package import import import import import java.util.HashSet import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Set import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor @FinalFieldsConstructor class CbcPolyhedronSolver implements PolyhedronSolver { val boolean lpRelaxation val double timeoutSeconds val boolean silent new() { this(false, -1, true) } override createSaturationOperator(Polyhedron polyhedron) { new CbcSaturationOperator(polyhedron, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds, silent) } } class CbcSaturationOperator extends AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator { val boolean lpRelaxation val double timeoutSeconds val boolean silent val double[] columnLowerBounds val double[] columnUpperBounds val double[] objective val Map dimensionsToIndicesMap new(Polyhedron polyhedron, boolean lpRelaxation, double timeoutSeconds, boolean silent) { super(polyhedron) this.lpRelaxation = lpRelaxation this.timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds this.silent = silent val numDimensions = polyhedron.dimensions.size columnLowerBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numDimensions) columnUpperBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numDimensions) objective = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numDimensions) dimensionsToIndicesMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(polyhedron.dimensions.indexed.toMap([value], [key])) } override doSaturate() { val numDimensions = polyhedron.dimensions.size for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) { val dimension = polyhedron.dimensions.get(j) columnLowerBounds.set(j, dimension.lowerBound.toDouble(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) columnUpperBounds.set(j, dimension.upperBound.toDouble(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) } val constraints = nonTrivialConstraints val numConstraints = constraints.size val rowStarts = newIntArrayOfSize(numConstraints + 1) val rowLowerBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numConstraints) val rowUpperBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numConstraints) val numEntries =[coefficients.size].reduce[a, b|a + b] ?: 0 rowStarts.set(numConstraints, numEntries) val columnIndices = newIntArrayOfSize(numEntries) val entries = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numEntries) val unconstrainedDimensions = new HashSet for (dimension : polyhedron.dimensions) { if (dimension.lowerBound === null && dimension.upperBound === null) { unconstrainedDimensions += dimension } } var int index = 0 for (var int i = 0; i < numConstraints; i++) { rowStarts.set(i, index) val constraint = constraints.get(i) rowLowerBounds.set(i, constraint.lowerBound.toDouble(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) rowUpperBounds.set(i, constraint.upperBound.toDouble(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) if (!dimensionsToIndicesMap.keySet.containsAll(constraint.coefficients.keySet)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constrains has unknown dimensions") } for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) { val dimension = polyhedron.dimensions.get(j) val coefficient = constraint.coefficients.get(dimension) if (coefficient !== null && coefficient != 0) { unconstrainedDimensions -= dimension columnIndices.set(index, j) entries.set(index, coefficient) index++ } } } if (index != numEntries) { throw new AssertionError("Last entry does not equal the number of entries in the constraint matrix") } for (expressionToSaturate : polyhedron.expressionsToSaturate) { val result = saturate(expressionToSaturate, rowStarts, columnIndices, entries, rowLowerBounds, rowUpperBounds, unconstrainedDimensions, constraints) if (result != PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED) { return result } } PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED } protected def saturate(LinearBoundedExpression expressionToSaturate, int[] rowStarts, int[] columnIndices, double[] entries, double[] rowLowerBounds, double[] rowUpperBounds, Set unconstrainedDimensions, ImmutableList constraints) { val numDimensions = objective.size for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) { objective.set(j, 0) } switch (expressionToSaturate) { Dimension: { // CBC will return nonsensical results or call free() with invalid arguments if // it is passed a fully unconstrained (-Inf lower and +Int upper bound, no inequalities) variable // in the objective function. if (unconstrainedDimensions.contains(expressionToSaturate)) { return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED } val j = getIndex(expressionToSaturate) objective.set(j, 1) } LinearConstraint: { for (pair : expressionToSaturate.coefficients.entrySet) { val dimension = pair.key // We also have to check for unconstrained dimensions here to avoid crashing. if (unconstrainedDimensions.contains(dimension)) { expressionToSaturate.lowerBound = null expressionToSaturate.upperBound = null return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED } val j = getIndex(dimension) objective.set(j, pair.value) } } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown expression: " + expressionToSaturate) } val minimizationResult = CbcSolver.solve(columnLowerBounds, columnUpperBounds, rowStarts, columnIndices, entries, rowLowerBounds, rowUpperBounds, objective, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds, silent) switch (minimizationResult) { CbcResult.SolutionBounded: { val value = Math.floor(minimizationResult.value) expressionToSaturate.lowerBound = value as int setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, value, columnLowerBounds, rowLowerBounds) } case CbcResult.SOLUTION_UNBOUNDED: { expressionToSaturate.lowerBound = null setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, columnLowerBounds, rowLowerBounds) } case CbcResult.UNSAT: return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY case CbcResult.ABANDONED, case CbcResult.TIMEOUT: return PolyhedronSaturationResult.UNKNOWN default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown CbcResult: " + minimizationResult) } for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) { val objectiveCoefficient = objective.get(j) objective.set(j, -objectiveCoefficient) } val maximizationResult = CbcSolver.solve(columnLowerBounds, columnUpperBounds, rowStarts, columnIndices, entries, rowLowerBounds, rowUpperBounds, objective, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds, silent) switch (maximizationResult) { CbcResult.SolutionBounded: { val value = Math.ceil(-maximizationResult.value) expressionToSaturate.upperBound = value as int setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, value, columnUpperBounds, rowUpperBounds) } case CbcResult.SOLUTION_UNBOUNDED: { expressionToSaturate.upperBound = null setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, columnUpperBounds, rowUpperBounds) } case CbcResult.UNSAT: throw new RuntimeException("Minimization was SAT, but maximization is UNSAT") case CbcResult.ABANDONED, case CbcResult.TIMEOUT: return PolyhedronSaturationResult.UNKNOWN default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown CbcResult: " + maximizationResult) } return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED } private def toDouble(Integer nullableInt, double defaultValue) { if (nullableInt === null) { defaultValue } else { nullableInt.doubleValue } } private def int getIndex(Dimension dimension) { val index = dimensionsToIndicesMap.get(dimension) if (index === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dimension: " + dimension) } index } private def void setBound(LinearBoundedExpression expression, List constraints, double bound, double[] columnBounds, double[] rowBounds) { switch (expression) { Dimension: { val j = getIndex(expression) columnBounds.set(j, bound) } LinearConstraint: { val i = constraints.indexOf(expression) if (i >= 0) { rowBounds.set(i, bound) } } } } }