package; public class CbcSolver { private static int CBC_SOLUTION_BOUNDED = 0; private static int CBC_SOLUTION_UNBOUNDED = 1; private static int CBC_UNSAT = 2; private static int CBC_ABANDONED = 3; private static int CBC_TIMEOUT = 4; private static int CBC_ERROR = 5; private static boolean nativesLoaded = false; private CbcSolver() { throw new IllegalStateException("This is a static utility class and should not be instantiated directly."); } public static CbcResult solve(double[] columnLowerBounds, double[] columnUpperBounds, int[] rowStarts, int[] columnIndices, double[] entries, double[] rowLowerBounds, double[] rowUpperBounds, double[] objective, boolean lpRelaxation, double timeoutSeconds, boolean silent) { loadNatives(); validate(columnLowerBounds, columnUpperBounds, rowStarts, columnIndices, entries, rowLowerBounds, rowUpperBounds, objective); double[] output = new double[1]; int result = solveIlpProblem(columnLowerBounds, columnUpperBounds, rowStarts, columnIndices, entries, rowLowerBounds, rowUpperBounds, objective, output, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds, silent); if (result == CBC_SOLUTION_BOUNDED) { return new CbcResult.SolutionBounded(output[0]); } else if (result == CBC_SOLUTION_UNBOUNDED) { return CbcResult.SOLUTION_UNBOUNDED; } else if (result == CBC_UNSAT) { return CbcResult.UNSAT; } else if (result == CBC_ABANDONED) { return CbcResult.ABANDONED; } else if (result == CBC_TIMEOUT) { return CbcResult.TIMEOUT; } else if (result == CBC_ERROR) { throw new CbcException("Solver signalled error, but no exception was thrown"); } else { throw new CbcException("Unknown return value: " + result); } } private static void loadNatives() { if (!nativesLoaded) { synchronized (CbcSolver.class) { System.loadLibrary("viatracbc"); nativesLoaded = true; } } } private static void validate(double[] columnLowerBounds, double[] columnUpperBounds, int[] rowStarts, int[] columnIndices, double[] entries, double[] rowLowerBounds, double[] rowUpperBounds, double[] objective) { int numColumns = columnLowerBounds.length; if (columnUpperBounds.length != numColumns) { throw new CbcException("Lengths of columnLowerBounds and columnUpperBounds must match"); } if (objective.length != numColumns) { throw new CbcException("Lengths of columnLowerBounds and objective must match"); } int numRows = rowLowerBounds.length; if (rowUpperBounds.length != numRows) { throw new CbcException("Lengths of rowLowerBounds and rowUpperBounds must match"); } } private static native int solveIlpProblem(double[] columnLowerBounds, double[] columnUpperBounds, int[] rowStarts, int[] columnIndices, double[] entries, double[] rowLowerBounds, double[] rowUpperBounds, double[] objective, double[] output, boolean lpRelaxation, double timeoutSeconds, boolean silent); }