/** */ package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.smtLanguage.impl; import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.smtLanguage.*; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin; /** * * An implementation of the model Factory. * * @generated */ public class SmtLanguageFactoryImpl extends EFactoryImpl implements SmtLanguageFactory { /** * Creates the default factory implementation. * * * @generated */ public static SmtLanguageFactory init() { try { SmtLanguageFactory theSmtLanguageFactory = (SmtLanguageFactory)EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEFactory(SmtLanguagePackage.eNS_URI); if (theSmtLanguageFactory != null) { return theSmtLanguageFactory; } } catch (Exception exception) { EcorePlugin.INSTANCE.log(exception); } return new SmtLanguageFactoryImpl(); } /** * Creates an instance of the factory. * * * @generated */ public SmtLanguageFactoryImpl() { super(); } /** * * * @generated */ @Override public EObject create(EClass eClass) { switch (eClass.getClassifierID()) { case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_DOCUMENT: return createSMTDocument(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_INPUT: return createSMTInput(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_OUTPUT: return createSMTOutput(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_OPTION: return createSMTOption(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_TYPE: return createSMTType(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_ENUM_LITERAL: return createSMTEnumLiteral(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_ENUMERATED_TYPE_DECLARATION: return createSMTEnumeratedTypeDeclaration(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_SET_TYPE_DECLARATION: return createSMTSetTypeDeclaration(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_TYPE_REFERENCE: return createSMTTypeReference(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_COMPLEX_TYPE_REFERENCE: return createSMTComplexTypeReference(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_REFERENCE: return createSMTPrimitiveTypeReference(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_INT_TYPE_REFERENCE: return createSMTIntTypeReference(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_BOOL_TYPE_REFERENCE: return createSMTBoolTypeReference(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_REAL_TYPE_REFERENCE: return createSMTRealTypeReference(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION: return createSMTFunctionDeclaration(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_FUNCTION_DEFINITION: return createSMTFunctionDefinition(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_TERM: return createSMTTerm(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_SYMBOLIC_DECLARATION: return createSMTSymbolicDeclaration(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_SYMBOLIC_VALUE: return createSMTSymbolicValue(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_ATOMIC_TERM: return createSMTAtomicTerm(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_INT_LITERAL: return createSMTIntLiteral(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_BOOL_LITERAL: return createSMTBoolLiteral(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_REAL_LITERAL: return createSMTRealLiteral(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_SORTED_VARIABLE: return createSMTSortedVariable(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_QUANTIFIED_EXPRESSION: return createSMTQuantifiedExpression(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_EXISTS: return createSMTExists(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_FORALL: return createSMTForall(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_BOOL_OPERATION: return createSMTBoolOperation(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_AND: return createSMTAnd(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_OR: return createSMTOr(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_IMPL: return createSMTImpl(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_NOT: return createSMTNot(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_IFF: return createSMTIff(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMTITE: return createSMTITE(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_LET: return createSMTLet(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_INLINE_CONSTANT_DEFINITION: return createSMTInlineConstantDefinition(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_RELATION: return createSMTRelation(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_EQUALS: return createSMTEquals(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_DISTINCT: return createSMTDistinct(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMTLT: return createSMTLT(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMTMT: return createSMTMT(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMTLEQ: return createSMTLEQ(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMTMEQ: return createSMTMEQ(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_INT_OPERATION: return createSMTIntOperation(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_PLUS: return createSMTPlus(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_MINUS: return createSMTMinus(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_MULTIPLY: return createSMTMultiply(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_DIVISON: return createSMTDivison(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_DIV: return createSMTDiv(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_MOD: return createSMTMod(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_ASSERTION: