package import import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Accessors abstract class AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator implements PolyhedronSaturationOperator { @Accessors val Polyhedron polyhedron new(Polyhedron polyhedron) { if (polyhedron.dimensions.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polyhedron must have at least one dimension.") } this.polyhedron = polyhedron } override saturate() { if (polyhedron.expressionsToSaturate.empty) { return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED } for (constraint : polyhedron.constraints) { if ( { if (constraint.lowerBound !== null && constraint.lowerBound > 0) { return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY } if (constraint.upperBound !== null && constraint.upperBound < 0) { return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY } } else { if (constraint.lowerBound !== null && constraint.upperBound !== null && constraint.upperBound < constraint.lowerBound) { return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY } } } doSaturate() } protected def PolyhedronSaturationResult doSaturate() protected def getNonTrivialConstraints() { ImmutableList.copyOf(polyhedron.constraints.filter [ constraint | (constraint.lowerBound !== null || constraint.upperBound !== null) && ! ]) } private static def isZero(LinearConstraint constraint) { constraint.coefficients.values.forall[it == 0] } override close() throws Exception { // Nothing to close by default. } }