package import import import import import import import import import import import import import java.util.HashMap import java.util.LinkedHashSet import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.List import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryEngine import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.emf.EMFScope import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data import static extension* class Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapperTrace_Horizontal implements Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapperTrace { public var ALSSignatureDeclaration declaredSupertype public var ALSSignatureDeclaration definedSupertype public val Map definedElement2Declaration = new HashMap public val Map definition2definition = new HashMap public val Map declaration2definition = new HashMap public val Map undefined2definition = new HashMap public val Map new2declaration = new HashMap def getAllDefinedTypes() { return (definition2definition.values) + (declaration2definition.values) + (undefined2definition.values) } def getAllDeclaredTypes() { return new2declaration.values } public val Map> type2AllSignatures = new HashMap; } @Data class DynamicTypeConstraints { List> positiveCNF LinkedHashSet negative public new() { this.positiveCNF = new LinkedList this.negative = new LinkedHashSet } def public void addPositiveTypeOptions(List typeDisjunction) { this.positiveCNF.add(typeDisjunction) } def public void addNegativeTypes(Iterable negativeTypes) { this.negative.addAll(negativeTypes) } } /** * Dynamic types are represented by disjoint sets, and * static types are represented by the union of the dynamic type sets. * * Definition Declaration * | / \ * | W/DefinedSuper Wo/DefinedSuper * | | / \ * | | undefined2declaration new2declaration * definition2definition definition2declaration * +----------------------------------------------------+ +-------------+ * Defined Declared */ class Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapper_Horizontal implements Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapper{ private val Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_Support support = new Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_Support; private val extension AlloyLanguageFactory factory = AlloyLanguageFactory.eINSTANCE override transformTypes(LogicProblem problem, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper mapper, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { // 0. Creating the traces val typeTrace = new Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapperTrace_Horizontal trace.typeMapperTrace = typeTrace /** * Static type -> list of possible dynamic type map */ val typeToConcreteSubtypes = problem.typeToConcreteSubtypes(trace) // 1. Transforming the types // There are two kind of types: // A: one with defined supertypes (including itself), that only has defined elements // Those types can have instances only from the defined elements, ie they are subset of problem.elements // B: one without defined supertypes // Those types can have instances from two sources // B.1 from elements that dont have definitions // B.2 from newly created elements val allConcreteTypes = problem.types.filter[!it.isAbstract] val definitions = allConcreteTypes.filter(TypeDefinition).toList val declarationsWithDefinedSupertype = allConcreteTypes.filter(TypeDeclaration).filter[it.hasDefinedSupertype].toList val declarationsWithoutDefinedSupertype = allConcreteTypes.filter(TypeDeclaration).filter[!it.hasDefinedSupertype].toList // 2. If there are defined elements if(trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype != null) { // 3 mapping the elements problem.elements.transformDefinedSupertype(trace) // 4. if there are elements that are added to types, then it have to be mapped to defined parts if(problem.elements.exists[!it.definedInType.empty]) { definitions.forEach[it.transformDefinition2Definition(trace)] declarationsWithDefinedSupertype.forEach[it.transformDeclaration2Definition(trace)] } // 5. if there are elements that are not added to types, then it have to be mapped to declarations without definitions if(problem.elements.exists[it.definedInType.empty]) { declarationsWithoutDefinedSupertype.forEach[it.transformUndefined2Definition(trace)] } definedConcreteTypesAreFull(trace) definedConcreteTypesAreDisjoint(trace) problem.definedConcreteTypesAreSatisfyingDefinitions(typeToConcreteSubtypes,trace) } // Transforming the declared and defined concrete types problem.elements.transformDefinedSupertype(trace) if(trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype != null) { problem.elements.transformDefinedElements(trace) declarationsWithoutDefinedSupertype.forEach[it.transformNew2Declaration(trace)] } // 2: Caching the types by filling type2AllSignatures for(typeToConcreteSubtypesEntry : typeToConcreteSubtypes.entrySet) { val type = typeToConcreteSubtypesEntry.key val List signatures = new