return createSMTAssertion(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT: return createSMTCardinalityConstraint(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_SAT_COMMAND: return createSMTSatCommand(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_SIMPLE_SAT_COMMAND: return createSMTSimpleSatCommand(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_COMPLEX_SAT_COMMAND: return createSMTComplexSatCommand(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_GET_MODEL_COMMAND: return createSMTGetModelCommand(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_REASONING_TACTIC: return createSMTReasoningTactic(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_BUILTIN_TACTIC: return createSMTBuiltinTactic(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_REASONING_COMBINATOR: return createSMTReasoningCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_AND_THEN_COMBINATOR: return createSMTAndThenCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_OR_ELSE_COMBINATOR: return createSMTOrElseCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_PAR_OR_COMBINATOR: return createSMTParOrCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_PAR_THEN_COMBINATOR: return createSMTParThenCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_TRY_FOR_COMBINATOR: return createSMTTryForCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_IF_COMBINATOR: return createSMTIfCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_WHEN_COMBINATOR: return createSMTWhenCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_FAIL_IF_COMBINATOR: return createSMTFailIfCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_USING_PARAM_COMBINATOR: return createSMTUsingParamCombinator(); case SmtLanguagePackage.REASONING_PROBE: return createReasoningProbe(); case SmtLanguagePackage.REASONING_TACTIC_PARAMETER: return createReasoningTacticParameter(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_RESULT: return createSMTResult(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_ERROR_RESULT: return createSMTErrorResult(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_UNSUPPORTED_RESULT: return createSMTUnsupportedResult(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_SAT_RESULT: return createSMTSatResult(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_MODEL_RESULT: return createSMTModelResult(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_STATISTIC_VALUE: return createSMTStatisticValue(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_STATISTIC_INT_VALUE: return createSMTStatisticIntValue(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_STATISTIC_DOUBLE_VALUE: return createSMTStatisticDoubleValue(); case SmtLanguagePackage.SMT_STATISTICS_SECTION: return createSMTStatisticsSection(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class '" + eClass.getName() + "' is not a valid classifier"); } } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTDocument createSMTDocument() { SMTDocumentImpl smtDocument = new SMTDocumentImpl(); return smtDocument; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTInput createSMTInput() { SMTInputImpl smtInput = new SMTInputImpl(); return smtInput; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTOutput createSMTOutput() { SMTOutputImpl smtOutput = new SMTOutputImpl(); return smtOutput; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTOption createSMTOption() { SMTOptionImpl smtOption = new SMTOptionImpl(); return smtOption; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTType createSMTType() { SMTTypeImpl smtType = new SMTTypeImpl(); return smtType; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTEnumLiteral createSMTEnumLiteral() { SMTEnumLiteralImpl smtEnumLiteral = new SMTEnumLiteralImpl(); return smtEnumLiteral; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTEnumeratedTypeDeclaration createSMTEnumeratedTypeDeclaration() { SMTEnumeratedTypeDeclarationImpl smtEnumeratedTypeDeclaration = new SMTEnumeratedTypeDeclarationImpl(); return smtEnumeratedTypeDeclaration; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTSetTypeDeclaration createSMTSetTypeDeclaration() { SMTSetTypeDeclarationImpl smtSetTypeDeclaration = new SMTSetTypeDeclarationImpl(); return smtSetTypeDeclaration; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTTypeReference createSMTTypeReference() { SMTTypeReferenceImpl smtTypeReference = new SMTTypeReferenceImpl(); return smtTypeReference; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTComplexTypeReference createSMTComplexTypeReference() { SMTComplexTypeReferenceImpl smtComplexTypeReference = new SMTComplexTypeReferenceImpl(); return smtComplexTypeReference; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTPrimitiveTypeReference createSMTPrimitiveTypeReference() { SMTPrimitiveTypeReferenceImpl smtPrimitiveTypeReference = new SMTPrimitiveTypeReferenceImpl(); return smtPrimitiveTypeReference; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTIntTypeReference createSMTIntTypeReference() { SMTIntTypeReferenceImpl smtIntTypeReference = new SMTIntTypeReferenceImpl(); return smtIntTypeReference; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTBoolTypeReference createSMTBoolTypeReference() { SMTBoolTypeReferenceImpl smtBoolTypeReference = new SMTBoolTypeReferenceImpl(); return smtBoolTypeReference; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTRealTypeReference createSMTRealTypeReference() { SMTRealTypeReferenceImpl smtRealTypeReference = new SMTRealTypeReferenceImpl(); return smtRealTypeReference; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTFunctionDeclaration createSMTFunctionDeclaration() { SMTFunctionDeclarationImpl smtFunctionDeclaration = new SMTFunctionDeclarationImpl(); return smtFunctionDeclaration; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTFunctionDefinition createSMTFunctionDefinition() { SMTFunctionDefinitionImpl smtFunctionDefinition = new SMTFunctionDefinitionImpl(); return smtFunctionDefinition; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTTerm createSMTTerm() { SMTTermImpl smtTerm = new SMTTermImpl(); return smtTerm; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTSymbolicDeclaration createSMTSymbolicDeclaration() { SMTSymbolicDeclarationImpl smtSymbolicDeclaration = new SMTSymbolicDeclarationImpl(); return smtSymbolicDeclaration; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTSymbolicValue createSMTSymbolicValue() { SMTSymbolicValueImpl smtSymbolicValue = new SMTSymbolicValueImpl(); return smtSymbolicValue; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTAtomicTerm createSMTAtomicTerm() { SMTAtomicTermImpl smtAtomicTerm = new SMTAtomicTermImpl(); return smtAtomicTerm; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTIntLiteral createSMTIntLiteral() { SMTIntLiteralImpl smtIntLiteral = new SMTIntLiteralImpl(); return smtIntLiteral; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTBoolLiteral createSMTBoolLiteral() { SMTBoolLiteralImpl smtBoolLiteral = new SMTBoolLiteralImpl(); return smtBoolLiteral; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTRealLiteral createSMTRealLiteral() { SMTRealLiteralImpl smtRealLiteral = new SMTRealLiteralImpl(); return smtRealLiteral; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTSortedVariable createSMTSortedVariable() { SMTSortedVariableImpl smtSortedVariable = new SMTSortedVariableImpl(); return smtSortedVariable; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTQuantifiedExpression createSMTQuantifiedExpression() { SMTQuantifiedExpressionImpl smtQuantifiedExpression = new SMTQuantifiedExpressionImpl(); return smtQuantifiedExpression; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTExists createSMTExists() { SMTExistsImpl smtExists = new SMTExistsImpl(); return smtExists; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTForall createSMTForall() { SMTForallImpl smtForall = new SMTForallImpl(); return smtForall; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTBoolOperation createSMTBoolOperation() { SMTBoolOperationImpl smtBoolOperation = new SMTBoolOperationImpl(); return smtBoolOperation; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTAnd createSMTAnd() { SMTAndImpl smtAnd = new SMTAndImpl(); return smtAnd; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTOr createSMTOr() { SMTOrImpl smtOr = new SMTOrImpl(); return smtOr; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTImpl createSMTImpl() { SMTImplImpl smtImpl = new SMTImplImpl(); return smtImpl; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTNot createSMTNot() { SMTNotImpl smtNot = new SMTNotImpl(); return smtNot; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTIff createSMTIff() { SMTIffImpl smtIff = new SMTIffImpl(); return smtIff; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTITE createSMTITE() { SMTITEImpl smtite = new SMTITEImpl(); return smtite; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTLet createSMTLet() { SMTLetImpl smtLet = new SMTLetImpl(); return smtLet; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTInlineConstantDefinition createSMTInlineConstantDefinition() { SMTInlineConstantDefinitionImpl smtInlineConstantDefinition = new SMTInlineConstantDefinitionImpl(); return smtInlineConstantDefinition; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTRelation createSMTRelation() { SMTRelationImpl smtRelation = new SMTRelationImpl(); return smtRelation; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTEquals createSMTEquals() { SMTEqualsImpl smtEquals = new SMTEqualsImpl(); return smtEquals; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTDistinct createSMTDistinct() { SMTDistinctImpl smtDistinct = new SMTDistinctImpl(); return smtDistinct; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTLT createSMTLT() { SMTLTImpl smtlt = new SMTLTImpl(); return smtlt; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTMT createSMTMT() { SMTMTImpl smtmt = new SMTMTImpl(); return smtmt; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTLEQ createSMTLEQ() { SMTLEQImpl smtleq = new SMTLEQImpl(); return smtleq; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTMEQ createSMTMEQ() { SMTMEQImpl smtmeq = new SMTMEQImpl(); return smtmeq; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTIntOperation createSMTIntOperation() { SMTIntOperationImpl smtIntOperation = new SMTIntOperationImpl(); return smtIntOperation; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTPlus createSMTPlus() { SMTPlusImpl smtPlus = new SMTPlusImpl(); return smtPlus; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTMinus createSMTMinus() { SMTMinusImpl smtMinus = new SMTMinusImpl(); return smtMinus; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTMultiply createSMTMultiply() { SMTMultiplyImpl smtMultiply = new SMTMultiplyImpl(); return smtMultiply; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTDivison createSMTDivison() { SMTDivisonImpl smtDivison = new SMTDivisonImpl(); return smtDivison; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTDiv createSMTDiv() { SMTDivImpl smtDiv = new SMTDivImpl(); return smtDiv; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTMod createSMTMod() { SMTModImpl smtMod = new SMTModImpl(); return smtMod; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTAssertion createSMTAssertion() { SMTAssertionImpl smtAssertion = new SMTAssertionImpl(); return