package import import import import import import import import import import java.util.ArrayDeque import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.HashSet import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IPatternMatch import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryEngine import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryMatcher import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.emf.EMFScope import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor class PolyhedronScopePropagator extends ScopePropagator { val Map scopeBounds val LinearBoundedExpression topLevelBounds val Polyhedron polyhedron val PolyhedronSaturationOperator operator List updaters = emptyList new(PartialInterpretation p, Set possibleNewDynamicTypes, Map unfinishedMultiplicityQueries, PolyhedronSolver solver, boolean propagateRelations) { super(p) val builder = new PolyhedronBuilder(p) builder.buildPolyhedron(possibleNewDynamicTypes) scopeBounds = builder.scopeBounds topLevelBounds = builder.topLevelBounds polyhedron = builder.polyhedron operator = solver.createSaturationOperator(polyhedron) if (propagateRelations) { propagateAllScopeConstraints() val maximumNumberOfNewNodes = topLevelBounds.upperBound if (maximumNumberOfNewNodes === null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine maximum number of new nodes, it may be unbounded") } if (maximumNumberOfNewNodes <= 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Maximum number of new nodes is negative") } builder.buildMultiplicityConstraints(unfinishedMultiplicityQueries, maximumNumberOfNewNodes) updaters = builder.updaters } } override void propagateAllScopeConstraints() { resetBounds() populatePolyhedronFromScope() val result = operator.saturate() if (result == PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY) { throw new IllegalStateException("Scope bounds cannot be satisfied") } else { populateScopesFromPolyhedron() if (result != PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED) { super.propagateAllScopeConstraints() } } // println(polyhedron) } def resetBounds() { for (dimension : polyhedron.dimensions) { dimension.lowerBound = 0 dimension.upperBound = null } for (constraint : polyhedron.constraints) { constraint.lowerBound = null constraint.upperBound = null } } private def populatePolyhedronFromScope() { topLevelBounds.tightenLowerBound(partialInterpretation.minNewElements) if (partialInterpretation.maxNewElements >= 0) { topLevelBounds.tightenUpperBound(partialInterpretation.maxNewElements) } for (pair : scopeBounds.entrySet) { val scope = pair.key val bounds = pair.value bounds.tightenLowerBound(scope.minNewElements) if (scope.maxNewElements >= 0) { bounds.tightenUpperBound(scope.maxNewElements) } } for (updater : updaters) { updater.update(partialInterpretation) } } private def populateScopesFromPolyhedron() { checkFiniteBounds(topLevelBounds) if (partialInterpretation.minNewElements > topLevelBounds.lowerBound) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Lower bound of «topLevelBounds» smaller than top-level scope: «partialInterpretation.minNewElements»''') } else if (partialInterpretation.minNewElements != topLevelBounds.lowerBound) { partialInterpretation.minNewElements = topLevelBounds.lowerBound } if (partialInterpretation.maxNewElements >= 0 && partialInterpretation.maxNewElements < topLevelBounds.upperBound) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Upper bound of «topLevelBounds» larger than top-level scope: «partialInterpretation.maxNewElements»''') } else if (partialInterpretation.maxNewElements != topLevelBounds.upperBound) { partialInterpretation.maxNewElements = topLevelBounds.upperBound } for (pair : scopeBounds.entrySet) { val scope = pair.key val bounds = pair.value checkFiniteBounds(bounds) if (scope.minNewElements > bounds.lowerBound) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Lower bound of «bounds» smaller than «scope.targetTypeInterpretation» scope: «scope.minNewElements»''') } else if (scope.minNewElements != bounds.lowerBound) { scope.minNewElements = bounds.lowerBound } if (scope.maxNewElements >= 0 && scope.maxNewElements < bounds.upperBound) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Upper bound of «bounds» larger than «scope.targetTypeInterpretation» scope: «scope.maxNewElements»''') } else if (scope.maxNewElements != bounds.upperBound) { scope.maxNewElements = bounds.upperBound } } } private def checkFiniteBounds(LinearBoundedExpression bounds) { if (bounds.lowerBound === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Infinite lower bound: " + bounds) } if (bounds.upperBound === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Infinite upper bound: " + bounds) } } private static def getCalculatedMultiplicity(ViatraQueryMatcher matcher, PartialInterpretation p) { val match = matcher.newEmptyMatch match.set(0, p.problem) match.set(1, p) val iterator = matcher.streamAllMatches(match).iterator if (!iterator.hasNext) { return null } val value = as Integer if (iterator.hasNext) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiplicity calculation query has more than one match") } value } @FinalFieldsConstructor private static class PolyhedronBuilder { static val INFINITY_SCALE = 10 val PartialInterpretation p Map instanceCounts Map> subtypeDimensions Map, LinearBoundedExpression> expressionsCache Map typeBounds int infinity ViatraQueryEngine queryEngine ImmutableList.Builder updatersBuilder Map scopeBounds LinearBoundedExpression topLevelBounds Polyhedron polyhedron List updaters def buildPolyhedron(Set possibleNewDynamicTypes) { instanceCounts = possibleNewDynamicTypes.toInvertedMap[new Dimension(name, 0, null)] val types = p.problem.types expressionsCache = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(types.size) subtypeDimensions = types.toInvertedMap[findSubtypeDimensions.toInvertedMap[1]] typeBounds = ImmutableMap.copyOf(subtypeDimensions.mapValues[toExpression]) scopeBounds = buildScopeBounds topLevelBounds = instanceCounts.values.toInvertedMap[1].toExpression val dimensions = ImmutableList.copyOf(instanceCounts.values) val