grammar with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals generate smtLanguage "" import "" as ecore SMTDocument: input=SMTInput ( '--------------' output=SMTOutput )?; SMTInput: (options += SMTOption)* ( typeDeclarations+=SMTType | functionDeclarations+=SMTFunctionDeclaration | functionDefinition+=SMTFunctionDefinition | assertions += SMTAssertion )* satCommand = SMTSatCommand getModelCommand = SMTGetModelCommand; SMTOutput:( (satResult = SMTResult getModelResult = SMTResult) | 'timeout' {SMTOutput}) statistics=SMTStatisticsSection?; ////////////////////////////////// // SMT terminals ////////////////////////////////// terminal SL_COMMENT : ';' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?; terminal ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'-'|'!'|'0'..'9')*; // ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'/*|'+'|'-'|'/'|'*'|'='|'%'|'?'|'!'|'.'|'$'|'~'|'&'/*|'^'*/|'<'|'>'/*|'@'*/) // ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'/*|'+'|'-'|'/'|'*'|'='|'%'|'?'|'!'|'.'|'$'|'~'|'&'/*|'^'|*/'<'|'>'/*|'@'*/|'0'..'9')* SMTID: ID; terminal PROPERTYNAME : ':' + ID; terminal REAL returns ecore::EBigDecimal: INT '.' INT; ////////////////////////////////// // Options ////////////////////////////////// SMTOption: '(' 'set-option' name = PROPERTYNAME value = SMTAtomicTerm ')'; ////////////////////////////////// // Type declarations ////////////////////////////////// SMTType: SMTEnumeratedTypeDeclaration | SMTSetTypeDeclaration; SMTEnumLiteral: name = SMTID; SMTEnumeratedTypeDeclaration: '(' 'declare-datatypes' '(' ')' '(' '(' name = SMTID elements+=SMTEnumLiteral+ ')' ')' ')'; SMTSetTypeDeclaration: '(' 'declare-sort' name = SMTID ')'; SMTTypeReference: SMTComplexTypeReference | SMTPrimitiveTypeReference; SMTComplexTypeReference: referred = [SMTType]; SMTPrimitiveTypeReference: SMTIntTypeReference | SMTBoolTypeReference | SMTRealTypeReference; SMTIntTypeReference: {SMTIntTypeReference} "Int"; SMTBoolTypeReference: {SMTBoolTypeReference} "Bool"; SMTRealTypeReference: {SMTRealTypeReference} "Real"; ////////////////////////////////// // Functions and constants ////////////////////////////////// SMTFunctionDeclaration: '(' 'declare-fun' name = SMTID '(' parameters+=SMTTypeReference* ')' range = SMTTypeReference ')'; /*DeclaredFunctionDefinition: '(' 'define-fun' declaration=[Function] '(' parameters+=SortedVariable* ')' range = TypeReference value = Term ')';*/ SMTFunctionDefinition: '(' 'define-fun' name=SMTID '(' parameters+=SMTSortedVariable* ')' range = SMTTypeReference value = SMTTerm ')'; ////////////////////////////////// // Expressions ////////////////////////////////// SMTTerm: SMTSymbolicValue| SMTAtomicTerm | SMTBoolOperation | SMTIntOperation | SMTITE | SMTLet | SMTRelation | SMTQuantifiedExpression; SMTSymbolicDeclaration: SMTFunctionDeclaration | SMTFunctionDefinition | SMTSortedVariable | SMTEnumLiteral | SMTInlineConstantDefinition; SMTSymbolicValue: '(' symbolicReference = [SMTSymbolicDeclaration] ( parameterSubstitutions += SMTTerm )+ ')' | symbolicReference = [SMTSymbolicDeclaration]; SMTAtomicTerm: SMTIntLiteral | SMTBoolLiteral | SMTRealLiteral; SMTIntLiteral: value=INT; BOOLEANTERMINAL returns ecore::EBoolean: 'true' | 'false'; SMTBoolLiteral: value=BOOLEANTERMINAL; SMTRealLiteral: value=REAL; // Quantified operations SMTSortedVariable: '(' name = SMTID range = SMTTypeReference ')'; //QuantifiedVariableValue: variable = [QuantifiedVariable]; SMTQuantifiedExpression: SMTExists | SMTForall; SMTExists: '(' 'exists' '(' (quantifiedVariables += SMTSortedVariable)+ ')' (expression=SMTTerm | ('(' '!' expression = SMTTerm ':pattern' '(' pattern = SMTTerm ')' ')')) ')' ; SMTForall: '(' 'forall' '(' (quantifiedVariables += SMTSortedVariable)+ ')' (expression=SMTTerm | ('(' '!' expression = SMTTerm ':pattern' '(' pattern = SMTTerm ')' ')')) ')' ; // Boolean operations SMTBoolOperation: SMTAnd | SMTOr | SMTImpl | SMTNot | SMTIff; SMTAnd: '(' 'and' operands+=SMTTerm+ ')'; SMTOr: '(' 'or' operands+=SMTTerm+ ')'; SMTImpl: '(' '=>' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTNot: '(' 'not' operand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTIff: '(' 'iff' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; // If-then-else SMTITE: '(' 'ite' condition = SMTTerm if=SMTTerm else = SMTTerm ')'; //Let SMTLet: '(' 'let' '(' (inlineConstantDefinitions+=SMTInlineConstantDefinition)+ ')' term=SMTTerm ')'; SMTInlineConstantDefinition: '(' name=SMTID