package abstract class IntervalRedBlackNode extends RedBlackNode { public val Interval interval public var int count = 1 public var Interval result new(Interval interval) { this.interval = interval } def boolean isMultiplicitySensitive() { false } def Interval multiply(Interval interval, int count) { interval } abstract def Interval op(Interval left, Interval right) override augment() { val value = calcualteAugmentation() if (result == value) { false } else { result = value true } } private def calcualteAugmentation() { var value = multiply(interval, count) if (!left.leaf) { value = op(value, left.result) } if (!right.leaf) { value = op(value, right.result) } value } override assertNodeIsValid() { super.assertNodeIsValid() if (leaf) { return } if (count <= 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Node with nonpositive count") } val value = calcualteAugmentation() if (result != value) { throw new IllegalStateException("Node with invalid augmentation: " + result + " != " + value) } } override assertSubtreeIsValid() { super.assertSubtreeIsValid() assertNodeIsValid() } override compareTo(IntervalRedBlackNode other) { if (leaf || other.leaf) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("One of the nodes is a leaf node") } interval.compareTo(other.interval) } def add(IntervalRedBlackNode newNode) { if (parent !== null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This is not the root of a tree") } if (leaf) { newNode.isRed = false newNode.left = this newNode.right = this newNode.parent = null newNode.augment return newNode } val modifiedNode = addWithoutFixup(newNode) if (modifiedNode === newNode) { // Must augment here, because fixInsertion() might call augment() // on a node repeatedly, which might lose the change notification the // second time it is called, and the augmentation will fail to // reach the root. modifiedNode.augmentRecursively modifiedNode.isRed = true return modifiedNode.fixInsertion } if (multiplicitySensitive) { modifiedNode.augmentRecursively } this } private def addWithoutFixup(IntervalRedBlackNode newNode) { var node = this while (!node.leaf) { val comparison = node.interval.compareTo(newNode.interval) if (comparison < 0) { if (node.left.leaf) { newNode.left = node.left newNode.right = node.left node.left = newNode newNode.parent = node return newNode } else { node = node.left } } else if (comparison > 0) { if (node.right.leaf) { newNode.left = node.right newNode.right = node.right node.right = newNode newNode.parent = node return newNode } else { node = node.right } } else { // comparison == 0 newNode.parent = null node.count++ return node } } throw new IllegalStateException("Reached leaf node while searching for insertion point") } private def augmentRecursively() { for (var node = this; node !== null; node = node.parent) { if (!node.augment) { return } } } def remove(Interval interval) { val node = find(interval) node.count-- if (node.count == 0) { return node.remove } if (multiplicitySensitive) { node.augmentRecursively } this } private def find(Interval interval) { var node = this while (!node.leaf) { val comparison = node.interval.compareTo(interval) if (comparison < 0) { node = node.left } else if (comparison > 0) { node = node.right } else { // comparison == 0 return node } } throw new IllegalStateException("Reached leaf node while searching for interval to remove") } override toString() { if (leaf) { "L" } else { ''' «IF isRed»R«ELSE»B«ENDIF» «count»«interval» : «result» «left» «right» ''' } } }