import os, sys lib_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..', 'utils')) sys.path.append(lib_path) import glob import random from sklearn.manifold import MDS import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats import numpy as np from GraphType import GraphCollection import DistributionMetrics as metrics def main(): domain = 'yakindu' # read models alloy = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Alloy/'.format(domain), 100, 'All') human = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Human/'.format(domain), 304, 'Hum') base = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Base/'.format(domain), 100, 'GS') real = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Real/'.format(domain), 100, 'Real') random = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Random/'.format(domain), 100, 'Rand') na_rep = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Human/na_rep/'.format(domain), 1, 'Med') mpc_rep = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Human/mpc_rep/'.format(domain), 1, 'Med') od_rep = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Human/od_rep/'.format(domain), 1, 'Med') # a hack to make the node type as the same as an exiting model type_rep = GraphCollection('../input/{}/Human/od_rep/'.format(domain), 1, 'Med') if(domain == 'yakindu'): type_rep.nts = [{'Entry': 0.04257802080554814, 'Choice': 0.1267671379034409, 'State': 0.1596092291277674, 'Transition': 0.6138636969858629, 'Statechart': 0.010136036276340358, 'Region': 0.04467858095492131, 'Exit': 0.0018338223526273673, 'FinalState': 0.0005334755934915977}] elif (domain == 'ecore'): type_rep.nts = [{'EAttribute': 0.23539778449144008, 'EClass': 0.30996978851963747, 'EReference': 0.33081570996978854, 'EPackage': 0.012789526686807653, 'EAnnotation': 0.002517623363544813, 'EEnumLiteral': 0.07275931520644502, 'EEnum': 0.013645518630412891, 'EDataType': 0.004028197381671702, 'EParameter': 0.005941591137965764, 'EGenericType': 0.002014098690835851, 'EOperation': 0.009415911379657605, 'ETypeParameter': 0.0007049345417925478}] elif (domain == 'github'): type_rep.nts = [{'Project': 0.012636538873420432, 'Commit': 0.5525808524309276, 'User': 0.05847076461769116, 'Issue': 0.12743628185907047, 'PullRequest': 0.07560505461554937, 'IssueEvent': 0.17327050760334123}] types = sorted(type_rep.nts[0].keys()) model_collections = [human, alloy, random, base, real] # for model_collection in model_collections: # print( # length = len(model_collection.violations) # percentage = sum(map(lambda v: int(v==0), model_collection.violations)) / length # print(percentage) models_to_compare_na = [human, alloy, random, base, real, na_rep] models_to_compare_mpc = [human, alloy, random, base, real, mpc_rep] models_to_compare_od = [human, alloy, random, base, real, od_rep] models_to_compare_nt = [human, real] for modelCollection in models_to_compare_nt: type_dists = [] for nt in modelCollection.nts: type_dist = [] for key in types: type_dist.append(nt.get(key, 0.0)) type_dists.append(type_dist) modelCollection.nts = type_dists # define output folder outputFolder = '../output/{}/'.format(domain) #calculate metrics # metricStat(models_to_compare_na, 'Node_Activity', nodeActivity, 0, outputFolder, calculateKSMatrix) # metricStat(models_to_compare_od, 'Out_Degree', outDegree, 1, outputFolder, calculateKSMatrix) # metricStat(models_to_compare_mpc, 'MPC', mpc, 2, outputFolder, calculateKSMatrix) metricStat(models_to_compare_nt, 'Node_Types', nodeType, 3, outputFolder, calculateManualKSMatrix) def calculateKSMatrix(dists): dist = [] for i in range(len(dists)): dist = dist + dists[i] matrix = np.empty((len(dist),len(dist))) for i in range(len(dist)): matrix[i,i] = 0 for j in range(i+1, len(dist)): value, p= metrics.ks_distance(dist[i], dist[j]) matrix[i, j] = value matrix[j, i] = value return matrix def calculateManualKSMatrix(dists): dist = [] for i in range(len(dists)): dist = dist + dists[i] matrix = np.empty((len(dist),len(dist))) for i in range(len(dist)): matrix[i,i] = 0 for j in range(i+1, len(dist)): value = metrics.manhattan(dist[i], dist[j]) matrix[i, j] = value matrix[j, i] = value return matrix def calculateMDS(dissimilarities): embedding = MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity='precomputed') trans = embedding.fit_transform(X=dissimilarities) return trans def plot(graphTypes, coords, title='',index = 0, savePath = ''): color = ['#377eb8' , '#e41a1c', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00', '#ffff33'] markers = ['o', '+', 'x', '^', 'v', '*'] fill_styles = ['full', 'full', 'full', 'none', 'none', 'full'] plt.figure(index, figsize=(5, 2)) # plt.title(title) index = 0 for i in range(len(graphTypes)): x = (coords[index:index+graphTypes[i].size, 0].tolist()) y = (coords[index:index+graphTypes[i].size, 1].tolist()) index += graphTypes[i].size plt.plot(x, y, color=color[i], marker=markers[i], label = graphTypes[i].name, linestyle='', alpha=0.7, fillstyle = fill_styles[i]) plt.savefig(fname = savePath+'.jpg', dpi=500) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(fname = savePath+'_lengend.jpg', dpi=500) def mkdir_p(mypath): '''Creates a directory. equivalent to using mkdir -p on the command line''' from errno import EEXIST from os import makedirs,path try: makedirs(mypath) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == EEXIST and path.isdir(mypath): pass else: raise def metricStat(graphTypes, metricName, metric, graphIndex, outputFolder, matrix_calculator): metrics = [] for graph in graphTypes: metrics.append(metric(graph)) outputFolder = outputFolder + + '-' print('calculate' + metricName +' for ' + outputFolder) mkdir_p(outputFolder) matrix = matrix_calculator(metrics) np.savetxt(outputFolder + '/' + metricName + '.csv', matrix, delimiter=',') out_d_coords = calculateMDS(matrix) plot(graphTypes, out_d_coords, metricName, graphIndex,outputFolder + '/'+ metricName) def nodeActivity(graphType): return graphType.nas def outDegree(graphType): return graphType.out_ds def mpc(graphType): return graphType.mpcs def nodeType(graphType): return graphType.nts def tcc(graphType): return graphType.tccs if __name__ == '__main__': main()