smtAssertion; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTCardinalityConstraint createSMTCardinalityConstraint() { SMTCardinalityConstraintImpl smtCardinalityConstraint = new SMTCardinalityConstraintImpl(); return smtCardinalityConstraint; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTSatCommand createSMTSatCommand() { SMTSatCommandImpl smtSatCommand = new SMTSatCommandImpl(); return smtSatCommand; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTSimpleSatCommand createSMTSimpleSatCommand() { SMTSimpleSatCommandImpl smtSimpleSatCommand = new SMTSimpleSatCommandImpl(); return smtSimpleSatCommand; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTComplexSatCommand createSMTComplexSatCommand() { SMTComplexSatCommandImpl smtComplexSatCommand = new SMTComplexSatCommandImpl(); return smtComplexSatCommand; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTGetModelCommand createSMTGetModelCommand() { SMTGetModelCommandImpl smtGetModelCommand = new SMTGetModelCommandImpl(); return smtGetModelCommand; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTReasoningTactic createSMTReasoningTactic() { SMTReasoningTacticImpl smtReasoningTactic = new SMTReasoningTacticImpl(); return smtReasoningTactic; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTBuiltinTactic createSMTBuiltinTactic() { SMTBuiltinTacticImpl smtBuiltinTactic = new SMTBuiltinTacticImpl(); return smtBuiltinTactic; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTReasoningCombinator createSMTReasoningCombinator() { SMTReasoningCombinatorImpl smtReasoningCombinator = new SMTReasoningCombinatorImpl(); return smtReasoningCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTAndThenCombinator createSMTAndThenCombinator() { SMTAndThenCombinatorImpl smtAndThenCombinator = new SMTAndThenCombinatorImpl(); return smtAndThenCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTOrElseCombinator createSMTOrElseCombinator() { SMTOrElseCombinatorImpl smtOrElseCombinator = new SMTOrElseCombinatorImpl(); return smtOrElseCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTParOrCombinator createSMTParOrCombinator() { SMTParOrCombinatorImpl smtParOrCombinator = new SMTParOrCombinatorImpl(); return smtParOrCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTParThenCombinator createSMTParThenCombinator() { SMTParThenCombinatorImpl smtParThenCombinator = new SMTParThenCombinatorImpl(); return smtParThenCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTTryForCombinator createSMTTryForCombinator() { SMTTryForCombinatorImpl smtTryForCombinator = new SMTTryForCombinatorImpl(); return smtTryForCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTIfCombinator createSMTIfCombinator() { SMTIfCombinatorImpl smtIfCombinator = new SMTIfCombinatorImpl(); return smtIfCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTWhenCombinator createSMTWhenCombinator() { SMTWhenCombinatorImpl smtWhenCombinator = new SMTWhenCombinatorImpl(); return smtWhenCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTFailIfCombinator createSMTFailIfCombinator() { SMTFailIfCombinatorImpl smtFailIfCombinator = new SMTFailIfCombinatorImpl(); return smtFailIfCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTUsingParamCombinator createSMTUsingParamCombinator() { SMTUsingParamCombinatorImpl smtUsingParamCombinator = new SMTUsingParamCombinatorImpl(); return smtUsingParamCombinator; } /** * * * @generated */ public ReasoningProbe createReasoningProbe() { ReasoningProbeImpl reasoningProbe = new ReasoningProbeImpl(); return reasoningProbe; } /** * * * @generated */ public ReasoningTacticParameter createReasoningTacticParameter() { ReasoningTacticParameterImpl reasoningTacticParameter = new ReasoningTacticParameterImpl(); return reasoningTacticParameter; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTResult createSMTResult() { SMTResultImpl smtResult = new SMTResultImpl(); return smtResult; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTErrorResult createSMTErrorResult() { SMTErrorResultImpl smtErrorResult = new SMTErrorResultImpl(); return smtErrorResult; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTUnsupportedResult createSMTUnsupportedResult() { SMTUnsupportedResultImpl smtUnsupportedResult = new SMTUnsupportedResultImpl(); return smtUnsupportedResult; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTSatResult createSMTSatResult() { SMTSatResultImpl smtSatResult = new SMTSatResultImpl(); return smtSatResult; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTModelResult createSMTModelResult() { SMTModelResultImpl smtModelResult = new SMTModelResultImpl(); return smtModelResult; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTStatisticValue createSMTStatisticValue() { SMTStatisticValueImpl smtStatisticValue = new SMTStatisticValueImpl(); return smtStatisticValue; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTStatisticIntValue createSMTStatisticIntValue() { SMTStatisticIntValueImpl smtStatisticIntValue = new SMTStatisticIntValueImpl(); return smtStatisticIntValue; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTStatisticDoubleValue createSMTStatisticDoubleValue() { SMTStatisticDoubleValueImpl smtStatisticDoubleValue = new SMTStatisticDoubleValueImpl(); return smtStatisticDoubleValue; } /** * * * @generated */ public SMTStatisticsSection createSMTStatisticsSection() { SMTStatisticsSectionImpl smtStatisticsSection = new SMTStatisticsSectionImpl(); return smtStatisticsSection; } /** * * * @generated */ public SmtLanguagePackage getSmtLanguagePackage() { return (SmtLanguagePackage)getEPackage(); } /** * * * @deprecated * @generated */ @Deprecated public static SmtLanguagePackage getPackage() { return SmtLanguagePackage.eINSTANCE; } } //SmtLanguageFactoryImpl