/** */ package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.alloyLanguage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory; /** * * The Factory for the model. * It provides a create method for each non-abstract class of the model. * * @see hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.alloyLanguage.AlloyLanguagePackage * @generated */ public interface AlloyLanguageFactory extends EFactory { /** * The singleton instance of the factory. * * * @generated */ AlloyLanguageFactory eINSTANCE = hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.alloyLanguage.impl.AlloyLanguageFactoryImpl.init(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Document'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Document'. * @generated */ ALSDocument createALSDocument(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Relation Declaration'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Relation Declaration'. * @generated */ ALSRelationDeclaration createALSRelationDeclaration(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Type Declaration'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Type Declaration'. * @generated */ ALSTypeDeclaration createALSTypeDeclaration(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Enum Declaration'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Enum Declaration'. * @generated */ ALSEnumDeclaration createALSEnumDeclaration(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Enum Literal'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Enum Literal'. * @generated */ ALSEnumLiteral createALSEnumLiteral(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Signature Declaration'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Signature Declaration'. * @generated */ ALSSignatureDeclaration createALSSignatureDeclaration(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Signature Body'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Signature Body'. * @generated */ ALSSignatureBody createALSSignatureBody(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Field Declaration'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Field Declaration'. * @generated */ ALSFieldDeclaration createALSFieldDeclaration(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Definition'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Definition'. * @generated */ ALSDefinition createALSDefinition(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Function Definition'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Function Definition'. * @generated */ ALSFunctionDefinition createALSFunctionDefinition(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Relation Definition'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Relation Definition'. * @generated */ ALSRelationDefinition createALSRelationDefinition(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Fact Declaration'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Fact Declaration'. * @generated */ ALSFactDeclaration createALSFactDeclaration(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Term'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Term'. * @generated */ ALSTerm createALSTerm(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Variable Declaration'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Variable Declaration'. * @generated */ ALSVariableDeclaration createALSVariableDeclaration(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Run Command'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Run Command'. * @generated */ ALSRunCommand createALSRunCommand(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Type Scope'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Type Scope'. * @generated */ ALSTypeScope createALSTypeScope(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Sig Scope'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Sig Scope'. * @generated */ ALSSigScope createALSSigScope(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Int Scope'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Int Scope'. * @generated */ ALSIntScope createALSIntScope(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Quantified Ex'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Quantified Ex'. * @generated */ ALSQuantifiedEx createALSQuantifiedEx(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Or'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Or'. * @generated */ ALSOr createALSOr(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Iff'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Iff'. * @generated */ ALSIff createALSIff(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Impl'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Impl'. * @generated */ ALSImpl createALSImpl(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS And'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS And'. * @generated */ ALSAnd createALSAnd(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Equals'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Equals'. * @generated */ ALSEquals createALSEquals(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Not Equals'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Not Equals'. * @generated */ ALSNotEquals createALSNotEquals(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Subset'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Subset'. * @generated */ ALSSubset createALSSubset(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Less'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Less'. * @generated */ ALSLess createALSLess(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Leq'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Leq'. * @generated */ ALSLeq createALSLeq(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS More'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS More'. * @generated */ ALSMore createALSMore(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Meq'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Meq'. * @generated */ ALSMeq createALSMeq(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Override'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Override'. * @generated */ ALSOverride createALSOverride(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Range Restriction Right'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Range Restriction Right'. * @generated */ ALSRangeRestrictionRight createALSRangeRestrictionRight(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Range Restriction Left'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Range Restriction Left'. * @generated */ ALSRangeRestrictionLeft createALSRangeRestrictionLeft(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Join'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Join'. * @generated */ ALSJoin createALSJoin(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Minus'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Minus'. * @generated */ ALSMinus createALSMinus(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Plus'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Plus'. * @generated */ ALSPlus createALSPlus(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Intersection'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Intersection'. * @generated */ ALSIntersection createALSIntersection(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Direct Product'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Direct Product'. * @generated */ ALSDirectProduct createALSDirectProduct(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Not'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Not'. * @generated */ ALSNot createALSNot(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Inverse Relation'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Inverse Relation'. * @generated */ ALSInverseRelation createALSInverseRelation(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'Al STransitive Closure'. * * * @return a new object of class 'Al STransitive Closure'. * @generated */ AlSTransitiveClosure createAlSTransitiveClosure(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Reflective Transitive Closure'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Reflective Transitive Closure'. * @generated */ ALSReflectiveTransitiveClosure createALSReflectiveTransitiveClosure(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Cardinality'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Cardinality'. * @generated */ ALSCardinality createALSCardinality(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Unary Minus'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Unary Minus'. * @generated */ ALSUnaryMinus createALSUnaryMinus(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Sum'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Sum'. * @generated */ ALSSum createALSSum(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Function Call'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Function Call'. * @generated */ ALSFunctionCall createALSFunctionCall(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS None'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS None'. * @generated */ ALSNone createALSNone(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Iden'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Iden'. * @generated */ ALSIden createALSIden(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Univ'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Univ'. * @generated */ ALSUniv createALSUniv(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Int'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Int'. * @generated */ ALSInt createALSInt(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Reference'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Reference'. * @generated */ ALSReference createALSReference(); /** * Returns a new object of class 'ALS Number Literal'. * * * @return a new object of class 'ALS Number Literal'. * @generated */ ALSNumberLiteral createALSNumberLiteral(); /** * Returns the package supported by this factory. * * * @return the package supported by this factory. * @generated */ AlloyLanguagePackage getAlloyLanguagePackage(); } //AlloyLanguageFactory