LinkedList } } def getTypeTrace(Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val res = trace.typeMapperTrace if(res instanceof Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper_TypeMapperTrace_Horizontal) { return res } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(''' Expected type mapping trace: «», but found «»''') } } private def boolean hasDefinedSupertype(Type type) { if(type instanceof TypeDefinition) { return true } else { if(type.supertypes.empty) return false else return type.supertypes.exists[it.hasDefinedSupertype] } } private def transformDefinedSupertype(List elements, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype = createALSSignatureDeclaration => [ = support.toID(#["util","defined","Object"]) ] trace.specification.signatureBodies += createALSSignatureBody => [ it.abstract = true it.declarations += trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype ] } private def transformDefinedElements(List elements, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace){ if(trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype != null) { // 2. Create elements as singleton signatures subtype of definedSupertype val elementBodies = createALSSignatureBody => [ it.multiplicity = ALSMultiplicity::ONE it.supertype = trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype ] trace.specification.signatureBodies += elementBodies for(element : elements) { val elementDeclaration = createALSSignatureDeclaration => [ = support.toIDMultiple(#["element"], ] elementBodies.declarations += elementDeclaration trace.typeTrace.definedElement2Declaration.put(element,elementDeclaration) } // 3. Specify that definedSupertype is equal to the union of specified /*trace.specification.factDeclarations += createALSFactDeclaration => [ = support.toID(#["util","typehierarchy","definitionOfElements"]) it.term = createALSEquals => [ it.leftOperand = createALSReference => [it.referred = trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype] it.rightOperand = support.unfoldPlus([element|createALSReference=>[ it.referred = element.lookup(trace.typeTrace.definedElement2Declaration) ]]) ] ]*/ } } ///// Type definitions protected def void transformDefinition2Definition(TypeDefinition type, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val sig = createALSSignatureDeclaration => [ = support.toIDMultiple(#["definition2definition"],] val body = createALSSignatureBody => [ it.declarations += sig it.superset += trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype ] trace.specification.signatureBodies += body trace.typeTrace.definition2definition.put(type,sig) } protected def void transformDeclaration2Definition(TypeDeclaration type, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val sig = createALSSignatureDeclaration => [ = support.toIDMultiple(#["declaration2definition"],] val body = createALSSignatureBody => [ it.declarations += sig it.superset += trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype ] trace.specification.signatureBodies += body trace.typeTrace.declaration2definition.put(type,sig) } protected def void transformUndefined2Definition(TypeDeclaration type, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val sig = createALSSignatureDeclaration => [ = support.toIDMultiple(#["undefined2definition"],] val body = createALSSignatureBody => [ it.declarations += sig it.supertype = trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype ] trace.specification.signatureBodies += body trace.typeTrace.undefined2definition.put(type,sig) } protected def void transformNew2Declaration(TypeDeclaration type, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val sig = createALSSignatureDeclaration => [ = support.toIDMultiple(#["declaredPartOfDeclaration"],] val body = createALSSignatureBody => [ it.declarations += sig it.supertype = trace.typeTrace.declaredSupertype ] trace.specification.signatureBodies += body trace.typeTrace.new2declaration.put(type,sig) } /** * The dynamic types cover each concrete types */ protected def definedConcreteTypesAreFull(Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { trace.specification.factDeclarations += createALSFactDeclaration => [ = support.toID(#["util","typehierarchy","elementFull"]) it.term = createALSEquals => [ it.leftOperand = createALSReference => [it.referred = trace.typeTrace.definedSupertype] it.rightOperand = support.unfoldPlus([type| createALSReference=>[referred = type] ].toList ) ] ] } /** * The dynamic types are disjoint */ protected def definedConcreteTypesAreDisjoint(Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val types = trace.getTypeTrace.allDefinedTypes.toList if (types.size >= 2) { trace.specification.factDeclarations += createALSFactDeclaration => [ = support.toID(#["util", "typehierarchy", "elementFull"]) it.term = types.disjointSets ] } } /** * The dynamic types are subtypes of the types where it is defined, but not subtypes where it is not */ protected def