# VIATRA-Generator ## Contributors guide This guide gives a step-by-step instruction to setup a developement environment. * Install Eclipse, choose Eclipse Modeling Tools edition. * Set the character encoding to UTF8 (*Window > Preferences > Workspace > Text file encoding*). * Install the newest stable version of the following tools from the Neon Update Site: * Xtext Complete SDK * Xtend IDE * Install the latest version of the VIATRA plugins from the following update site: ```VIATRA - https://hudson.eclipse.org/viatra/job/viatra-master/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/releng/org.eclipse.viatra.update/target/repository/``` * Install those plugins: * VIATRA Query and Transformation SDK * VIATRA-DSE framework (Incubation) Developer Resources * Currently the DOT visualisation is added by a precompiled plugin. (Thanks to https://github.com/kris7t !) Install the following plugin: * Install *graphviz-java Feature* and *graphviz-java Feature (Sources)* from repository https://kris7t.github.io/graphviz-java-p2/repository/ * Clone the Git repository. * Currently the Alloy Analyser tool need to be added manually. Download alloy4.2_2015-02-22.jar from http://alloy.mit.edu/alloy/downloads/alloy4.2_2015-02-22.jar and place it to the ```hu.bme.mit.inf.dlsreasoner.alloy.reasoner/lib/``` folder.