package import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import java.util.HashMap import java.util.HashSet import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Enumerator import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource import static extension* import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass import class InstanceModel2PartialInterpretation { val extension LogiclanguageFactory factory = LogiclanguageFactory.eINSTANCE val extension PartialinterpretationFactory factory2 = PartialinterpretationFactory.eINSTANCE val Ecore2Logic ecore2Logic = new Ecore2Logic val partialInterpretationInitialiser = new PartialInterpretationInitialiser public def transform( TracedOutput metamodelTranslationResult, Map> ignoredAttribs, Resource resource, boolean withID) { val objectsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder val treeIterator = resource.allContents val referencesUsed = ecore2Logic.allReferencesInScope(metamodelTranslationResult.trace).toSet while (treeIterator.hasNext) { val object = val containingReference = object.eContainmentFeature if (containingReference === null || referencesUsed.contains(containingReference)) { objectsBuilder.add(object) } else { treeIterator.prune } } val objects = return transform(metamodelTranslationResult, ignoredAttribs, objects, withID) } public def transform( TracedOutput metamodelTranslationResult, Map> ignoredAttribs, List objects, boolean withID) { val problem = metamodelTranslationResult.output val ecore2LogicTrace = metamodelTranslationResult.trace val referencesUsed = ecore2Logic.allReferencesInScope(ecore2LogicTrace).toSet val attributesUsed = ecore2Logic.allAttributesInScope(ecore2LogicTrace).toSet val typeScope = createTypeScopesFromKnownAttributeValues(objects,attributesUsed, ignoredAttribs) val tracedOutput = partialInterpretationInitialiser.initialisePartialInterpretation(problem, typeScope) val partialInterpretation = tracedOutput.output val partialInterpretationTrace = tracedOutput.trace val Map object2DefinedElement = new HashMap // EObject -> DefinedElement for(objectIndex : 0.. [ = if(withID) { '''o «objectIndex+1»''' } else { null } ] // Add element to interpretation partialInterpretation.newElements += element // Define the types val type = ecore2Logic.TypeofEClass(ecore2LogicTrace,object.eClass) as TypeDeclaration val interpretation = type.lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.type2Interpretation) interpretation.elements += element interpretation.supertypeInterpretation.forEach[elements += element] // Trace handling object2DefinedElement.put(object, element) } for(source : objects) { // Translating the references for(reference : source.eClass.EAllReferences.filter[ referencesUsed.contains(it) && !it.derived]) { val type = ecore2Logic.relationOfReference(ecore2LogicTrace,reference) val interpretation = type.lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.relation2Interpretation) val sourceElement = source.lookup(object2DefinedElement) if(reference.isMany) { val listOfTargets = source.eGet(reference) as List for(target : listOfTargets) { if(target !== null && object2DefinedElement.containsKey(target)) { val targetElement = target.lookup(object2DefinedElement) translateLink(interpretation,sourceElement,targetElement) } } } else { val target = source.eGet(reference) as EObject if(target !== null && object2DefinedElement.containsKey(target)) { val targetElement = target.lookup(object2DefinedElement) translateLink(interpretation,sourceElement,targetElement) } } } // Transforming the attributes for(attribute : source.eClass.EAllAttributes.filter[attributesUsed.contains(it) && !it.derived]) { val isIgnored = checkIfIgnored(source, attribute, ignoredAttribs) val type = ecore2Logic.relationOfAttribute(ecore2LogicTrace, attribute) val interpretation = type.lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.relation2Interpretation) val sourceElement = source.lookup(object2DefinedElement) if (attribute.isMany) { val listOfTargets = source.eGet(attribute) as List for (target : listOfTargets) { var DefinedElement value = null if (!isIgnored) value = translateValue(target, ecore2LogicTrace, partialInterpretationTrace) else value = createUnknownElement(partialInterpretation, target) if (value !== null) { translateLink(interpretation, sourceElement, value) } } } else { val target = source.eGet(attribute) if (target !== null) { if (!isIgnored) { val value = translateValue(target, ecore2LogicTrace, partialInterpretationTrace) if (value !== null) { translateLink(interpretation, sourceElement, value) } } else translateLink(interpretation, sourceElement, createUnknownElement(partialInterpretation, target)) // else value = null } } } } return partialInterpretation } private def createTypeScopesFromKnownAttributeValues( List objects, Set attributesUsed, Map> ignoredAttribs) { val Set integers = new HashSet val Set reals = new HashSet val Set strings = new HashSet for (object : objects) { for (attribute : object.eClass.EAllAttributes.filter[attributesUsed.contains(it)]) { val isIgnored = checkIfIgnored(object, attribute, ignoredAttribs) if(!isIgnored) { val value = object.eGet(attribute) if(value !