package import java.util.HashMap import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenationClient @Data abstract class AbstractNodeDescriptor { long dataHash protected def StringConcatenationClient prettyPrint() { '''(«dataHash»)[«class.simpleName»]''' } override toString() { ''' «prettyPrint» ''' } // @Pure // @Override // override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if (this === obj) // return true; // if (obj === null) // return false; // if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) // return false; // val AbstractNodeDescriptor other = obj as AbstractNodeDescriptor; // if (other.dataHash != this.dataHash) // return false; // return true; // } } @Data class LocalNodeDescriptor extends AbstractNodeDescriptor { Set types String id; new(String id, Set types) { super(calcualteDataHash(id, types)) this.types = types = id } def private static calcualteDataHash(String id, Set types) { val int prime = 31; var result = 0 if (id !== null) result = id.hashCode(); if (types !== null) { result = prime * result + types.hashCode } return result } override hashCode() { return this.dataHash.hashCode } override protected prettyPrint() { '''(«dataHash»)[«IF id !== null»id = "«id»"«IF types === null || !types.empty», «ENDIF»«ENDIF»«IF types === null»TYPES = null«ELSE»«FOR type : types SEPARATOR ", "»«type»«ENDFOR»«ENDIF»]''' } override toString() { ''' «prettyPrint» ''' } // @Pure // @Override // override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if (this === obj) // return true; // if (obj === null) // return false; // if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) // return false; // val AbstractNodeDescriptor other = obj as AbstractNodeDescriptor; // if (other.dataHash != this.dataHash) // return false; // return true; // } // @Pure // override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if (this === obj) // return true; // if (obj === null) // return false; // if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) // return false; // if (!super.equals(obj)) // return false; // val LocalNodeDescriptor other = obj as LocalNodeDescriptor; // if (this.clazz === null) { // if (other.clazz != null) // return false; // } else if (!this.clazz.equals(other.clazz)) // return false; // return true; // } } @Data class IncomingRelation { FROM from String type } @Data class OutgoingRelation { TO to String type } @Data class FurtherNodeDescriptor extends AbstractNodeDescriptor { NodeRep previousRepresentation Map, Integer> incomingEdges Map, Integer> outgoingEdges new(NodeRep previousRepresentation, Map, Integer> incomingEdges, Map, Integer> outgoingEdges) { super(calculateDataHash(previousRepresentation, incomingEdges, outgoingEdges)) this.previousRepresentation = previousRepresentation this.incomingEdges = new HashMap(incomingEdges) this.outgoingEdges = new HashMap(outgoingEdges) } static def private int calculateDataHash(NodeRep previousRepresentation, Map, Integer> incomingEdges, Map, Integer> outgoingEdges) { val int prime = 31; var int result = previousRepresentation.hashCode; if (incomingEdges !== null) result = prime * result + incomingEdges.hashCode(); if (outgoingEdges !== null) result = prime * result + outgoingEdges.hashCode(); return result; } override hashCode() { return this.dataHash.hashCode } override prettyPrint() { ''' («dataHash»)[ PREV = «previousRepresentation?.prettyPrint» «IF incomingEdges === null» IN null «ELSE» «FOR edge : incomingEdges.entrySet» IN «edge.value» «edge.key.type» = «edge.key.from.prettyPrint» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» «IF outgoingEdges === null» OUT null «ELSE» «FOR edge : outgoingEdges.entrySet» OUT «edge.value» «edge.key.type» = «» «ENDFOR» «ENDIF» ]''' } private def StringConcatenationClient prettyPrint(NodeRep rep) { if (rep instanceof AbstractNodeDescriptor) { rep.prettyPrint } else { '''«rep»''' } } override toString() { ''' «prettyPrint» ''' } // @Pure // @Override // override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if (this === obj) // return true; // if (obj === null) // return false; // if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) // return false; // val AbstractNodeDescriptor other = obj as AbstractNodeDescriptor; // if (other.dataHash != this.dataHash) // return false; // return true; // } // @Pure // override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if (this === obj) // return true; // if (obj === null) // return false; // if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) // return false; // if (!super.equals(obj)) // return false; // val FurtherNodeDescriptor other = obj as FurtherNodeDescriptor; // if (this.previousRepresentation === null) { // if (other.previousRepresentation != null) // return false; // // } //// } else if (!this.previousRepresentation.equals(other.previousRepresentation)) //// return false; // if (this.incomingEdges === null) { // if (other.incomingEdges != null) // return false; // } else if (!this.incomingEdges.equals(other.incomingEdges)) // return false; // if (this.outgoingEdges === null) { // if (other.outgoingEdges != null) // return false; // } else if (!this.outgoingEdges.equals(other.outgoingEdges)) // return false; // if (this.attributeValues === null) { // if (other.attributeValues != null) // return false; // } else if (!this.attributeValues.equals(other.attributeValues)) // return false; // return true; // } } /* * @Data * class ModelDescriptor { * int dataHash * int unknownElements * Map knownElements * * public new(Map knownElements, int unknownElements) { * this.dataHash = calculateDataHash(knownElements,unknownElements) * this.unknownElements = unknownElements * this.knownElements = knownElements * } * * def private static calculateDataHash(Map knownElements, int unknownElements) * { * val int prime = 31; * return knownElements.hashCode * prime + unknownElements.hashCode * } * } */