptor = newDescriptor.lookup(uniqueRepresentation) node2Representation.put(element, newDescriptor) representation2Amount.put( newDescriptor, addOne(newDescriptor.lookup(representation2Amount), maxNumber) ) } else { uniqueRepresentation.put(newDescriptor, newDescriptor) node2Representation.put(element, newDescriptor) representation2Amount.put(newDescriptor, if (1 > maxNumber) { Integer.MAX_VALUE } else { 1 }) } } else { node2Representation.put(element, newDescriptor) } } return representation2Amount -> node2Representation } }