== null) { if(value instanceof List) { for(v : value) { shortValue(v,integers,reals,strings) } } else { shortValue(value,integers,reals,strings) } } } } } return new TypeScopes => [ it.knownIntegers += integers it.knownReals += reals it.knownStrings += strings ] } private def boolean checkIfIgnored( EObject object, EAttribute attribute, Map> ignoredAttribs ) { if (ignoredAttribs === null || ignoredAttribs.isEmpty) return false; val classInIgnored = ignoredAttribs.get( val mayIgnored = ( classInIgnored !== null && classInIgnored.containsKey("*") || classInIgnored !== null && classInIgnored.containsKey( var isIgnored = false if (mayIgnored) { var String specificIgnoredValue = null if (classInIgnored.containsKey("*")) specificIgnoredValue = classInIgnored.get("*") else specificIgnoredValue = classInIgnored.get( if (specificIgnoredValue.equals("*")) isIgnored = true else { val value = object.eGet(attribute) if (typeof(Number).isAssignableFrom(value.class)) { isIgnored = (Double.valueOf(specificIgnoredValue) == value) } else { isIgnored = specificIgnoredValue.equals(value) } } } // DEBUG if (isIgnored) { // println("IGNORED") // println(object) // println(attribute) // println(object.eGet(attribute)) } // END DEBUG return isIgnored } private def dispatch shortValue(Boolean value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { // Do nothing } private def dispatch shortValue(Integer value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { integers += value } private def dispatch shortValue(Short value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { integers += Integer.valueOf(value) } private def dispatch shortValue(Float value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { reals += Double.valueOf(value) } private def dispatch shortValue(Double value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { reals += value } private def dispatch shortValue(String value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { strings += value } private def dispatch shortValue(Void value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { // Do nothing } private def dispatch shortValue(Object value, Set integers, Set reals, Set strings) { // Do nothing } protected def translateLink(PartialRelationInterpretation interpretation, DefinedElement source, DefinedElement target) { interpretation.relationlinks += createBinaryElementRelationLink => [it.param1 = source it.param2 = target] } dispatch protected def translateValue(Enumerator value, Ecore2Logic_Trace ecore2LogicTrace, Problem2PartialInterpretationTrace partialInterpretationTrace) { val term = this.ecore2Logic.Literal(ecore2LogicTrace,value) if(term instanceof DefinedElement) { return term } else throw new AssertionError('''term should be a defined element?''') } dispatch protected def translateValue(Boolean value, Ecore2Logic_Trace ecore2LogicTrace, Problem2PartialInterpretationTrace partialInterpretationTrace) { value.lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.primitiveValues.booleanMap) } dispatch protected def translateValue(Integer value, Ecore2Logic_Trace ecore2LogicTrace, Problem2PartialInterpretationTrace partialInterpretationTrace) { value.lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.primitiveValues.integerMap) } dispatch protected def translateValue(Short value, Ecore2Logic_Trace ecore2LogicTrace, Problem2PartialInterpretationTrace partialInterpretationTrace) { Integer.valueOf(value).lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.primitiveValues.integerMap) } dispatch protected def translateValue(Double value, Ecore2Logic_Trace ecore2LogicTrace, Problem2PartialInterpretationTrace partialInterpretationTrace) { value.lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.primitiveValues.realMap) } dispatch protected def translateValue(Float value, Ecore2Logic_Trace ecore2LogicTrace, Problem2PartialInterpretationTrace partialInterpretationTrace) { Double.valueOf(value).lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.primitiveValues.realMap) } dispatch protected def translateValue(String value, Ecore2Logic_Trace ecore2LogicTrace, Problem2PartialInterpretationTrace partialInterpretationTrace) { value.lookup(partialInterpretationTrace.primitiveValues.stringMap) } dispatch protected def createUnknownElement(PartialInterpretation p, Enumerator value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Currently we do not support ignored Enums") //TODO Unsure about this } dispatch protected def createUnknownElement(PartialInterpretation p, Boolean value) { val e = createBooleanElement => [valueSet = false] p.newElements += e return e } dispatch protected def createUnknownElement(PartialInterpretation p, Integer value) { val e = createIntegerElement => [valueSet = false] p.newElements += e return e } dispatch protected def createUnknownElement(PartialInterpretation p, Short value) { val e = createIntegerElement => [valueSet = false] p.newElements += e return e } dispatch protected def createUnknownElement(PartialInterpretation p, Double value) { val e = createRealElement => [it.valueSet = false] p.newElements += e return e } dispatch protected def createUnknownElement(PartialInterpretation p, Float value) { val e = createRealElement => [valueSet = false] p.newElements += e return e } dispatch protected def createUnknownElement(PartialInterpretation p, String value) { val e = createStringElement => [valueSet = false] p.newElements += e return e } }