package import import import import import import import import import import import import java.util.List import static extension* class RunCommandMapper { val extension AlloyLanguageFactory factory = AlloyLanguageFactory.eINSTANCE val Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_Support support = new Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_Support; val Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapper typeMapper; val Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeScopeMapping typeScopeMapping; new(Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapper typeMapper) { this.typeMapper = typeMapper this.typeScopeMapping = new Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_AsConstraint(typeMapper) } def transformRunCommand(Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper mapper, ALSDocument specification, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace, AlloySolverConfiguration config) { //val knownStringNumber = specification.eAllContents.filter(ALSStringLiteral).map[it.value].toSet.size // add fact to ensure the existence of all literals in the scope if(!config.typeScopes.knownStrings.empty) { specification.factDeclarations += createALSFactDeclaration => [ = "EnsureAllStrings" val List equals =[x|createALSEquals => [ it.leftOperand =createALSStringLiteral => [it.value = x] it.rightOperand =createALSStringLiteral => [it.value = x] ]].toList it.term = support.unfoldAnd(equals) ] } /* val upperLimits = new LinkedList val lowerLimits = new LinkedList /*val typesWithScopeConstraint = config.typeScopes.maxNewElementsByType.keySet + config.typeScopes.minNewElementsByType.keySet for(type : typesWithScopeConstraint) { val max = if(config.typeScopes.maxNewElementsByType.containsKey(type)) { config.typeScopes.maxNewElementsByType.get(type) } else { LogicSolverConfiguration::Unlimited } val min = if(config.typeScopes.minNewElementsByType.containsKey(type)) { config.typeScopes.minNewElementsByType.get(type) } else { 0 } val exactly = min === max if(max === 0) { val existing = type.transitiveClosureStar[it.subtypes].filter(TypeDefinition).map[elements].flatten.toSet specification.factDeclarations += createALSFactDeclaration => [ it.term = createALSEquals => [ it.leftOperand = support.unfoldPlus(typeMapper.transformTypeReference(type,mapper,trace).map[t|createALSReference => [it.referred = t]].toList) it.rightOperand = support.unfoldPlus([typeMapper.transformReference(it,trace)].toList ) ] ] } else if(max !== LogicSolverConfiguration::Unlimited) { upperLimits += createALSSigScope => [ it.type = typeMapper.transformTypeReference(type,mapper,trace).head it.number = max it.exactly =exactly ] } else { // do nothing } if(min != 0 && ! exactly) { lowerLimits += type->min } }*/ specification.runCommand = createALSRunCommand => [ it.typeScopes+= createALSSigScope => [ it.type= typeMapper.getUndefinedSupertype(trace) it.number = typeMapper.getUndefinedSupertypeScope(config.typeScopes.maxNewElements,trace) it.exactly = (config.typeScopes.maxNewElements == config.typeScopes.minNewElements) ] ] for(upperLimit : config.typeScopes.maxNewElementsByType.entrySet) { val type = upperLimit.key val limit = upperLimit.value + getExistingCount(type) if(limit != LogicSolverConfiguration::Unlimited) { this.typeScopeMapping.addUpperMultiplicity(specification,type,limit,mapper,trace) } } for(lowerLimit : config.typeScopes.minNewElementsByType.entrySet) { val type = lowerLimit.key val limit = lowerLimit.value + getExistingCount(type) if(limit != 0) { this.typeScopeMapping.addLowerMultiplicity(specification,type,limit,mapper,trace) } } setIntegerScope(specification,config,specification.runCommand) setStringScope(specification,config,specification.runCommand) } private def getExistingCount(Type type) { val existing = type.transitiveClosureStar[it.subtypes].filter(TypeDefinition).map[elements].flatten.toSet existing.size } protected def Boolean setStringScope(ALSDocument specification, AlloySolverConfiguration config, ALSRunCommand it) { if(config.typeScopes.maxNewStrings === LogicSolverConfiguration::Unlimited) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''A string scope have to be specified for Alloy!''') } else { if(config.typeScopes.maxNewStrings == 0) { it.typeScopes += createALSStringScope => [it.number = 0] } else { if(specification.eAllContents.filter(ALSString).empty) { it.typeScopes += createALSStringScope => [it.number = 0] } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''A string scope have to be specified for Alloy!''') } } } } protected def setIntegerScope(ALSDocument specification, AlloySolverConfiguration config, ALSRunCommand command) { //AlloySolverConfiguration config, ALSRunCommand it // If the scope is unlimited ... if(config.typeScopes.maxNewIntegers == LogicSolverConfiguration::Unlimited) { val integersUsed = specification.eAllContents.filter(ALSInt) if(integersUsed.empty) { // ... but the problem has no integers => scope can be empty command.typeScopes+= createALSIntScope => [ it.number = 0 ] } else { // If no integer scope is defined, and the problem has integers => error throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''An integer scope have to be specified for Alloy!''') } } else { // If the scope is limited, collect the integers in the problem and the scope,... //val maxIntScope = config.typeScopes.maxNewIntegers //val minIntScope = config.typeScopes.minNewIntegers val knownIntegers = config.typeScopes.knownIntegers val minKnownInteger = if(knownIntegers.empty) { Integer.MAX_VALUE } else { knownIntegers.min } val maxKnownInteger = if(knownIntegers.empty) { Integer.MIN_VALUE } else { knownIntegers.max } val integersInProblem = specification.eAllContents.filter(ALSNumberLiteral).map[it.value].toList val minIntegerInProblem = if(integersInProblem.empty) { Integer.MAX_VALUE } else { integersInProblem.min } val maxIntegerInProblem = if(integersInProblem.empty) { Integer.MIN_VALUE } else { integersInProblem.max } // And select the range of integers val min = #[minKnownInteger,minIntegerInProblem].min val max = #[maxKnownInteger,maxIntegerInProblem].max //val abs = Math.max(Math.abs(min),Math.abs(max)) command.typeScopes += createALSIntScope => [ it.number = toBits(min, max) ] } // if(config.typeScopes.knownIntegers.empty) { // return Integer.SIZE-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros((config.typeScopes.maxNewIntegers+1)/2) // } else { // var scope = Math.max( // Math.abs(config.typeScopes.knownIntegers.max), // Math.abs(config.typeScopes.knownIntegers.min)) // if(scope*2+1 < config.typeScopes.knownIntegers.size + config.typeScopes.maxNewIntegers) { // scope += ((config.typeScopes.knownIntegers.size + config.typeScopes.maxNewIntegers) - (scope*2))/2 // } // return Integer.SIZE-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(scope)+1 // } } private static def toBits(int min, int max) { // 4 Int = {-8, ..., 7} // x Int = {- (2^(x-1)) , ... , 2^(x-1)-1} var int bits = 1 // range = 2^(x-1) var int range = 1 while((!(-range <= min)) || (!(max <= range-1))) { bits++ range*=2 } return bits } // // def static void main(String[] args) { // println('''0,0->«toBits(0,0)»''') // println('''1,1->«toBits(1,1)»''') // println('''-1,-1->«toBits(-1,-1)»''') // println('''5,6->«toBits(5,6)»''') // println('''0,6->«toBits(0,6)»''') // println('''-10,0->«toBits(-10,0)»''') // println('''-8,7->«toBits(-8,7)»''') // println('''-100,100->«toBits(-100,100)»''') // println('''-300,300->«toBits(-300,300)»''') // } }