definition=SMTTerm ')' ; // Relations SMTRelation: SMTEquals | SMTDistinct | SMTLT | SMTMT | SMTLEQ | SMTMEQ; SMTEquals: '(' '=' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTDistinct: '(' 'distinct' operands+=SMTTerm+ ')'; SMTLT: '(' '<' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTMT: '(' '>' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTLEQ: '(' '<=' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTMEQ: '(' '>=' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; // Int operations SMTIntOperation: SMTPlus | SMTMinus | SMTMultiply | SMTDivison | SMTDiv | SMTMod; SMTPlus: '(' '+' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTMinus: '(' '-' leftOperand=SMTTerm (rightOperand=SMTTerm)? ')'; SMTMultiply: '(' '*' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTDivison: '(' '/' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTDiv: '(' 'div' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; SMTMod: '(' 'mod' leftOperand=SMTTerm rightOperand=SMTTerm ')'; ////////////////////////////////// // Assertion ////////////////////////////////// SMTAssertion: '(' 'assert' value=SMTTerm ')'; SMTCardinalityConstraint: '(' 'forall' '(' '(' ID type=SMTTypeReference ')' ')' (('(' 'or'('(' '=' ID elements+=SMTSymbolicValue ')')* ')') | // With multiple element ('(' '=' ID elements+=SMTSymbolicValue ')')) //With single element ')' ; ////////////////////////////////// // Goals ////////////////////////////////// SMTSatCommand: SMTSimpleSatCommand | SMTComplexSatCommand; SMTSimpleSatCommand : '(' 'check-sat' {SMTSimpleSatCommand} ')'; SMTComplexSatCommand: '(' 'check-sat-using' method = SMTReasoningTactic ')'; SMTGetModelCommand: '(' 'get-model' {SMTGetModelCommand} ')'; SMTReasoningTactic: SMTBuiltinTactic | SMTReasoningCombinator; SMTBuiltinTactic: name = ID; SMTReasoningCombinator: SMTAndThenCombinator | SMTOrElseCombinator | SMTParOrCombinator | SMTParThenCombinator | SMTTryForCombinator | SMTIfCombinator | SMTWhenCombinator | SMTFailIfCombinator | SMTUsingParamCombinator ; // executes the given tactics sequencially. SMTAndThenCombinator: '(' 'and-then' (tactics+=SMTReasoningTactic)+ ')'; // tries the given tactics in sequence until one of them succeeds. SMTOrElseCombinator: '(' 'or-else' (tactics+=SMTReasoningTactic)+ ')'; // executes the given tactics in parallel until one of them succeeds. SMTParOrCombinator: '(' 'par-or' (tactics+=SMTReasoningTactic)+ ')'; // executes tactic1 and then tactic2 to every subgoal produced by tactic1. All subgoals are processed in parallel. SMTParThenCombinator: '(' 'par-then' preProcessingTactic=SMTReasoningTactic paralellyPostpricessingTactic = SMTReasoningTactic ')'; // excutes the given tactic for at most milliseconds, it fails if the execution takes more than milliseconds. SMTTryForCombinator: '(' 'try-for' tactic=SMTReasoningTactic time=INT ')'; // if evaluates to true, then execute the first tactic. Otherwise execute the second. SMTIfCombinator: '(' 'if' probe=ReasoningProbe ifTactic=SMTReasoningTactic elseTactic=SMTReasoningTactic ')'; // shorthand for (if skip). SMTWhenCombinator: '(' 'when' probe=ReasoningProbe tactic=SMTReasoningTactic ')'; // fail if evaluates to true. SMTFailIfCombinator: '(' 'fail-if' probe=ReasoningProbe ')'; //executes the given tactic using the given attributes, where ::= . ! is a syntax sugar for using-params. SMTUsingParamCombinator: '(' ('using-params' | '!') tactic=SMTReasoningTactic (parameters+=ReasoningTacticParameter)* ')'; ReasoningProbe: name=ID; ReasoningTacticParameter: name=PROPERTYNAME value=SMTAtomicTerm; ////////////////////////////////// // Result ////////////////////////////////// SMTResult: SMTUnsupportedResult | SMTSatResult | SMTModelResult | SMTErrorResult; SMTErrorResult: '(' 'error' message = STRING ')'; SMTUnsupportedResult: 'unsupported' ';' command=ID; SMTSatResult: sat?='sat' | unsat?='unsat' | unknown?='unknown'; SMTModelResult: {SMTModelResult} '(' 'model' ( newFunctionDeclarations+=SMTFunctionDeclaration | typeDefinitions+=SMTCardinalityConstraint | newFunctionDefinitions+=SMTFunctionDefinition )* ')'; ////////////////////////////////// // Statistics ////////////////////////////////// //IntOrReal returns ecore::EDouble: INT | REAL; SMTStatisticValue: SMTStatisticIntValue | SMTStatisticDoubleValue; SMTStatisticIntValue: name = PROPERTYNAME value=INT; SMTStatisticDoubleValue: name = PROPERTYNAME value = REAL; SMTStatisticsSection: '(' {SMTStatisticsSection} values += SMTStatisticValue* ')';