expressionsToSaturate = ImmutableList.copyOf(scopeBounds.values) polyhedron = new Polyhedron(dimensions, new ArrayList, expressionsToSaturate) addCachedConstraintsToPolyhedron() } def buildMultiplicityConstraints( Map constraints, int maximumNuberOfNewNodes) { infinity = maximumNuberOfNewNodes * INFINITY_SCALE queryEngine = ViatraQueryEngine.on(new EMFScope(p)) updatersBuilder = ImmutableList.builder for (pair : constraints.entrySet.filter[key.containment].groupBy[key.targetType].entrySet) { buildContainmentConstraints(pair.key, pair.value) } for (pair : constraints.entrySet) { val constraint = pair.key if (!constraint.containment) { buildNonContainmentConstraints(constraint, pair.value) } } updaters = addCachedConstraintsToPolyhedron() } private def addCachedConstraintsToPolyhedron() { val constraints = new HashSet constraints.addAll(expressionsCache.values.filter(LinearConstraint)) constraints.removeAll(polyhedron.constraints) polyhedron.constraints.addAll(constraints) } private def buildContainmentConstraints(Type containedType, List> constraints) { val typeCoefficients = subtypeDimensions.get(containedType) val orphansLowerBoundCoefficients = new HashMap(typeCoefficients) val orphansUpperBoundCoefficients = new HashMap(typeCoefficients) val unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchersBuilder = ImmutableList.builder val remainingContentsQueriesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder for (pair : constraints) { val constraint = pair.key val containerCoefficients = subtypeDimensions.get(constraint.sourceType) if (constraint.isUpperBoundFinite) { orphansLowerBoundCoefficients.addCoefficients(-constraint.upperBound, containerCoefficients) } else { orphansLowerBoundCoefficients.addCoefficients(-infinity, containerCoefficients) } orphansUpperBoundCoefficients.addCoefficients(-constraint.lowerBound, containerCoefficients) val queries = pair.value if (constraint.constrainsUnfinished) { if (queries.unfinishedMultiplicityQuery === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Containment constraints need unfinished multiplicity queries") } unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchersBuilder.add( queries.unfinishedMultiplicityQuery.getMatcher(queryEngine)) } if (queries.remainingContentsQuery === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Containment constraints need remaining contents queries") } remainingContentsQueriesBuilder.add(queries.remainingContentsQuery.getMatcher(queryEngine)) } val orphanLowerBound = orphansLowerBoundCoefficients.toExpression val orphanUpperBound = orphansUpperBoundCoefficients.toExpression val updater = new ContainmentConstraintUpdater(, orphanLowerBound, orphanUpperBound,, updatersBuilder.add(updater) } private def buildNonContainmentConstraints(RelationMultiplicityConstraint constraint, UnifinishedMultiplicityQueries queries) { } private def addCoefficients(Map accumulator, int scale, Map a) { for (pair : a.entrySet) { val dimension = pair.key val currentValue = accumulator.get(pair.key) ?: 0 val newValue = currentValue + scale * pair.value if (newValue == 0) { accumulator.remove(dimension) } else { accumulator.put(dimension, newValue) } } } private def findSubtypeDimensions(Type type) { val subtypes = new HashSet val dimensions = new HashSet val stack = new ArrayDeque stack.addLast(type) while (!stack.empty) { val subtype = stack.removeLast if (subtypes.add(subtype)) { val dimension = instanceCounts.get(subtype) if (dimension !== null) { dimensions.add(dimension) } stack.addAll(subtype.subtypes) } } dimensions } private def toExpression(Map coefficients) { expressionsCache.computeIfAbsent(coefficients) [ c | if (c.size == 1 && c.entrySet.head.value == 1) { c.entrySet.head.key } else { new LinearConstraint(c, null, null) } ] } private def buildScopeBounds() { val scopeBoundsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder for (scope : p.scopes) { switch (targetTypeInterpretation : scope.targetTypeInterpretation) { PartialPrimitiveInterpretation: throw new OperationNotSupportedException("Primitive type scopes are not yet implemented") PartialComplexTypeInterpretation: { val complexType = targetTypeInterpretation.interpretationOf val typeBound = typeBounds.get(complexType) if (typeBound === null) { if (scope.minNewElements > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found scope for " + + ", but the type cannot be instantiated") } } else { scopeBoundsBuilder.put(scope, typeBound) } } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown PartialTypeInterpretation: " + targetTypeInterpretation) } } } } private static interface RelationConstraintUpdater { def void update(PartialInterpretation p) } @FinalFieldsConstructor static class ContainmentConstraintUpdater implements RelationConstraintUpdater { val String name val LinearBoundedExpression orphansLowerBound val LinearBoundedExpression orphansUpperBound val List> unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchers val List> remainingContentsQueries override update(PartialInterpretation p) { tightenLowerBound(p) tightenUpperBound(p) } private def tightenLowerBound(PartialInterpretation p) { var int sum = 0 for (matcher : remainingContentsQueries) { val value = matcher.getCalculatedMultiplicity(p) if (value === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Remaining contents count is missing for " + name) } if (value == -1) { // Infinite upper bound, no need to tighten. return } sum += value } orphansLowerBound.tightenUpperBound(sum) } private def tightenUpperBound(PartialInterpretation p) { var int sum = 0 for (matcher : unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchers) { val value = matcher.getCalculatedMultiplicity(p) if (value === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unfinished multiplicity is missing for " + name) } sum += value } orphansUpperBound.tightenLowerBound(sum) } } @FinalFieldsConstructor static class ContainmentRootConstraintUpdater implements RelationConstraintUpdater { override update(PartialInterpretation p) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } } }