package import import import import class GenericTypeIndexer extends TypeIndexer { new(PatternGenerator base) { super(base) } override requiresTypeAnalysis() { false } override getRequiredQueries() ''' «super.requiredQueries» /** * Direct supertypes of a type. */ private pattern supertypeDirect(subtype : Type, supertype : Type) { Type.supertypes(subtype, supertype); } /** * All supertypes of a type. */ private pattern supertypeStar(subtype: Type, supertype: Type) { subtype == supertype; } or { find supertypeDirect+(subtype,supertype); } /// Complex type reasoning patterns /// // // In a valid type system, for each element e there is exactly one type T where // 1: T(e) - but we dont know this for type declaration // 2: For the dynamic type D and another type T, where D(e) && D-->T, T(e) is true. // 2e: A type hierarchy is invalid, if there is a supertype T for a dynamic type D which does no contains e: // D(e) && D-->T && !T(e) // 3: There is no T' that T'->T and T'(e) // 3e: A type hierarcy is invalid, if there is a type T for a dynamic type D, which contains e, but not subtype of T: // D(e) && ![T--->D] && T(e) // 4: T is not abstract // Such type T is called Dynamic type of e, while other types are called static types. // // The following patterns checks the possible dynamic types for an element private pattern wellformedType(problem: LogicProblem, interpretation:PartialInterpretation, dynamic:Type, element:DefinedElement) { // 1: T(e) find directInstanceOf(problem,interpretation,element,dynamic); // 2e is not true: D(e) && D-->T && !T(e) neg find dynamicTypeNotSubtypeOfADefinition(problem,interpretation,element,dynamic); // 3e is not true: D(e) && ![T--->D] && T(e) neg find dynamicTypeIsSubtypeOfANonDefinition(problem,interpretation,element,dynamic); // 4: T is not abstract Type.isAbstract(dynamic,false); } private pattern possibleDynamicType(problem: LogicProblem, interpretation:PartialInterpretation, dynamic:Type, element:DefinedElement) // case 1: element is defined at least once { LogicProblem.types(problem,dynamic); // select a random definition 'randomType' find directInstanceOf(problem,interpretation,element,randomType); // dynamic is a subtype of 'randomType' find supertypeStar(dynamic,randomType); // 2e is not true: D(e) && D-->T && !T(e) neg find dynamicTypeNotSubtypeOfADefinition(problem,interpretation,element,dynamic); // 3e is not true: D(e) && ![T--->D] && T(e) neg find dynamicTypeIsSubtypeOfANonDefinition(problem,interpretation,element,dynamic); // 4: T is not abstract Type.isAbstract(dynamic,false); // 5. element is not primitive datatype neg find isPrimitive(element); } or // case 2: element is not defined anywhere { find mayExist(problem,interpretation,element); // there is no definition neg find directInstanceOf(problem,interpretation,element,_); // 2e is not true: D(e) && D-->T && !T(e) // because non of the definition contains element, the type cannot have defined supertype LogicProblem.types(problem,dynamic); PartialInterpretation.problem(interpretation,problem); neg find typeWithDefinedSupertype(dynamic); // 3e is not true: D(e) && ![T--->D] && T(e) // because there is no definition, dynamic covers all definition // 4: T is not abstract Type.isAbstract(dynamic,false); // 5. element is not primitive datatype neg find isPrimitive(element); } /** * supertype -------> element <------- otherSupertype * A A * | | * wrongDynamic -----------------------------X */ private pattern dynamicTypeNotSubtypeOfADefinition(problem:LogicProblem, interpretation:PartialInterpretation, element:DefinedElement, wrongDynamic : Type) { find directInstanceOf(problem,interpretation,element,supertype); find directInstanceOf(problem,interpretation,element,otherSupertype); find supertypeStar(wrongDynamic,supertype); neg find supertypeStar(wrongDynamic,otherSupertype); } /** * supertype -------> element <---X--- otherSupertype * A A * | | * wrongDynamic -----------------------------+ */ private pattern dynamicTypeIsSubtypeOfANonDefinition(problem: LogicProblem, interpretation:PartialInterpretation, element:DefinedElement, wrongDynamic:Type) { find directInstanceOf(problem,interpretation,element,supertype); neg find elementInTypeDefinition(element,otherSupertype); TypeDefinition(otherSupertype); find supertypeStar(wrongDynamic, supertype); find supertypeStar(wrongDynamic, otherSupertype); } private pattern elementInTypeDefinition(element:DefinedElement, definition:TypeDefinition) { TypeDefinition.elements(definition,element); } private pattern typeWithDefinedSupertype(type:Type) { find supertypeStar(type,definedSupertype); TypeDefinition(definedSupertype); } private pattern scopeDisallowsNewElementsFromType(typeInterpretation:PartialComplexTypeInterpretation) { Scope.targetTypeInterpretation(scope,typeInterpretation); Scope.maxNewElements(scope,0); } ''' protected override generateMayInstanceOf(LogicProblem problem, Type type, TypeAnalysisResult typeAnalysisResult) { ''' /** * An element may be an instance of type "«»". */ private pattern «patternName(type,Modality.MAY)»(problem:LogicProblem, interpretation:PartialInterpretation, element:DefinedElement) {,"«»"); find possibleDynamicType(problem,interpretation,dynamic,element); find supertypeStar(dynamic,type); neg find scopeDisallowsNewElementsFromType(dynamic); } ''' } }