definedConcreteTypesAreSatisfyingDefinitions(LogicProblem problem, Map> typeToConcreteSubtypes, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { val constraintOnElements = problem.elements.typeConstraints(typeToConcreteSubtypes) for(constraintOnElement : constraintOnElements.entrySet) { val element = constraintOnElement.key val elementSignature = element.lookup(trace.typeTrace.definedElement2Declaration) val constraint = constraintOnElement.value var ALSTerm negativeConstraints; if(constraint.negative.isEmpty) { negativeConstraints = null } else { negativeConstraints = support.unfoldAnd([type| createALSNot=> [ elementInDefinedType(elementSignature, type, trace) ] ].toList) } var ALSTerm positiveTypeConstraints if(constraint.positiveCNF.isEmpty) { positiveTypeConstraints = null } else { positiveTypeConstraints = support.unfoldAnd([ typeConstraintFromDefinition | support.unfoldOr([type | elementInDefinedType(elementSignature,type,trace) ].toList,trace) ]) } var ALSTerm typeConstraint if(negativeConstraints != null && positiveTypeConstraints == null) { typeConstraint = negativeConstraints } else if (negativeConstraints == null && positiveTypeConstraints != null) { typeConstraint = positiveTypeConstraints } else if (negativeConstraints != null && positiveTypeConstraints != null) { val and = createALSAnd and.leftOperand = positiveTypeConstraints and.rightOperand = negativeConstraints typeConstraint = and } else { typeConstraint = null } if(typeConstraint != null) { val fact = createALSFactDeclaration => [ name = support.toIDMultiple(#["util","typehierarchy","definition"], ] fact.term = typeConstraint trace.specification.factDeclarations +=fact } // otherwise there is no type constraint on element } } private def elementInDefinedType( ALSSignatureDeclaration elementSignature, Type type, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { var ALSSignatureDeclaration signature if(type instanceof TypeDeclaration) { if(trace.typeTrace.declaration2definition.containsKey(type)) { signature = type.lookup(trace.typeTrace.declaration2definition) } else if(trace.typeTrace.undefined2definition.containsKey(type)) { signature = type.lookup(trace.typeTrace.undefined2definition) } else { return null } } else if(type instanceof TypeDefinition) { if(trace.typeTrace.definition2definition.containsKey(type)) { signature = type.lookup(trace.typeTrace.definition2definition) } else { return null } } else throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Unknownt type «»''') val finalSignature = signature return createALSSubset => [ leftOperand = createALSReference => [ referred = elementSignature ] rightOperand = createALSReference => [ referred = finalSignature ] ] } def private typeToConcreteSubtypes(LogicProblem problem, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { if(trace.incqueryEngine == null) { trace.incqueryEngine = ViatraQueryEngine.on(new EMFScope(problem)) } val matcher = SupertypeStarMatcher.on(trace.incqueryEngine) val Map> typeToConcreteSubtypes = new HashMap for(supertype : problem.types) { typeToConcreteSubtypes.put( supertype, matcher.getAllValuesOfsubtype(supertype) .filter[!it.isIsAbstract].toList) } return typeToConcreteSubtypes } /** * Gives type constraints in a form of CNF */ def private Map typeConstraints(List elements, Map> typeToConcreteSubtypes) { val Map constraints = new HashMap elements.forEach[constraints.put(it,new DynamicTypeConstraints)] for(type : typeToConcreteSubtypes.keySet.filter(TypeDefinition)) { val subtypes = type.lookup(typeToConcreteSubtypes) for(elementInType:type.elements) { elementInType.lookup(constraints).addPositiveTypeOptions(subtypes) } for(elementNotInType:elements.filter[!type.elements.contains(it)]) { elementNotInType.lookup(constraints).addNegativeTypes(subtypes) } } return constraints } private def ALSTerm disjointSets(List signatures) { if(signatures.size >= 2){ val top = createALSEquals => [ it.leftOperand = signatures.intersectionOfTypes it.rightOperand = createALSNone ] if(signatures.size > 2) { return createALSAnd => [ it.leftOperand = top it.rightOperand = signatures.subList(1,signatures.size).disjointSets ] } else{ return top } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException() } } private def ALSIntersection intersectionOfTypes(List signatures) { if(signatures.size == 2) { return createALSIntersection => [ leftOperand = createALSReference => [it.referred = signatures.get(0)] rightOperand = createALSReference => [it.referred = signatures.get(1)] ] } else if(signatures.size > 2) { return createALSIntersection => [ leftOperand = createALSReference => [it.referred = signatures.get(0)] rightOperand = signatures.subList(1,signatures.size).intersectionOfTypes ] } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException() } override transformTypeReference(ComplexTypeReference complexTypeReference, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapper mapper, Logic2AlloyLanguageMapperTrace trace) { //trace.typeTrace. } }