import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats import glob import random import constants # # read csvfile returns outdegree, node activity, mpc # as matrix with the first row of values and second row of count # def readcsvfile(filename): contents = {} with open(filename) as f: data = list(f) f.close() for i, line in enumerate(data): arr = line.replace('\n', '').split(',') # if there is no element in the line, continue if len(line) < 0: continue # else check for contents # if it is MPC then use float if arr[0] == constants.MPC_VALUE: contents[constants.MPC_VALUE] = list(map(float, arr[1:])) # meta models are string elif(arr[0] == constants.METAMODEL): contents[constants.METAMODEL] = arr[1:] # Node types elif(arr[0] == constants.NODE_TYPE): types = data[i+1].replace('\n', '').split(',') numbers = data[i+2].replace('\n', '').split(',') contents[constants.Node_TYPE_KEY] = {t : n for t, n in zip(types, numbers)} # NA and OD are integers, and store other information as string else: try: contents[arr[0]] = list(map(int, arr[1:])) except: contents[arr[0]] = arr[1:] return contents def checkAndReshape(arr): if len(arr.shape) < 2: arr = np.reshape(arr, (arr.shape[0],1)) return arr def readTrajectory(filename): state_codes = [] with open(filename) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if(line == ''): continue state_codes.append(int(line)) return state_codes # # take a matrix as input # return the sample array # def getsample(dataMatrix): data = [] value = dataMatrix[0, :] count = dataMatrix[1, :] for i, v in enumerate(value): for x in range(0, int(count[i])): data.append(v) return data def reproduceSample(values, counts): arr = np.array([values, counts]) return getsample(arr) # # take an array of filenames as input # return the samples of outdegree, na, mpc # def getmetrics(filename): contents = readcsvfile(filename) outdegree_sample = reproduceSample(contents[constants.OUT_DEGREE_VALUE], contents[constants.OUT_DEGREE_COUNT]) na_sample = reproduceSample(contents[constants.NA_VALUE], contents[constants.NA_COUNT]) mpc_sample = reproduceSample(contents[constants.MPC_VALUE], contents[constants.MPC_COUNT]) return contents,outdegree_sample, na_sample, mpc_sample # # read number of files in the given path RANDOMLY # def readmultiplefiles(dirName, maxNumberOfFiles, shouldShuffle = True): list_of_files = glob.glob(dirName + '*.csv') # create the list of file if shouldShuffle: random.shuffle(list_of_files) #if the number of files is out of bound then just give the whole list file_names = list_of_files[:maxNumberOfFiles] # print(file_names) return file_names def plotlines(x, y, ax): l1, = ax.plot(x, y) def testgetsamplesfromfiles(): files = readmultiplefiles('../statistics/viatraOutput/', 2) for file in files: getmetrics(file) def probability(data): sum = np.sum(data) probabilityList = [] for d in data: p = d/sum probabilityList.append(p) a = np.array(probabilityList) return a def cumulativeProbability(p): cdf = np.cumsum(p) return cdf def plot(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig, ax2 = plt.subplots() fig, ax3 = plt.subplots() fig, ax4 = plt.subplots() fig, ax5 = plt.subplots() list_of_files = readmultiplefiles('../statistics/iatraOutput/') for file_name in list_of_files: contents = readcsvfile(file_name) outdegree = [contents[constants.OUT_DEGREE_VALUE], contents[constants.OUT_DEGREE_COUNT]] na = [contents[constants.NA_VALUE], contents[constants.NA_COUNT]] mpc = [contents[constants.MPC_VALUE], contents[constants.MPC_COUNT]] outV = outdegree[0, :] outC = outdegree[1, :] outP = probability(outC) outCumP = cumulativeProbability(outP) plotlines(outV, outP, ax) naV = na[0, :] naC = na[1, :] naP = probability(naC) naCumP = cumulativeProbability(naP) plotlines(naV, naP, ax1) mpcV = mpc[0, :] mpcC = mpc[1, :] mpcP = probability(mpcC) mpcCumP = cumulativeProbability(mpcP) plotlines(mpcV, mpcP, ax2) plotlines(outV, outCumP, ax3) plotlines(naV, naCumP, ax4) plotlines(mpcV, mpcCumP, ax5) ax.set_xlabel('ourdegree') ax.set_ylabel('pdf') ax.grid() ax1.set_xlabel('node activity') ax1.set_ylabel('pdf') ax1.grid() ax2.set_xlabel('multiplex participation coefficient') ax2.set_ylabel('pdf') ax2.grid() ax3.set_xlabel('ourdegree') ax3.set_ylabel('cdf') ax3.grid() ax4.set_xlabel('node activity') ax4.set_ylabel('cdf') ax4.grid() ax5.set_xlabel('multiplex participation coefficient') ax5.set_ylabel('cdf') ax5.grid() # plot()